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Top 5 driver annoyances

Thought Id start the ball rolling from that other post, so here you are Pete!!
1. When joining a dual carriage way, people driving slowly along and oblivious to the fact that you are trying to join the road!!
2. People not indicating on roundabouts
3. People trying to race you in their sh*te novas, metros etc.
4. People who insist on driving up your ass to make you go faster..

cant think of anymore


  Shiny red R32

Min Cooper drivers, because they mostly have a smug look on their faces!

Yeh forgot that Girl Racer...Mini Cooper drivers, why the hell did they part with decent money for a toy car..styling is sh*te...same as KAs bleeding hate em, like babies prams...especially when you have huge alloys on them and a stick on tail pipe.....and then they try to race you!!!!!!!!!!

No offence to any oldies...but all those coffin dodgers out there who cant even see over the stearing wheel really get on my nerves.

1. Rear foglights left on for days after a light mist
2. Middle lane cruisers
3. People who cant do roundabouts (dont indicate, indicate right on the way in, then go straight on, straight-line it when Im on their right!)
4. Mobile Phones (especially near roundabouts - Hands-free kits are cheap!)
5. Drag racers (usually retired, with top-of the range saloons. They crawl through the corners and then nail it down the only overtaking opportunity for miles. Not so much of a problem in the 172 but a bugger in the 1.4RT).

Oh, and 5a - ALL VOLVOS
  Corsa 1.3 CDTI

1. No use of indicators (These are primary controls, not secondary, they are not optional extras)

2. Oh when people merge onto a slow motorway from a slip road they cut across the Chevrons to get ahead of everyone cause they have jack sh1t patients.

3. Fluffy dice, Static strips and the Nodding Dog.

4. Spotty t***s in Nova trying to race you off the lights time after time cause they dont get the message you can cain them after the first run (They must think best of three a suppose)

5. People who make mistakes then call you a w4nker cause they have made a fool of themselves and need to make themselves look good (Oh Dear).

people that shoot across all three lanes as soon as they join the motorway (although have done this myself Im not proud of it )
driving at 30 in a 40. I know the speed limit is not a target but what about the flow of traffic!!
Tractors that wont pull over
Peco exhausts on Novas (nearly bought one too...oops!)
Braking on the motorway - if you need to do this you are too close!!
People that do silly speed on the motorway when its p*ssing down and you can hardly see!!!
Inappropriate use of Fog lights - ie leaving them on!!!!

AAARRRGGGHHH!!! Youve opened a real can of worms here!!!!!!!

(I think I need a lie down )
  Renault Laguna Coupe

Rover 400s / 45s seem to be competing with Volvo for the car you least want to find yourself behind title. Do these things actually go any faster than 40mph?

I see no-ones mentioned caravans yet..

When people just walk out onto zebra crossings, without looking and barely giving the driver a chance to stop. (usually an emergency stop in the end)

jsut cos its there they think as soon as step foot on it the traffic will stop


has anyone else noticed that when YOU are out driving in YOUR own car, YOU are the only person the road that can drive? Or is it just me?

... and why do all slow drivers wear hats?

Why would you want to wear a hat in a car anyway? I spose you might want to if you have a leaky sunroof on your 16V (sorry).
  7.6cc :D

Curb Crawlers!, not that kind

The kind that are looking for a certain shop or house number, crawling along, oblivious to people trying to overtake them!!!

Great thread, but some things should be pointed out - the quotes from the thread are in no specific order)

When joining a dual carriage way, people driving slowly along and oblivious to the fact that you are trying to join the road!!

They dont have to.. it is YOUR responsibility to adjust speed to the flow of traffic...

People not indicating on roundabouts

Agreed, but there is no need to indicate if going straight ahead and either lane is suitable unless otherwise marked.

people that shoot across all three lanes as soon as they join the motorway (although have done this myself Im not proud of it )

No reason why not to, providing - as above- you have matched the speed carefully to join the flow, then you procede to overtake if clear to do so. There is no fast or slow lane, just lane 1 and overtaking lanes, you can happily and legally overtake using lane 3 with traffic only in lane one.. or overtake as soon as joining - providing it is safe to do so...

When people just walk out onto zebra crossings, without looking and barely giving the driver a chance to stop. (usually an emergency stop in the end)
jsut cos its there they think as soon as step foot on it the traffic will stop

And yes, it should !!.. the pedestrian has absolute right of way here. it is the drivers responsibility to note a pedestian crossing approaching, to presume it as a hazard, and take necessary action.. it is the drivers responsibility to PRESUME that a pedestrian WILL decide to step out.. if you are unsure as to their intentions, slow down or stop...

has anyone else noticed that when YOU are out driving in YOUR own car, YOU are the only person the road that can drive? Or is it just me?

Absolutely correct and the best way to think...


Joe - the shooting across all three lanes is exactly that. Not across one and matching speed to go across again, but diagonally, straight to the 3rd lane. The legality of this is dubious.
It is not, however, legal to sit in the third lane if the rest of the traffic is flowing at the legal limit. I know that weve all done it but it doesnt make it right. If youre not over taking you should move the hell back over!
  Williams 2, STi N12

Agree with all the above but one major point that nobody has mentioned before is....

PRICE OF FUEL!! Just been to the states a while back and filled my hire car to the brim and it cost me about £13

Hi Capt:

People not indicating on roundabouts

Agreed, but there is no need to indicate if going straight ahead and either lane is suitable unless otherwise marked.

Either lane - agreed. Indicating - disagree:
<a target="_blank" href=" here

Whether its a legal requirement or not its always a good idea to let others know what you are about to do.

Hi Sir.

if the manouver is dangerous, then yes, if it is a case where the driver can clearly see room to overtake using all lanes, thats fine, but otherwise dangerous driving.

re sitting in lane 3 if the traffic is bumbling along at the legal limit, on a fine day, this would not be construed as appropriate unless you were overtaking something occasionally - ie, slow lorries or cars in lane 1 every half mile or so.. it is not often that you get traffic at 70 in lane 1 for long periods of time.

On a rainy day with excessive spray there is no problem as you are maintaining a safe position for your vehicle and vision. you are making appropriate use of the highway. You would never be prosecuted for that providing you explained why.. in all cases you should move over for faster traffic.. regardless of the speed limit or conditions.


Hi Petes, you are correct Sir in the context of it always being advisable to indicate if it would help or warn other road users

If going straight on at a roundabout, yes, a signal prior to the junction you leave from is appropriate and helpful.


I think the discussion topic has become warped - were not discussing the legality of driving, merely what we find annoying.
As for driving at excessive speeds in limited visibility ie rain - the police have every right to pull you as it may well be considered dangerous driving/driving with undue care and attention. I drive 80 miles everyday - a big chunk of which is motorway. I have lost count of the number of accidents and crashes I have seen, but 8/10 have been caused by cars in the third lane, hitting the barrier, hitting the car in front, aquaplaning and losing control etc. So youll excuse me if I get a little riled when it comes to discussing motorway driving and the things that annoy me!!

Good point - back to the ranting!!!

What about oncoming cars at night, who switch from dipped beam back to main JUST before they pass you, thus blinding you but giving you no time to retaliate. Must take hours of practice.

I love a good rant. So theraputic.


  Shiny red R32

Has to be LORRY DRIVERS who drive far too close to vehicles in front of them. It is no wonder that so many are involved in accidents, because in an emergency, how ever can they stop quickly with all that weight behind them?

When they are tailgating a lorry in front of them, to save on fuel, they cant possibly see any hazard which might be immediately ahead of the vehicle they are glued to.
  clio 20v

as a mobile maint engineer i spend about 1/2 the day driving and have just about managed to learn to ignore all the loons on the road, big hates are on mway people who think cos theyve indicated they can just pull out, middle lane hoggers, when two lanes filter into 1 people who would rather ram you than let you in (even when in brand new bmw and im in work van that aint mine)theres more but im in danger of makin myself angry

White Transit Vans
Dublin (well all Citys) Taxis
Lorry Drivers...........

and I really hate dipsh1ts in jeeps who run you off the road with their big naff bumpers

And I agree with the furry dice and baseball hat Max Dipsh1t power brigade
  Scirocco GT TSi DSG


My last car was a Rover 416S R reg, I could never be called slow, 0-60 in 10s and 118mph top speed, plus I never had a problem with it and because it was polished all the time it looked gorgeous. A very nice car that had in my opinion a fair bit of pace for the size and weight of it.

My pet hates:

1 - Indicators not used or left on for miles making overtaking more interesting
2 - People up my arse when I am doing the speed limit on a single lane road
3 - Mobile phone users and people who drive while drinking coffee.
4 - Old people who never took a test and dont understand roundabouts
6 - People who sit at lights on a roundabout and dont know when to go when the lights dont work.
7 - People overtaking on crap roads and pebble dashing the side of your car while doing it.
8 - Young drivers that take silly risks because they think because they are in a car they are imortal.
9 - Trucks over taking each other on dual carragways and then realise after a few miles they are both going the same speed.
10 - Rear Fog lights left on or used when there is no dense fog.

Thank you for your time, I feel this treatment is aiding with my violent outbursts, my evil half-self agrees as well.

1.The guy in the red astra estate who tailgated me today.
2.The guy in the red astra estate who tailgated me today.
3.The guy in the red astra estate who tailgated me today.
4.The guy in the red astra estate who tailgated me today.
5.The guy in the red astra estate who tailgated me today.
  Scirocco GT TSi DSG

Sorry I seem to have gone over 5 consider 6-10 numbers 5a, 5b, 5c, and 5d.

5e - people who cant park their car and dump it between two spaces.

2.Lane 2 day dreamers
3.people putting hazards on when parked in queue of parked cars (looks like theyre trying to pull out)
4.old gits (jesus at 55 get them off the road)
5.Anyone goin slower than me.


so much dislike and at times hatred,
Understandable on our very busy roads.

Capt has again made large amounts of good driving sense.

Before people call me an interfering goody goody here are mine, and hopefully down to most of the above comments,

1) when does anyone look in their mirrors to see what is behind. Either a do gooder in the fast lane "Im doing 70, the limit, and no one should be overtaking" Then will never move over even with 100s of yards to do so.

2) On the acceleration lane to a motorway/ dual carriageway you can guarantee people get to the point of entry still doing 40 (appreciate Captn for saying if U have to moderate speed), and so you should BUT usually there are two lanes approaching an Mway and they are always in the outside and can get infront of a slow moving motor/lorry without ever considering the persoon behind them.

3) People (at the risk of being ageist..Not forgetting Im one of the oldest posters) never even realise you are on the road. Always look at their eyes in their rear view mirrors.

4) idiots like TOOFAST4YOU who are convinced they are the best drivers in the world at 17!!!! My god a bragging (C U Next Tuesday) who thinks he knows everything yet has everything to learn.

5) Kerb hoggers who have to pull out infront of oncoming traffic for no reason if their approach was correct in the first place. Why do these people have to do it in an out, in an out slows down and guess what they will be the people two yards behind the bus that pulls in at a bus stop. CALLED LACK OF FORWARD VISION

sh*t that felt good


-Gatsos, cos I burn it bare times


-Slow drivers who have fast cars! Why buy it then?!! furthermore, those who do drive fast cars, and are too pu$$y to rise to the challenge! trust me, Ive tried it on cars like BMWs and MR2s who should rinse me, but are to pu$$y to take their cars to the limit!!!

-Saxo VTR drivers and Pug GTi drivers who hog up the fast lane cos they think they fast, but are only doing 5mph over the limit, and everyone is doing 10mph less than the limit!!!!

-VTR drivers kissing my ar$se, trying to provoke me to move over for them cos they think they driving an EVO or something!! shaaaaat it!!!!

-Cars with those sh!tty LED washer jets

-t***s with butt ugly standard cars blasting tunes so loud it distorts!!!!!

-Cyclists and motorcyclists

Well thats all I can think of for now!!

I am sure this is osn of slayer lol

ok, in true house detective style... lets look at the clues......

-Gatsos, cos I burn it bare times

Do be dooo man. sounds good, aint got a clue what yer mind is doing though lol


Yep !!!

-Slow drivers who have fast cars! Why buy it then?!! furthermore, those who do drive fast cars, and are too pu$$y to rise to the challenge! trust me, Ive tried it on cars like BMWs and MR2s who should rinse me, but are to pu$$y to take their cars to the limit!!!

Yep .... agreed. providing it is safe....

-Saxo VTR drivers and Pug GTi drivers who hog up the fast lane cos they think they fast, but are only doing 5mph over the limit, and everyone is doing 10mph less than the limit!!!!

Agreed dood..............

-VTR drivers kissing my ar$se, trying to provoke me to move over for them cos they think they driving an EVO or something!! shaaaaat it!!!!

Again.. possibly true

-Cars with those sh!tty LED washer jets

yep, dem is baaaaaaaaaaad !!!!!!

-t***s with butt ugly standard cars blasting tunes so loud it distorts!!!!!

Absolutely doooooodddd.. them is one set of fcuked up fans lol...

-Cyclists and motorcyclists

Yep, again, totally agreed,,,, they are the curse of the internal combusion engine,,,,,

Well thats all I can think of for now!!

That figures.........



you are a decent Guy,

the first post that seems to give the sites "NEMISIS" some credit.

Guess its right in saying "dont be judged unless you are willing to be judged".

Anyway there is a fun day awaiting

I dont know if you have spoken to Ben. Potentially a great day out.

At some point you mad !"£$***!!! e-mail me


  182 Arctic Blue

1a. Tailgaters on motorways
1b. tailgating lorries on motorways
2.Lane changing without indicating
2a.People who get in the wrong lane just to skip a few cars...and then block it as they try to change back
3.Not indicating on roundabouts
4.Speeding around schools/built up areas etc
5. White Vans one set of rules for them another for the rest of us! this may include cars trying to be vans e.g. astravan!!!!
6. people jumping red lights..

and while im at it what spanner thought up the new bus lane layout in feltham nr. heathrow lol

sorry i think this should have been 10 most...


  182 Arctic Blue

also dont forget the new vectra has AS STANDARD radar to ensure distance from the car in front never exceeds 1 foot this gadget means you do not even need to concentrate on the car in front whilst talking on the mobile!

Oh dear! I wont be loved here - my family had 4 Volvos and I cycle to work every day!

1) Mid lane cruisers
2) Tail-gaiters - I am always tempted to let them pass and then do it to them. But then Im being just as bad. I just slow down or swallow my pride and move aside.
3) People who "race" you and "win", even though you arent trying. ARE YOU READING THIS TOOFAST???
4) People who dont idicate
5) People who drive too aggressively given the situation - e.g. overtaking you in a 30 zone with no visibility/loads of kids playing on road
