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Tracker Idea

  Clio v6

Would it be possible to get a tracker that allows you to monitor the car yourself directly on your PC. You could sit at home and watch while the fitter starts the engine, drives it to Tescos and then to the pub for lunch.

Print of the whereabouts information and slap it on the reception desk when collecting your car.

Just love to see their faces

Maybe some sort of gps system that can be tracked by your home computer, or mobile! that would be a cool idea. Just having ideas now. you know those alarms that have pagers, well wouldnt it be cool if your car could text you when something is goin on! or you could talk on your mobile to the burglars in the car and tell em to naff off. A gps would be able to tell pretty acurately, so if you could get it to text your phone exact where abouts that would be amazing. Think its time to get the old maplins catalogue out again!!
