Little update.
Only picture I have is the polarised wheel bolts, which I finished fitting today

The car is incredibly dirty with the snow.
But I've been busy.
With the help on my uncle once again, and his pit, we have fitted the front HC's with DS2500's, the new rear mintex pads and discs, and a full fluid flush. Done the track rod ends and ball joints too.
Also got my rear koni's on, fitted with the help of Steve f over on clio trophy. No knocking! The rear definitely feels stiffer, but due to the bad weather I haven't tested them out yet.
Unfortunately another fault has been found, rear N/S caliper wont work on the handbrake, mechanism is broken. Managed to acquire another so that is being fitted tomorrow.
I also have a post cat lambda that doesn't work, I need a new one of them but its not affecting me as I can just reset the light and its good for a month.
I've also bought some detailing kit, so it'll be getting some special treatment soon, maybe as soon as during the week if the weather is as good as it's supposed to be!
Then its MOT time in March, lucky me!