Looks like it will be fun, but i have to ask, why didn't you just save the hassle and buy an ex-Cup car?
Also, i'm not sure about acid dipping myself. It stays there, which means it will slowly eat at your fresh paint job.
An ex cup car may have been a suitable purchase, but there's no fun in just buying cars
So by the time i'm done it won't really be like a cup racer.
As for the acid dip, there is loads of rumours around about the process, longevity etc, yet everyone i've spoken too who has actually had this done, is very pleased with the results and has had no problems, the only word of caution i was given, is down the possinilty of panel damage through mishandling during the process.
While it's called an acid dip, the process isn't that simple, Basic Chemistry tells you that alkaline neutralises acid in the right quantities, and part of the process is an alkaline dip after the acid, alond with several other processes
Anyway, it's all systems go from now on, the shell is off for dipping Thursday, the next 2 months it will spend it's time between the dippers, fabricators and spray painters.
So all being well by mid November it should be back in the garage, agreed a good price for what should be a quality spray job today.
Stone guard arches and floor (in white) and then the rest of the car in white. The stone guard should help prevent chips and scratches seeing as there will be no under seal on the car.
Fingers crossed everything goes to plan from now
Also spoke to Curtis and he's sending me an M3 top mount to use as a template for the chassis fabrication