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Uncharted 3

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Expected release date, fall 2011. Oh my.

Just rumours and conjecture, at the moment, but I can't wait for this and Grand Theft Auto 5.

First it was Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune – an action-adventure video game that, by combining platforming and third-person shooter elements, received rave reviews when it was released in 2007. Than the sequel, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, was released in 2009 and sold more than 3 million units. But, of course, Naughty Dog and Sony couldn’t stop there.

After these two successful games they strengthened the franchise with a motion comic prequel ( Uncharted: Eye of Indra ) and another 2 projects that are now in production. One of these projects is actually of a movie adaptation of Uncharted ( directed by David O. Russel and starring Mark Wahlberg ) and the second one is…surprise, surprise…Uncharted 3.


Ok, let’s focus a bit on Uncharted 3. Amy Hennig ( Naughty Dog’s Creative Director ) almost confirmed Uncharted 3 a while back “Uncharted 2 doesn’t conclude the story at all, the expectation with Uncharted is that it can be an ongoing franchise as long as people want more of it” ( after the game has shifted more than 3 million copies i understand her ). Neil Druckmann ( Uncharted 2′s Game Designer ) was the first person to refer directly to the sequel by saying “Uncharted 3 will look better than Uncharted 2″ and, to strengthen his words, North Nolan ( who played Nathan Drake ) said “we desperately want to do a third one.”

Now, according to Kotaku, it appears that the game not only exists, but Naughty Dog already set its new location. So, it seems that after Nathan Drake hunted treasures in tropical rain-forests like Borneo and Amazon, in Tibet or other exotic locations like Nepal and Istanbul, now he must travel to the hot, barren, unwelcoming desert ( most probably the African desert ).

It has been rumored that Sony is planning an Uncharted 3 reveal at the 2010 Video Game Awards but the publisher hasn’t made an official comment about it yet. As for the title of this Uncharted 3 game, we still don’t know anything ( on October 24th it was rumored that “Uncharted 3: World of Deceit” would be the title but it was shortly denied by Arne Meyer, the senior manager of marketing communications at Naughty Dog ).

What can we do next? Unfortunately, nothing except wait and hope that the VGAs will shed some light on Uncharted 3 and Nathan’s big next adventure ( you also might want to replay the first two games for ol’ times sake ).

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Can NOT wait for this! Fall though.... i was hoping maybe summer after KZ3 and Future soldier in Feb...
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Can NOT wait for this! Fall though.... i was hoping maybe summer after KZ3 and Future soldier in Feb...

Future Soldier looks superb. There simply hasn't been any real mention of Uncharted 3 which would lead you to believe it will not be out sooner than late 2011. Even the Batman sequel is late next year, and we've seen screen shots and trailers for that. Nothing at all on GTA V, either. No doubt a long, long way off :dapprove:
This is the series that has made me feel a bit less like I wasted money on my dust station 3. If it's anywhere near as good as the last two it'll be great.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
This is the series that has made me feel a bit less like I wasted money on my dust station 3. If it's anywhere near as good as the last two it'll be great.

I didn't play the first one, but so played through U:2 at least 3 times.
There is so many excellent games coming next year. 2011 really is a jewel for gamers.

Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, Little Big Planet 2, Killzone 3, Motorstorm 3, Infamous 2, Last Guardian and Gears of war 3.
  Octy VRS
I never finished UC2. Got near the end and traded it for something else. It was a wicked game though. I actually prefered the first one for some reason. I reckon 3 will be amazing. As well as GT5 there's also Oblivion, which I'm wet with excitement for. More than Fallout. LA Noire too soon!

Fallout NV seems to have taken a back seat at the moment for GT5, then there's BFBC2 Vietnam and map packs. I really don't have the time!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
There is so many excellent games coming next year. 2011 really is a jewel for gamers.

Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, Little Big Planet 2, Killzone 3, Motorstorm 3, Infamous 2, Last Guardian and Gears of war 3.

There's the Batman game and also GRAW : Future Soldier. Two more must buys. 2011 will be mental.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah i never played Uncharted 1, might have to get it for when i'm bored of GT5...

I've pre ordered GRAW:FS and KZ3... Both out on the same bloody day too!

Dirt3 is due out in 2011 too i think. Will be an amazing year for gaming.... Not such an amazing year for getting a real life though!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R

If Indiana Jones or Robert Langdon is your definition of treasure-hunting action-adventure, then either you watch too many movies or read too many books — or you haven’t met Nathan Drake, the hero at the center the blockbuster videogame franchise Uncharted, exclusive to the PlayStation 3 platform. Last year, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves garnered widespread critical acclaim, bagged bunches of major videogame industry awards, and sold over 3.8 million copies worldwide. Hollywood’s a fan: A feature film from Columbia Pictures — adapted by helmer David O. Russell (Three Kings), produced by former Marvel Studios honcho Avi Arad and rumored to be starring Mark Wahlberg, the headliner of Russell’s forthcoming Oscar-baiting drama flick The Fighter – should be shooting just as the next game in the series, entitled Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, hits stores late next year. EW recently visited the Santa Monica, California offices of Uncharted’s developer, Naughty Dog, for a sneak peek at the sequel, and we returned wishing “late next year” was right damn now.

Here’s what we can tell you: First off, obviously the title is not “Uncharted 3: World of Deceit,” as has been rumored here and there on the Internet. Still: Good guessing with the “deceit” thing. According to Naughty Dog’s creative director Ann Hennig, the theme of deception plays out in multiple ways throughout the threequel, from Drake doing the deceiving to Drake being deceived to some mysterious deception about Drake’s very identity. The story focuses on the hero’s relationship with his mentor and father figure, fan fave Victor “Sully” Sullivan, and has him searching for a legendary lost city that will ultimately take him to the Arabian Peninsula and the vast wasteland of the Rub’ al Khali Desert, also known as the Empty Quarter. (Said legendary lost city has been known by various names, including “Iram of the Pillars” and the “Atlantis of the Sands”; click the link for more backstory.)

Uncharted likes to keep one foot (or at least a toe) grounded in history (Nathan’s ancestor is the British pirate, explorer and Navy officer Sir Francis Drake) and the plot of Uncharted 3 draws more from Drake’s exploits as well as from the life of T.E. Lawrence – not from his militant days as the fabled “Lawrence of Arabia,” but rather the Brit’s early years as an archaeologist. The inspiration for the story, says Hennig, came from Naughty Dog’s desire to take on the challenge of conceiving and building out gameplay scenarios within a desert locale — “challenge,” because organic elements like water, fire and sand are technically difficult to credibly render with animation. Says Hennig: “When we first came up with the idea of sand, you see everyone’s eyes light up here and go, ‘Yeah, that’s going to be really hard — let’s do it!’” Adds Naughty Dog co-president Evan Wells: “We’re a bunch of nerds. We just look forsomething that will be a technical, artistic challenge, and allowed us to push into an area of the world and history we’ve never tapped into before.”

Uncharted 3 — which aspires to be an “interactive cinematic experience,” says Hennig, marked with character-driven storytelling — will also make more expansive use of motion-capture filmmaking techniques (think: the way James Cameron shot Avatar) that will enhance the quality of character performance. (In fact, Naughty Dog’s new Santa Monica digs includes its own mo-cap studio.) The execs at Naughty Dog walked us through one of the game’s levels, and while we can’t tell you anything about the locale (it actually wasn’t the desert), we can tell you that it was quintessential Uncharted, marked by dynamic camera work and gameplay that requires you to jump and climb through treacherous spaces that are in an almost constant state of change — or in this case, catastrophic collapse. Innovations? Several, including enhanced backward climbing and the ability to fight multiple baddies at once.

Finally, Wells stressed that much time and effort is being lavished upon expanding Uncharted’s online multiplayer and co-op capabilities, too; expect more details to come in the coming months. Doing so gives the consumer more value for their entertainment dollar — especially in a weak economy, and esepcially among videogame consumers more prone to buying just a few games a year. It also creates a market for additional downloadable content for purchase (Uncharted zombie maps, anyone?), and cultivates an avid community of what Wells calls “evangelists” that can help create buzz future products. “We want to take on the big boys of the multi-player genre,” says Wells, no doubt alluding to multiplayer giants Call of Duty and Halo. “It has become something here at Naughty Dog that will become an important part to all our games.”

Naughty Dog is remaining cagey about the release date for Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, but expect it to drop around the same time that the first Nathan Drake novel, Uncharted: The Fourth Labyrinth, hits next fall. (According to Wells, 2011 marks the beginning of Naughty Dog’s push to make Uncharted a “transmedia” entertainment brand, with high quality, mythology-managed storytelling extensions of the Uncharted universe created for various entertainment media, i.e. Star Wars.) That said, Uncharted 3′s release date could be announced in the first trailer for the game, scheduled to air during the Spike Videogame Awards on Dec. 11. But lest we leave you dangling like Uncharted so often does with its hero, here’s a teasy little glimpse of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception.
Uncharted 2 was probably the best game I've ever played. Super serial looking forward to the third installment. Worth owning a PS3 just for the first game, let alone the others!

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Seen somewhere that there might be a decent video for this tonight at the VGA's...

Not sure where i can get a look at that, if its streamed live or anything but i did find this teaser...

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Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
New trailer launched last night at the spike vga's..... s**t the bed!

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  Octy VRS

Won't load for me, here it is on YT. Looks immense!
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  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Good good. I can't access Youtube at work, but I've obviously seen it anyway. Does look like a nice taster, yes.
  Fabia VRS
This game/ series are fekking awesome!
the picture is just unreal

Love naughty dog, have high hopes for this

Although i know it will deffinatly deliver
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
This is the PS3's flagship franchise IMO.

I loved it when Uncharted was first annouced and everyone slated it saying it looked like a "Tomb Raider Rip Off". Then they turn out to be the best games ever made. Lol :cool:
