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*URGENT* Help Needed ( Don't Give Up My Day Job lol!)


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped
Right guys i desperately need some help asap.

I removed my windscreen wipers to check something and now i dont seem to have put them back on correctly - thought nothing of it they will go back on no probs!!

Turned them on and they crashed into each other! oops!! thicko thats me.

To top it off, it' just started p!$$ing it down and im 10 miles from home.

Here's a pic ive just took , how do i fix this??



ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped
kullycliosport said:
av u put em on backwards:quiet:

Do you know what... i don't know!

I don't think so, but i'm hoping someone can tell me what ive done wrong.


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped
kullycliosport said:
or big one on the wrong side ?..........

Well, i think you cant do that as theres only one screw hole for the single wiper ( left side) think the problems with the driver side one.
Leo182 said:
Well, i think you cant do that as theres only one screw hole for the single wiper ( left side) think the problems with the driver side one.

the on e of the left does look odd , av u pushed it far enuf down ?
defo looks backward


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped
Pushed it down yeah, but i don't want to force it risking it breaking.

I've looked at some pics of 182's and noticed the drivers side seems to be more or less flush at the bottom of the windscreen, where mine seems to be at a 20/30 degree angle.
  BMW M135i
Yep the drivers side isn't in the correct home position, its further down than that.


Might be hard to see but you get the idea.
  BMW M135i
Looks as if they both need to go down a bit, can't you just under the nuts and move them down and retighten ?


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped
bmh.01 said:
Looks as if they both need to go down a bit, can't you just under the nuts and move them down and retighten ?

Got fed up waiting and tryed what you just posted and yep you are correct, just done that and its sorted it out :)

Crikey how to make an easy job hard, think i'll take it in next time - then again on second thoughts reading about all the horror storys best not lol!!
  04 clio 1.2
Hey they are to far up your windscreen, you should start again take them of and turn your ignition on then turn your wipers on and watch to make sure your wiper motor is running, then turn them of making sure the stock is in the of position so the motor stops in the right place (if you had them running before and you just turned the car of and not at the stock, took them of and on again your motor may have been running, this could end up with your wipers hanging over your doors or hitting the bonnet) so just line them up lower down the windscreen you will know what looks tighten the bolts and thats you.
