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v6 255 stolen

had my v6 255 stolen yesterday morning, mailto:b@strards">b@strards broke in the house and nicked the keys!

Police have recovered today with the keys missing and some scratches / scrapes to the car.

If i go through the insurance to rectify, is the car listed as being stolen (cat D) when i come to sell it ???


Yeah they did.

Concerned that if i go through the insurance for the new keys/repairs that it will be listed as a CAT D, any ideas???


ClioSport Club Member

feel for you mate. When my car got broken into i hated the fact that some little skag head had been in my car!

I think if the damge is over a certain amount its classed as stolen recovered?

Broke into your house while u were in bed? What time of day? How did they break in? Complete scum! Im not sure Id want them to find my car if it got nicked unless it was burnt out, I dont think Id want it back!

make sure that u take keys up to bed with you, dont leave them near front door either(hook and cane ) is popular in my area...

only way cars can be nicked nowadays....hijacking or key theft...w**kers... has your car been checked over by scenes of crime officers for prints/dna?

Guess what...................EXACTLY the same thing happened to us............broke into the house took the keys and stole the car:mad:

Ive asked my dad and he says that he went through the houshold insurance and had the radio replaced and some scratches repaired:cool:

As it came under the brake-in the car insurance were not informed.

Hope this helps and glad you got it back without toooo much damage.

Cya Stuart

PS it happened again just a few weeks ago anf this time they walked off with guitars (2), i-pod, mini disc player etc:mad:
  Silver Fabia vRS

This happened to my sister on the day she was trading her car in. Same old trick hook through the letter box. The police recovered it and she was able to trade it in.

I never leave my keys downstairs now.

Yeah Geoff...............we just LOCK ourselves in now...........cause the living area, kitchen etc are upstairs.

Cya Stu

i dunno why anyone would leave the keys near a door or a window seems crazy to me but people do.

well its good you got it back tho


  911 GTS Cab

must admit, i always take my phone, wallet and keys to bed with me these days. Glad you got the car back mate.

Sounds crazy, but never even bothered locking the front door with the key from inside before I started hearing about this on here! Just presumed they wouldnt be able to get in that way without the keys, but all they need to do is hook something around the door handle thu the letter box and its open!

Now I lock it and take the key upstairs along with all the other keys. Lets face it tho, if they get in through breaking a window... they are going to be armed with a knife or gun.. so if they come into your room while ur sleeping... its best not to disturb them! Life is more important than the car! They can have the dam thing!

Went to a Porsche owners club meeting a few months back where a copper was giving a talk on car theft and preventing yours from being the next target.

Apparently this is the way its done these days, its far too difficult for thieves to actually steel the car without the keys that its not worth their effort they prefer to just steel the keys and take the car that way.

sorry to hear your bad news, I just had an alarm fitted to mine and you need to enter a code before starting the car, even if you have the keys, i would like to see the little b******s get mine



Quote: Originally posted by 172cup_nut on 11 November 2004
<FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #407db6">sorry to hear your bad news, I just had an alarm fitted to mine and you need to enter a code before starting the car, even if you have the keys, i would like to see the little b******s get mine

My old 172 had that fitted. As it was an import it had a Sigma alarm fitted. Much better than the one I have on my 182!! The feature which meant it needed a code entered into a keypad even if they had the keys was by far the best.

Sorry to hear about your V6. Hope it all gets sorted.

yeh there a good idea, mine is a uk car so has proper renault alarm, but i just had this to give me the key protection ?, as theres alot of car theft in the nottingham area

Sorry to hear about your V, similar thing happened to a mate - my understanding is that its not on Cat D unless its missing, insurance pays out and then it turns up later?

Although I dont put my keys near a door/window I dont take them to bed - would rather they didnt wake me up!

b******s!!!! I would kill someone if they took ours!!!

the only time the keys dont go upstairs to the bedside table is if I am on my own - then they can have the car rather than come looking for the keys in the bedroom!!! but never leave them so they can be seen

but why the hell should we all have to take these measures - the thieving scum bags should be locked up, then we could all sleep peacefully

oh, and Haitch - you dont get the choice as to whether to pay for the tracker on the Vee - it comes as a standard item!!

Someone up my road got there Subaru nicked with this method. The theives broke into the house while they were sleeping, nicked the keys from the telephone table - then went for a spin.
  2004 1.2 Dynamique

god mate thats well bad, very lucky to have got it back, how did they get into the house etc?

Little Newms

ClioSport Club Member
  182, D2 Td5 & 840CI

I always sleep with my keys on my bedside table..... but lets be honest, even if they did take my car keys the bloody thing wouldnt start!!! :p

sorry to be reding this fella..... hope all is sorted soon

Quote: Originally posted by badinvincible on 11 November 2004
If they took the keys I would be woken up by the car starting. :p

From an previous experience, they put the car in neutral, release the handbrake and push it further down the road before driving off in your pride and joy.

Nobody hears a thing :(

b******s :mad:

Quote: Originally posted by badinvincible on 11 November 2004

If they took the keys I would be woken up by the car starting. :p

Gutted for you mate, I hope you get it sorted.

and even if he heard them start the car, what could he do?
  Embarrassed to say

I think its only registered as cat d if its not recovered then you make a claim and then its recovered and registered cat d by the insurance company- i could be wrong but seems obvious.


  Shiny red R32

Quote: Originally posted by gunnergibson on 11 November 2004

make sure that u take keys up to bed with you, dont leave them near front door either(hook and cane ) is popular in my area...

only way cars can be nicked nowadays....hijacking or key theft...w**kers... has your car been checked over by scenes of crime officers for prints/dna?
I bought some sticky back plastic hooks and stuck them on the inside of the door of a dresser in the hall and we always hang our keys on them, out of view of anyone who might be a car thief!

Quote: Originally posted by *GR* on 11 November 2004

Quote: Originally posted by gunnergibson on 11 November 2004

make sure that u take keys up to bed with you, dont leave them near front door either(hook and cane ) is popular in my area...

only way cars can be nicked nowadays....hijacking or key theft...w**kers... has your car been checked over by scenes of crime officers for prints/dna?
I bought some sticky back plastic hooks and stuck them on the inside of the door of a dresser in the hall and we always hang our keys on them, out of view of anyone who might be a car thief!
whats your address again ??!!! :p

® Andy

ClioSport Club Member
  Illiad V6 255

Theres been this program on BBC 1 after 9:00AM this week called "Beat the Burglar". Absolutely f**king shocking to see ... people watch their houses being burgled by an ex-con "security consultant". Often takes him just seconds to get in. While hes burgling the house in the "general" sense, he always takes the car if theres anyway that he can ... finds the "hidden" keys easily, loads it up with stuff, and off he goes!

Ive been researching key safes recently, and this afternoon am popping to Staples on the way home to get a particular solid, combination cash box. This weekend, said box will be securely bolted to a structural wall in our kitchen and all the house keys and cars will be locked in there when not in our pockets etc.. Whilst the box will in a way identify the whereabouts of our keys, any burglar who wants to try and get it off a solid wall with it held by big bolts whilst my house alarm calls the police up is looking for trouble.
  172 GTR

My mate had this M Roadster stolen from his house in Nottingham last year. 4 Masked and armed men burst into his house one evening and requested the keys and log book. The insurance paid up after 8 weeks but he was about 5K down on like4like. He has never got over the ordeal and has had to move. For some strange reason he had to wait 12 months before he could put his private reg back on his new car? The car has never been seen since?!?!?

Quote: Originally posted by Danny P on 12 November 2004
My mate had this M Roadster stolen from his house in Nottingham last year. 4 Masked and armed men burst into his house one evening and requested the keys and log book. The insurance paid up after 8 weeks but he was about 5K down on like4like. He has never got over the ordeal and has had to move. For some strange reason he had to wait 12 months before he could put his private reg back on his new car? The car has never been seen since?!?!?

where abouts was this in Notts? Im from Notts and all this talk has me worried.

Sorry to hear about the V, I hope the damage wasnt to bad.
