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valver fuel lines bursting, oh sh*te

Anyone else ever managed to burst a fuel line? its the one that goes down form the fuel rail down the middle of the engine. one hell of a pressure in there it blew it all over the place scared the sh*t out of me!

The garage reckon its going to be a tw*t to fix, got to take the engine out or at least take it off the mounts, and they seem to think its been rubbing on the alternator pulley thats why it burst??


i had the same prob mate my fuel pipe was rubbing on the cam belt , but i bought some fuel pipe from a garage and they fit it for me in 30 mins , certainly dont need the engine out !
  Revels Mum & Sister

Mate if they are going to have to take the engine out or even off the mounts take it elsewhere as it isnt needed. Mate had the same thing and it defo wasnt needed as 12ich said!!

best i see what they say monday ( when they speak to renault for the parts) if its chronic ill get it towed back to my usual garage, its in swindon a the mo and im 30miles from there...
