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What have you ordered? *Detailing*

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
No need, if you look at the top of the tin, turn the opening, so when you pour it, it's at the top (that make sense?), it makes it a hell of a lot easier to pour.

We have the same tins at work, I never spill a drop doing it that way.

Hmmm.... i'll have to have a look when i get home now. Never realised it could be turned.
Hmmm.... i'll have to have a look when i get home now. Never realised it could be turned.


I mean turn the whole tin. So pick it up, so that when it is horizontal as you pour the fluid, the opening is away from the bottle?! You follow what I mean?

The opening will be closer to your face than the floor?!

See picture:


Make sense???


ClioSport Club Member

I mean turn the whole tin. So pick it up, so that when it is horizontal as you pour the fluid, the opening is away from the bottle?! You follow what I mean?

The opening will be closer to your face than the floor?!

See picture:

View attachment 71590

Make sense???

See I had the same impression as James, I assumed that there was like a slit in the top (like on UHT milk cartons if you get me) and you span that bit inside upside down.
See I had the same impression as James, I assumed that there was like a slit in the top (like on UHT milk cartons if you get me) and you span that bit inside upside down.

There might be. But if it's just a hole like it looks like it would be in that photo, then if you pour it the way I suggest, and you're not a complete ape, you won't spill a drop. As I say, we have thinners and lacquers in the same size and shape tins, and that's how I pour it :)
  Megane R26
FK1000P (for wheels)
Optimum MF Polishing Pads and Hyper Polish (MF pads you can use on Rotary)
1500, 2000, 2500 and 3000 Grit Megs Paper (wet sanding an ST500 rear quarter as part of a detail on Saturday)
CG Wooly Mammoth
Scholl S30+
Menz PO85RD, 106FA, 3.02 and FG
Wolfs Decon Gel 500ml
Zaino Z18 (Clay bar - never tried it)
BriteMAX BlackMAX and Polymer Sealant
Festool Denibber
Zymol Glasur
Black Nitrile Gloves
Clark Low Entry Trolley Jack
Clark Space Heater and a lot of Butane Gas!
Dooka Wash Pad and Wheel Mitt


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Really really interested in the wash pad Russ, really fancy ordering one up for the better weather. :)

Z18 is fantastic btw. I like it even more than BH but the price difference comes into it.
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
your orders are getting bigger and bigger Russ, hope the CR samples sell in time of the new orders lol.

Out of curiousity, whats the MF pads like by rotary
  Not a 320d
Autosmart Blast (Bubblegum, Cool)
3 Autosmart Sprayers

Going to order some rubber gloves from Clean Your Mum too. - Gally be prepaired.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
It will i'm sure, if I had a black car a pot of BOS would be on order. Shame the oils wash out quite quickly.

I see it as a show wax now especially for black.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
The best Silver colour i've ever seen in the flesh. Immense.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Would love to see it. The only colour i'd have a FF in. Just superb. Can't see many swirls, marks or scratches! No ballache!

Everyone that's wants there car detailed stays a 1000 miles away!
  FF 182
Very true! Silver is a great colour for not showing swirls and scratches etc! I love it! Just wanted the wet look after the cleaning stage which I should hopefully get now :)


ClioSport Club Member
So just how good is werkstat acrylic jet then gally?

Mines a silver 1.2, again looking for the wet look and while i love autobrite products i feel their obsession wax just isn't cutting it for the look i want.

current prep before using obsession is:

snow foam
full decontamination (tar remove, fallout remove, clay. rinse inbetween)
then obsession (topped up with project 32 weekly)

While this gives an amazing look i want something better.


ClioSport Club Member
So just how good is werkstat acrylic jet then gally?

Mines a silver 1.2, again looking for the wet look and while i love autobrite products i feel their obsession wax just isn't cutting it for the look i want.

current prep before using obsession is:

snow foam
full decontamination (tar remove, fallout remove, clay. rinse inbetween)
then obsession (topped up with project 32 weekly)

While this gives an amazing look i want something better.

Try these :) weather permitting I'll be giving them a bash on sunday morning.
  Fiesta ST-3
Wasn't really an order, I popped in to see the guys at clean your car in huddersfield and picked up:

AF Lather
AF Rejuvenate
AF Tough coat
Foam & MF applicators

Used them yesterday, the combination of:

PH neutral snow foam,
Black hole
3 layers of tough coat.

Immense! I wish I had taken the camera down but it was too cold!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Wet look on a Silver car is hard to achieve as everyone knows.

Something like Prima Amigo Glaze will help. AB's wax is very good though but maybe you're ready to move on?

The Werkstat system is immense. If I had a Silver car especially at this time of year i'd be using that.

Waxes like Glasur/Bos are fantastic. Depends how much you want to spend really.

I'm trying out a couple of miglior waxes soon as they are super super oily so help with the wet look. Will of course update this forum nearer the summer.

At least you have a sorted routine.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Wasn't really an order, I popped in to see the guys at clean your car in huddersfield and picked up:

AF Lather
AF Rejuvenate
AF Tough coat
Foam & MF applicators

Used them yesterday, the combination of:

PH neutral snow foam,
Black hole
3 layers of tough coat.

Immense! I wish I had taken the camera down but it was too cold!

Nice combo mate. Lots of fillers and a superb LSP.
  Fiesta ST-3
Nice combo mate. Lots of fillers and a superb LSP.

I've spent hours on end reading the threads, was down to a choice between prime + jett or rejuv + tough coat... CYC don't stock the workstatt stuff so it made my choice easy!

The fillers were needed, don't think my car has ever seen a machine polish tbh... really swirly! Come next detail time, I will be either looking at recruiting an avid detailer for the day or buying and learning how to use a machine. Still undecided on which I'll do yet!

I was meaning to ask, in terms of snow foam... is magifoam LSP safe from anyone's experience? I've heard mixed thoughts on this.
