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What influenced/helped you pick the colour of your car?

I can see the apeal of them but wouldn't pref one over the 182 these things are so easy to live with and more fun IMO :)
O ye eBay for the sticker if people wana buy them :)

Yeah, if you try and find another car with the same sort of power, handling as a 182 for the same sort of price you'll draw a blank. This simply is the hottest hatch for the least money, for the most fun, and depending on when you bought yours (got mine in jan2011) you stand to loose hardly any money when you sell it!
  Abarth 500 Esseesse
You'll be surprised what you learn trawling around the forum mate.

Don't worry if anyone shouts at you for asking questions lol
  Stripped yozza'd cup
There's two inferno's 'round here, a couple of arctic's and a black gold that I've seen recently.

Quite a lot of RS clio's around here driven by very sensible looking older folks. unusual.
I love black cars when the sun is setting, that summer evening sky makes any black car that's well looked after look fantastic,

On the other hand it shows up dirt, and dents a black car would have, any swirls etc so badly.

Id got for another black car because i like detailing so to speak, but id also go for blue or silver any day.
  Abarth 500 Esseesse
Yeah my previous car was black, so I'd have another one any day, or a white one because I like cleaning my ve-hicle. Good hangover cure IIRC


  172 track thingy
Do they do orange ones? :approve:

Colour list
- Black
- White
- Red
- Silver
- Yellow
- Bright Yellow
- Dark Blue
- Light Blue
- Subaru Blue - Bright Pink
- Subaru Pink [Cerise]
- Gold
- Dark Green
- Light Green
- Purple
- Orange
- Dark Grey
- Light Grey
Lol! Learning you are!

No, I'm not a Star Wars fan. I just think Yoda is cool!

Sweet, getting an orange one!

Had to read that a couple of times before i got that...should of put *speaks in yoda voice* lol but yeah now teach me how to lift the X-wing out of the lake please :)


  172 track thingy
Just noticed on that colour list it says "Subaru blue - bright pink".... what is up with these messed up colours lol
  S4 Avant
I must have bought my car with my eyes shut and my fingers in my ears. While humming loudly and spinning round at the same time.
  Ph 1 172
Because the 172 is built to be driven like a mad man so silver never gets really dirty not ultra shiney.. Driven not detailed was my moto then, which posses me off now as I would love a black phase 1 or flame red


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
I bought monaco because its subtle enough, but when the sun hits it...... BOOOOOM, lush

Plus the fact my ex had one and I loved it. lol
Don't like the blues. There were no Inferno and LY anywhere near me (not for a decent price anyway). That left me with black and silver. Was mainly shopping for black but then went to see a silver one and in the flesh, as it were, I actually really liked it. So I bought it.
  Inferno 182 & Saxo
Actually I'd forgotten something. Seeing a petrol blue with cup packs in the town I live made me want to get a 182. Couldnt find petrol blue one though obviously.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Colour Wasn't a deciding factor in either of my rs. 172cups are mainly blue and I got 1 of the best ones around 26k felt like new then I wanted a 182cup which only came in RB or inferno and I didn't mind either so I just got the best condition 1 which was inferno.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172,2001
Evertime i was looking around for a 172 all i was seeing were silver.....silver....or.....silver,when i saw my oddyssey i was hooked at the blue.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
They all came in the same colour on my car.

Pretty awesome colour though. :eek:
As said price and condition of the car comes first, providing you don't hate the colour. Unless you're buying new obviously then it's personal choice which you like best.
  Mini Cooper S
I like black as it looks so good when it's clean. Perhaps I'll go for a change with my next car! I quite fancy a gunmetal grey.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
No other option if you want a Trophy, lol! Capsicum red is awesome though :approve:


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
I bought the Mintest one I could find, also happened to be inferno :)

Also 99% sure it's just inferno not inferno orange.
  182 Ly ff.
I like the Monaco blue on 172's but Ly was my first choice as it's so rare! Never seen a Ly Clio round here but my neighbour has a Ly r26! Look like a right pair! Lol
