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What's your favourite car related YouTube channel?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Ratarossa is a f**king whopper, all he does it chat s**t with his wanky shades on, none of his cars ever get any work done.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Anyone else watched the latest Autoalex.

Is it me or is the guy from Rich fabrication filthy looks like he’s not washed in a month.


ClioSport Club Member
Anyone else watched the latest Autoalex.

Is it me or is the guy from Rich fabrication filthy looks like he’s not washed in a month.

Works with metal, makes sense.

Gave me heart palpitations with the quick shot of him deburring pipe with a flap wheel on a grinder.
Looked to be mm away from his top and a cloth in hand



ClioSport Club Member
- thumbnail with confused face
- thumbnail yellow text
- sponsorship by Nord VPN
- intro "what's going on, YouTube..."

Recipe for greatness
It's always car vertical on car channels now, it does work as it's one of the first companies that comes to my mind when I think of checking a car, but I have vowed to never ever use them as their sponsorship is too intrusive.

That and I prefer to support vcheck.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
It's always car vertical on car channels now, it does work as it's one of the first companies that comes to my mind when I think of checking a car, but I have vowed to never ever use them as their sponsorship is too intrusive.

That and I prefer to support vcheck.
Especially as CarVertical literally stole Vcheck’s idea.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
I've ended watching the MA M5 Comp build. How he calls himself 'not a mechanic' I don't know... I mean yes in terms of being trained, but he certainly gives it a f**king go and always gets there in the end! He still has a very smiley, punchable face though, he could work for CBeebies.

My son wants to be him when he's older though 🤪

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
I've ended watching the MA M5 Comp build. How he calls himself 'not a mechanic' I don't know... I mean yes in terms of being trained, but he certainly gives it a f**king go and always gets there in the end! He still has a very smiley, punchable face though, he could work for CBeebies.

My son wants to be him when he's older though 🤪
I could be wrong but I get the feeling his dad is the mechanic and Mat follows along.

I like Mat’s stuff, not sure on the current trend of having a main channel and a secondary channel. What’s that all about.


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
I genuinely really enjoy Mat’s videos. I’m definitely not his demographic and question some of his modification choices. But ultimately it’s enjoyable none the same. He comes across as a genuine happy, positive person and you can see this has come from his Dad. I love how he has bought him along for the journey and he has the same infectious happiness. I hate interesting is that I found out the other week that my Son is subscribed to his channel also and it’s helped grow his enthusiasm to get involved with my car.
  Clio Williams 3
+1 Matt Armstrong fan!! I really like him! I think he makes fun entertaining content and he has a great attitude! Granted some of his mods are not to my taste at all but he is really positive and always manages to turn it around when it goes wrong. Just good fun to watch IMO


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182 Cup
I could be wrong but I get the feeling his dad is the mechanic and Mat follows along.

I like Mat’s stuff, not sure on the current trend of having a main channel and a secondary channel. What’s that all about.

His Dad has only recently joined the channel. Well probably been over a year now, I think he became a full time addition when he bought the Lambo that needed the engine rebuilding.

It's funny as if you look back in this thread, most people on here seemed to say they hated his videos not too long back. I guess his content has changed over the last year or so. Less wide body kits and wraps and more proper builds and interesting cars.

Found out my Dad watches his channel too, He's 62. Hopefully he's not planning on wide body kitting or wrapping his Aston Martin.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6


ClioSport Club Member
I could be wrong but I get the feeling his dad is the mechanic and Mat follows along.

I like Mat’s stuff, not sure on the current trend of having a main channel and a secondary channel. What’s that all about.

I've noticed that quite a few of them have a second channel now. Mighty Car Mods, Sammit, Shmee all do. There must be some benefit behind it for them to split the content across two channels rather than having it all on one.


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
It’s so they can separate the content and gives them the ability to branch out, whilst staying to their original channel brief. Obviously the second channel then generates revenue as the likelihood is the same subscribers, sub to the second channel.

Beauvais Motorsport

ClioSport Club Member
Anyone else can’t bear when people use cuts every half a second between words? It so uncomfortable, I can barely watch more than a couple minutes max before getting fed up/irritated . Just talk normally!!

Mr Squashie

CSF Harvester
ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I've noticed that quite a few of them have a second channel now. Mighty Car Mods, Sammit, Shmee all do. There must be some benefit behind it for them to split the content across two channels rather than having it all on one.
It's because of how the YouTube algorithm works. Let's say you've got a car channel where you put out proper edited videos and 100% of your subscribers watch every video, YouTube loves the engagement and viewer retention, and loves that your channel continues to be popular, so it pushes your video into the feed of people who aren't subscribed. Now let's say you start uploading some behind the scenes content, but only 50% of your subscribers watch it. Suddenly YouTube sees that your figures have dropped, so obviously your channel isn't doing as well, so it doesn't push it as much as before.

It's an incredibly simplistic way of describing it, but in order for your channel to remain in YouTube's "good books" the figures need to be consistent. Hence why shipping the behind the scenes content to a separate channel works better because the people who want to see it will subscribe and watch, meaning the viewing figures for both channels remain consistent and positive.


ClioSport Club Member
It's because of how the YouTube algorithm works. Let's say you've got a car channel where you put out proper edited videos and 100% of your subscribers watch every video, YouTube loves the engagement and viewer retention, and loves that your channel continues to be popular, so it pushes your video into the feed of people who aren't subscribed. Now let's say you start uploading some behind the scenes content, but only 50% of your subscribers watch it. Suddenly YouTube sees that your figures have dropped, so obviously your channel isn't doing as well, so it doesn't push it as much as before.

It's an incredibly simplistic way of describing it, but in order for your channel to remain in YouTube's "good books" the figures need to be consistent. Hence why shipping the behind the scenes content to a separate channel works better because the people who want to see it will subscribe and watch, meaning the viewing figures for both channels remain consistent and positive.

Interesting to know - thanks!


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
His house reminds me of that bin man chav lottery winner from way back.
Race track in a field and smashed cars everywhere.


ClioSport Club Member
  Jim's rejects
I could be wrong but I get the feeling his dad is the mechanic and Mat follows along.
Yeah. I'm kinda envious in a way, I'd love to work with my old man on the motors full time.
Learnt loads from him. I like Matt's content for that element.


ClioSport Club Member
I must admit I watch both Misha and Alex but that one had me cringing within a few mins, little bit OTT.
