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What's your favourite car related YouTube channel?


ClioSport Club Member
I'm half way through, but looks like it's dropped either a rod or piston. I'm thinking he's just had it "tuned" in the UK, probably on 98RON, then filled it with pissy 87RON over there and spanked it on a drag strip.

Melty melty
US don't use RON do they? I thought around 93 US octane was about equivalent to 99. No idea how easy it is to get fuel that decent there though.


ClioSport Club Member
Finally, a half decent episode that isn't about the f*cking Nurburgring and that dangerous prick Misha.

Recently gotten into the podcast and it's a good laugh, at least so far. Practically bickering for 30mins then getting into the subject of the episode eventually (not a bad thing).
Shame Rory is involved as per.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Recently gotten into the podcast and it's a good laugh, at least so far. Practically bickering for 30mins then getting into the subject of the episode eventually (not a bad thing).
Shame Rory is involved as per.

I don't mind Rory TBF, much rather have him on than Misha, or that whopper Tom Lenthal.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
has anyone watch this week late brake show, its got Greg James. never thought of him in to cars let alone renault as well

Enjoyed this - I don’t listen to R1 but he’s a really down to earth bloke.


Car is absolutely sensational. I have no interest in the latest supercars, but this is just glorious.

I live a few miles from GMA and saw one on the road recently, had to double take.

Mr Squashie

CSF Harvester
ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Enjoyed this - I don’t listen to R1 but he’s a really down to earth bloke.


Car is absolutely sensational. I have no interest in the latest supercars, but this is just glorious.

I live a few miles from GMA and saw one on the road recently, had to double take.

Watched that T-50 video last night. One of the best sounding cars ever made and the bald t**t couldn't keep his mouth shut for more than 10 seconds. What a waste of time that video was.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
I turn off any video once I see that he's in it, he's up there with the most annoying YouTubers.

It’s the way he laughs. It’s almost like laughing backwards.

Unfortunately, for now it only looks like it’s only the him that will have access to drive the prototypes, so will likely have to wait for customer car deliveries before Harris/Catchpole get to put a film out.


ClioSport Club Member
Came across this guy today, seems more homegrown/driveway based and only watched the one below vid so far and quite enjoyed it. Anyone else come across?

Watched a few vids of him try to fix that Merc a while ago, seemed he gave up and never gave any update on it which is a bit of a shame.
Decent bloke, but seems like he’s in it for the views of getting something new for a few videos and doesn’t see it through though.

Not a Diesel!!!

ClioSport Club Member
  LY Meg Cup-S + MX5
See the latest Late Brake with another Mk2 Escort... with 350bhp from 2.7litre 4 cylinder.

Love it.

He does have a habit of getting these cars when its pouring rain ( He mentions it)


ClioSport Club Member
  Jim's rejects
Not sure if HubNut has been mentioned before. I've been subscribed a while.
Ian is a really good motoring journalist in my opinion. Not just about cars I guess. He's drive a few buses as well.

It's about odd, unusual and boring motors.
But he does have an invacar in his fleet, which is mega



ClioSport Club Member
Not sure if HubNut has been mentioned before. I've been subscribed a while.
Ian is a really good motoring journalist in my opinion. Not just about cars I guess. He's drive a few buses as well.

It's about odd, unusual and boring motors.
But he does have an invacar in his fleet, which is mega

I used to subscribe but it got very repetitive and he seemed to stop doing work on stuff, plus needlessly shoehorning his other half into the videos when she knows nothing and adds nothing irritates me. Nothing against her, she seems perfectly nice but for some reason just doesn’t work in the vids.

It’s been a while though so I might revisit it. The original invacar stuff is absolute gold, absolutely worth a watch for anyone who’s not seen it. Proper “bloke fixes stuff and learns as he goes” stuff with no stupid fake drama.


ClioSport Club Member
I don't mind some hubnut stuff, but I watched a couple of his "reviews" and they grated a bit, as it felt like he was letting his own personal opinions get in the way. He seemed to really bum the old Rover/British Leyland stuff, but not like some others. There's much worse content out there though!


ClioSport Club Member
  LY 200 EDC
Not seen any vids of Cleetus for months and months but a reel came up the other day of his Supra with him taking someone out doing the anti lag. I do like him but what I find I'm doing is find someone new, binge watch to the point of saturation, then shy away or not like them from the off and switch off.

I have to say there aren't many 'Tubers' I gel to, personally (especially car reviewing) I'd rather watch Chris Harris than a young jump up 'dude' wanting the likes.



Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Not seen any vids of Cleetus for months and months but a reel came up the other day of his Supra with him taking someone out doing the anti lag. I do like him but what I find I'm doing is find someone new, binge watch to the point of saturation, then shy away or not like them from the off and switch off.

I have to say there aren't many 'Tubers' I gel to, personally (especially car reviewing) I'd rather watch Chris Harris than a young jump up 'dude' wanting the likes.


It's scarily quick that car 😂

I don't think there's anything he can't drive/ride/fly either, he's got licences for allsorts as well as the recent Blackhawk helicopter.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
That pretty much sums up all of automotive youtube recently, it's a super stale cycle of: 'Buy car, spend tons of money on it, tune it, park it.'

The format is so played out and it's rare to see something interesting posted that is relatable.

Along with the clickbait titles and photos of them on the thumbnail with their head in their hands. We know full well you pose specifically for that photo and it makes us cringe for you.


ClioSport Club Member
That pretty much sums up all of automotive youtube recently, it's a super stale cycle of: 'Buy car, spend tons of money on it, tune it, park it.'

The format is so played out and it's rare to see something interesting posted that is relatable.

Jimmy Oakes is ok if you like Japanese cars. His workshop videos are pretty good compared to a lot of others.


ClioSport Club Member
  LY 200 EDC
It's scarily quick that car 😂

I don't think there's anything he can't drive/ride/fly either, he's got licences for allsorts as well as the recent Blackhawk helicopter.
Indeed, I watched a few last night but again that was enough for me. I guess the nice thing is I can revisit his channel as and when I'm ready for a mini binge watch 😁

It's good that he has a few projects in various stages so at least you're seeing different things


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Never seen this guy before, but he just popped up on my feed. He has impeccable taste 👌

Maybe a bit too much airbag suspension for most on here, but the actual cars are great...

