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Wheres good for non sport models?

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  Clio extreme 4
This forum seems to not cater for the owners of regular models and leans heavily, if not somewhat exclusively for 172/182/192/rs200 owners.

Can any recommend a good forum for owners of the regular models?


ClioSport Club Member
  Monaco172, Green1.2
I have a Haynes manual, that's pretty useful

Not told me to stick it in the bin or plug it into CLIP yet


ClioSport Club Member
Apart from the engine, gearbox, interior and a few body panels a renaultsport clio is just like any other clio. Just fit all those parts to your non sport and you're golden 👍.


ClioSport Club Member
I’m sure there’s mk2 Clio Facebook groups out there. Although I’m not sure what it is you’re lacking here though, Martin_172 for example seems to be a fountain of knowledge on non-sports and posts here regularly. Plus if you search the forum for your question, there used to be tons of people with non-sports, presumably back when 172/182s were still a lot more expensive, so I’m sure it’ll have been asked before.
As above, you can also get a Haynes manual for a non-sport, they didn’t make one for the sports.

Also, the only thread you posted before this asking about vibrations, you got people replying and trying to help, I’m not sure what else you could ask for.


ClioSport Club Member
It’s a car forum mate, we’re not your free internet mechanics. Everyone tries to help each other out, clearly that’s not being appreciated in your case. I’d suggest a mongy Facebook group would be the best place for you instead.


ClioSport Club Member
Well just regular d4f engines would be good, and I came here expecting sport owners to know more about the mechanics of it all, being car people, than regular peeps who seem to not know anything.
Ask some questions then mate.

There are members on here with 1.2's who can and will help. But they aren't worth a great deal of money so the return question will always be why are you bothering?


ClioSport Club Member
Mines a diesel. dCi 100 replica



ClioSport Club Member
TBF, you have asked a question, yesterday:

Within a day two very knowledgeable members have been on suggesting things to look at to try and help you.

Regular peeps who seem to now nothing is a bit strong and isn't exactly going to get you anymore help is it?
  Clio extreme 4
Ask some questions then mate.

There are members on here with 1.2's who can and will help. But they aren't worth a great deal of money so the return question will always be why are you bothering?
Aha, so theres the crux. People with money prefer to be dicks and just crap on people who dont have what they do. I thought the idea of forums, and the internet in general was that people collectivise knowledge so people can save money by not needing a mechanic. Thought id come to a place that might have a knowledge base and be willing to share, and some on here genuinely do assist where they can, rather than take the piss coz they happen to have bought a particular car. Whats the point in asking questions if the response is "youre poor and we dont wana deal with you, go ask people who dont know anything and leave us butt chums to just gloat and only help each other"
  Clio extreme 4
TBF, you have asked a question, yesterday:

Within a day two very knowledgeable members have been on suggesting things to look at to try and help you.

Regular peeps who seem to now nothing is a bit strong and isn't exactly going to get you anymore help is it?
I thanked them and followed their advice


ClioSport Club Member
Aha, so theres the crux. People with money prefer to be dicks and just crap on people who dont have what they do. I thought the idea of forums, and the internet in general was that people collectivise knowledge so people can save money by not needing a mechanic. Thought id come to a place that might have a knowledge base and be willing to share, and some on here genuinely do assist where they can, rather than take the piss coz they happen to have bought a particular car. Whats the point in asking questions if the response is "youre poor and we dont wana deal with you, go ask people who dont know anything and leave us butt chums to just gloat and only help each other"
No mate, the idea of the internet as a whole is to make fun of Danniella Westbrook.

Why are you getting so f**king offended? You asked a question, people helped.... the forum is called CLIO SPORT not CLIO BASE so why are you so surprised there's less 1.2 content?
  Clio extreme 4
Ive tried aearching for threads that might help, when i dont find one, i start my own.
No mate, the idea of the internet as a whole is to make fun of Danniella Westbrook.

Why are you getting so f**king offended? You asked a question, people helped.... the forum is called CLIO SPORT not CLIO BASE so why are you so surprised there's less 1.2 content?
Coz if i went into a shop called "dildos for pegging" id assume they know about dildos and wouldnt laugh at someone who went in for lube.


ClioSport Club Member
Aha, so theres the crux. People with money prefer to be dicks and just crap on people who dont have what they do. I thought the idea of forums, and the internet in general was that people collectivise knowledge so people can save money by not needing a mechanic. Thought id come to a place that might have a knowledge base and be willing to share, and some on here genuinely do assist where they can, rather than take the piss coz they happen to have bought a particular car. Whats the point in asking questions if the response is "youre poor and we dont wana deal with you, go ask people who dont know anything and leave us butt chums to just gloat and only help each other"
Lad you need to chill out a bit, this was never about people with money rubbing it in your face? I'm poor as f**k and I love coming on here.

The issue is you've come to a forum for Renault SPORT Clios, not the base level ones. You asked a question, got a reply from people who've tried to suggest some helpful ideas, and somehow that's not enough? What more do you expect?

Of course people are going to take the piss out of you if you get all worked up that people who are knowledgeable about ClioSports don't happen to have the answer about a car they've never owned.


ClioSport Club Member
And btw - my point wasn't to call you poor, my point was that most car forums won't have a huge amount of content for cars which aren't worth much, pretty much if its cheaper to buy a whole new car than to fix one you already have people don't bother making a forum account to ask... if that makes sense?

Where as a 182, which has a much bigger following for restoring, repairing, track prep etc... there will always be loads more posts.


ClioSport Club Member
Ive tried aearching for threads that might help, when i dont find one, i start my own.

Coz if i went into a shop called "dildos for pegging" id assume they know about dildos and wouldnt laugh at someone who went in for lube.

No issues with you starting new threads is there?

Just don't understand why you are getting so aggy.


ClioSport Club Member
Coz instead of someone replying with something useful, or not at all if they dont know, i got responses akin to "your fault for coming, go away with your skanky car"
No, you came on asked some questions - got some help.

Then you start a whole new thread asking where you can get some more 1.2 action. Then you insulted everyone, then you told everyone how poor you were and now you want to delete your account but can't figure out how without some more help.

Do you live near to the sea?


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
@Ol’ Tarby can you assist this gentleman please and also delete this entire, properly retarded thread?
Leave it up. As a warning to the peasants, that if they ask a question about a 1.2 clio, then get perfectly decent answers, then make another thread about how they don't get answers because they have a 1.2, we will mock them for the sole reason that they drive a 1.2, and absolutely nothing to do with the small fact that they are an utter dribbling whopper.


ClioSport Club Member
Not sure anything on here has pissed me off like this.

Ask for advice about a related, but not subject of the forum, model of car.

Receive helpful advice.

Start stroppy thread that forum for sports doesn’t have enough 1.2 owners on.

Ask for account to be deleted in tantrum.

I really hope you’re not 35 like your profile says.
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