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White 182 Track Car

  Clio 182 Track Car
Also repainted the front grills in a special plastic trim paint which came out far better than i had hoped



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  Clio 182 Track Car
As it was a nice sunny day i was able to leave the car in the sun after baking. Thats went i was first able to really appreciated the pure, crisp white paint i picked.



I then loaded everything back in the workshop and called it a day.

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  Clio 182 Track Car
I left the body and panels to further cure for a few days so in the mean time i cleaned up my turinis


Cleaned up the original seats as i no longer wanted the raw buckets seats.


I also shaved the suede part of the seat to remove the worn nobbley bits



And fitted bigger speakers to the front


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  Clio 182 Track Car
Evening by evening i put the car back together and start machine polishing it with a 3M 3 stage polishing system







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  Clio 182 Track Car
Once i had finished assembling and polishing i drove it back home to finish refitting all the smaller parts and interior








Custom carpet, inspired by Rob's stunning supercharged clio



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ClioSport Club Member
White is so awesome for these, best colour by miles.

Really wouldn't be running harnesses with those seats though, so dangerous :(
  Clio 182 Track Car
The repaint was intended to be a quick job so there would be many things done differently e.g full glass removal, if i was going all out and doing it properly. But for a quick job that took approx 3 weeks of working odd evenings i really happy with it.

Hoping to take and upload some better quality pictures soon as everything so far was taken on my phone.

Roll on Blyton!

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ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
At first I was like "53 plate? 182?? Hmm... Seats look right though, and twin tails"

Then you took the bumper off...... so it's actually a 172?
  Clio 182 Track Car
At first I was like "53 plate? 182?? Hmm... Seats look right though, and twin tails"

Then you took the bumper off...... so it's actually a 172?
No its a 182, what did you spot to think its a 172?

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ClioSport Club Member
Once i had finished assembling and polishing i drove it back home to finish refitting all the smaller parts and interior








Custom carpet, inspired by Rob's stunning supercharged clio



Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Looks stunning buddy!

Carpet finishes off the interior nicely, in fact your practically driving a Bentley now! :wink:

You going to change the thread title to mention the new colour?
  Clio 182 Track Car
Kind words mate but your trophy has been a big inspiration. How do i change the title again?

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ClioSport Club Member
due to the seat strength and structure in an impact?

It's not as bad as it could be because you have the harnesses mounted at a good angle but, if you did have a smash, the harnesses could cause the seat to collapse. Really wouldn't recommend running harnesses with standard seats so worth looking into bucket seats, or fitting standard seatbelts.

Other than that though, I really like it. Love how you've kept a few creature comforts and trim so it's a blend of road and track.
  Clio 182 Track Car
The harness setup with standard seats had been on my mind. I do run standard belts for road use and harnesses for track, mainly to keep me upright and secure.

I will probably end up with some trophy seats or similar

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ClioSport Club Member
The harness setup with standard seats had been on my mind. I do run standard belts for road use and harnesses for track, mainly to keep me upright and secure.

I will probably end up with some trophy seats or similar

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Yeah I saw an awful picture recently of a MK1 Focus RS that was using harnesses with the standard seats. He binned it (quite hard) on track and the seat had collapsed quite badly. It had actually bent the back rest. I'd personally only recommend using harnesses with fixed-back seats. Worth bearing in mind anyway.

Still a lovely car though :)


ClioSport Club Member
Can't see an issue with using harnesses with standard seats as long as it's on the rollcage as it is.

The reason why the FRS was so bad was because of the angle so in the shunt its pulled the seat downwards (which that seat isn't designed for as it's fake) which has crippled the seat. In this the load will be directly going on the rollcage.

Car looks great.
  Golf 7.5R & Clio 200
Can't see an issue with using harnesses with standard seats as long as it's on the rollcage as it is.

The reason why the FRS was so bad was because of the angle so in the shunt its pulled the seat downwards (which that seat isn't designed for as it's fake) which has crippled the seat. In this the load will be directly going on the rollcage.

Car looks great.

Man might have a point..
I think it looks great in white with the blue wheels! :up:

I agree with the others though, I'd put the buckets back in.
At first I was like "53 plate? 182?? Hmm... Seats look right though, and twin tails"

Then you took the bumper off...... so it's actually a 172?
That's when they came out bud, but there's a handful of 172's on an 04 reg. Good old Renault!
  Clio 182 Track Car
The car originally was just for track use only so running buckets was fine but now i need the car as a daily the buckets i have are no good. Will explore other options in time

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ClioSport Club Member
  172, VRS, Clio 5
Looks too damned good in white. Might have to ask you to have a look at some paint on mine at some point (and a big fooking dent on my daily) if you're able to?
  Clio 182 Track Car
Looks too damned good in white. Might have to ask you to have a look at some paint on mine at some point (and a big fooking dent on my daily) if you're able to?
Cheers bud. I used to do panel beating and paint spraying years ago and still know the owner where i worked which is why i was able to blag a day in the paint room but can only really do it for my own stuff. I can put you in touch with him, he's bloody cheap.

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ClioSport Club Member
  172, VRS, Clio 5
Cheers bud. I used to do panel beating and paint spraying years ago and still know the owner where i worked which is why i was able to blag a day in the paint room but can only really do it for my own stuff. I can put you in touch with him, he's bloody cheap.

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Thanks chap. I'll pm you.


North East
ClioSport Area Rep
I spotted you a few times at CSF. Car looked nice!

Personally, i dont like the harnesses on standard seats. I dont think harnesses are needed unless your doing proper racing / rallying with a full cage but thats me.

Anymore plans for it ?


ClioSport Club Member
I spotted you a few times at CSF. Car looked nice!

Personally, i dont like the harnesses on standard seats. I dont think harnesses are needed unless your doing proper racing / rallying with a full cage but thats me.

Anymore plans for it ?
Just like me Kris still has standard seatbelts for day to day use. That way you've got the best of both worlds.

On the road harnesses are awful especially at junctions etc, and on track normal seatbelts just don't give you the required support, as all you end up doing without them is support yourself against the steering wheel.

Which lessens your ability to control the car especially when pushing it out on track.

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North East
ClioSport Area Rep
Just like me Kris still has standard seatbelts for day to day use. That way you've got the best of both worlds.

On the road harnesses are awful especially at junctions etc, and on track normal seatbelts just don't give you the required support, as all you end up doing without them is support yourself against the steering wheel.

Which lessens your ability to control the car especially when pushing it out on track.

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In fairness I wouldn't know. I've only ever been in an R26R and it was a PITA getting in and out never mind putting the belt on.
  Clio 182 Track Car
Cheers guys. The next plan is to rebuild the engine due to a cylinder head / gasket failure. This was diagnosed prior to CSF but i took a gamble on it not making the entire weekend but the old girl survived the 5 hour drive there, am and pm track sessions and the drive home again.

After taking Rob's supercharged trophy round Blyton the pull to replica his car is strong.

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