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Why are Renault bolts made of cheese?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 Phase 2
After 18 years of ownership, fortunately without many issues, I thought I would tackle what should be the simple job of replacing a failed alternator. I should have known better and reflected on my previous experiences working on the 172 … expect the worst :confused:
PKs attaching bumper/wheel arch shields required grinding off ,and i was very lucky to remove the slam panel top bolts in one piece but the bottom fixings required a lump hammer to shift them once id found something that fitted between the heat exchanger and panel. The icing on the cake … alternator top bolt head has sheared off. the nut released without much issue. The bolt on the other hand was corroded solid in the alloy casings to the extent I had no idea whether this was a push through bolt or if it screwed through the casings, result, one sheared bolt. If it was threaded into the casings this was going to be a MAJOR problem :mad:. Fortunately after half hour messing about I’ve managed to drift the offending item out.
FFS Renault have you not heard of Galvanic Corrosion.


ClioSport Club Member
I think it comes down to the French mentality when it comes to cars, the Clio 2 in general was made to be a Parisian bumper car, they weren't built to last this long. Only the crazy Brits would keep their old French sheds going for over 15 years :ROFLMAO: . Doesn't mean they're bad cars, Renault just saved money on expensive fixings that would be pointless in their closest market IMO.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 Phase 2
The main connection to the alternator was so tight and corroded despite lots of Freeway I was convinced I would rip the internals our before the nut came loose. Now I can’t figure how to remove the small connector. It seems every connector on the car operates in a different manor. Can somebody confirm this is the type that requires a small screwdriver down the side to unlatch.

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
My 250k 18 year old daily falls apart like a dropped Lego model..... regularly tbh 🤪


ClioSport Club Member
Has your car been living in the ocean? My 182 came apart just fine when I had to take it to pieces the last 20 times or so.
This is the trick. Once you spend every other week fixing stuff, nothing has time to corrode as it’s always being taken apart

My front end comes off in about 10 minutes these days. I’m not sure if I’m proud of that or not.
