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WHY DO WE BOTHER!!!....*my wrecked 172*


ClioSport Club Member

Ok, so last night after washing, polishing and waxing the car the day before! I was giving a mate a lift home from Manchester train station as he had just got back from Uni and i thought id help him out. Got about 1/2 mile from my house and a battered Nissan Micra stops right in front of me. With another car coming the other way and the road only being a narrow residential one, i had nowhere to go.

Then the passenger of the Micra (4 others in his car) gets out and starts running towards my car shouting and threatening us! I recognised him straight away and knew what he was like...(nutter) so i thought "im not hanging around to see what happens.

So i reversedback and to the left into another smalll road, this then left me broadside across the original road. When i tried to make a getaway (you can see the rubber on the road in the pics) in the direction of another road he then RAN AND KICKED THE SIDE OF MY CAR.

We pulled up straight away, but i think he then realised what he had done and made a sharpish exit in the Micra with his mates!!!

As you can see from the above pictures, a new quarter panel is needed at the cost of around £1000. (all of which will have to come out of my pocket as im only 21 and pay a fortune to insure it as it is!!)

The whole incident was reported to the police and i have my friend as a witness and also 3 independent witnesses to the act. One of whichs father is a police officer(who we went to consult immediately afterwards) The Police should be contacting me later today to let me know the situation as the tw*t that kicked my car is currently doing community service and may have been violating a kerfew order.

So, thats my situation then. My perfect car that i had saved up for ages for is now partly ruined by jealous idiots who cant deal with the fact that i have something special and they have a life going nowhere!!!

Im feeling really sh*t about the whole thing at the moment, so any comments about the car (post-dent) would be appreciated! might convince me not to sell it and get a £200 sh*tter.


  silver valver/hybrid

that is unbelievable mate! gutted for ya, any idea why he did it? u aint been sleeping with his sister have u? jokin aside hope he gets whats coming to him

Really sorry to hear that mate... its so annoyin, and it almost puts me off getting a new car, as if this is the sort of thing that is going to happen, then i dont really want to bother. again i feel gutted for you mate... lovin the dark wheels on the car though!

  2005 Impreza WRX STI

oh mate, i really feel for u. what the f**k posseses ppl to do such things. id have ran him over. the scruffy c**t

your car was stunning.really loved it

:mad:f**kING w**kerS!!!!!!!! people like that need their balls cutting off and shoving up their asses. gutted for you mate :cry:
  Suzuki SV650

Gutted for you mate, these things come out of the blue and its unfortunate it happens to decent people like yourself, hopefully the police will be able to sort something out, you just have to play a bit of waiting game for the time being I guess?

You dont want a £200 sh*tter, thats Micra territory.

thats f**king harsh! dont let em to get you tho dude, your cars mint! just make sure you get it back to its former glory!
  Yaris Hybrid

That is madness. I have seen plenty of these scum bags around but I have never known people get out of a car purely to smash someones car up. You werent tailgating or flashing your lights or doing anything and he just got out unprovoked?! That is just plain mental. This is why I got my camera phone cos you never know when it might come in handy.

Thing is when I lose my temper I really lose and dont think about the consequences so I would most likely have run him over after he kicked my car.

Presumably you got the number plate although the car was probably nicked anyway.
  2004 Clio 1.2 16v

canny believe that i know exactly how u feel being a victim of crime this week too.... i personally wonder how these people think surely it must go thru their mind b4 doing something like this that it is wrong and think why am i going to do this.....i really dont understand!!

i cant stand little fannies that take a disliking or a liking for that matter and decide to deface it tis pish

hope u get the wan ks, get them forced to pay for damage, then go round and take a baseball bat off their ankle......

stunnin motor aswell keep it dont sell it!!!!!

Bad news this..............what a bunch of to55ers..............they should lock these nutters up and throw away the key...............excuses............theres none and hell probably get another community service order eh..............heres hoping you get the dosh to repair the car though.

Cya Stu

PS theres always "it could have been worse" if you hadnt moved there might have been more problems of the.....Im gonna have you type!

utter b****cks mate, I hate f**king idots like this, I assume its someone who semi knows you and thinks they are dead hard? me and my mates used to get sh*t like that when we were a bit younger. Pure jealousy. Hope you get it sorted, in the meantime find the c**t and run him over as no doubt the police wont do anything.
  Lionel Richie

if you want a cliosport meet (unoffical, wink wink, nudge nudge) then let me know!!!

[Edited by Fred2001Dynamic on 10 June 2005 at 5:34pm]

i dont en that in a homo way!!!! LOL

problem solving


ClioSport Club Member

Thanks everyone!

positive comments certainly help ease some of the pain.

He WILL get what is coming to him...i have 4 witnesses, 3 of which are independent. I know his name, and i now know his address.

All of which has been given to the police.

again, many thanks.



ClioSport Club Member

Quote: Originally posted by Fred2001Dynamic on 10 June 2005

if you want a cliosport meet (unoffical, wink wink, nudge nudge) then let me know!!!

ill take you up on that one fella. Fix it Fred-style....i.e angle-grinder?;)

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R

Like you said, jealous people will do f**ked up things and at the end of the day theyre still the pricks but feel a bit better about themselves. He should be strung up and his knackers slapped with a table tennis bat for 4 days by a Cannibal who lives in a swamp. The fact you know who he is doesnt really help you mind, as they tend to reap revenge even more so when they get what they deserve. Scum, proper scum.

I just let my dad see this and the same thing happened to him when he was my age (30years ago) :D it was a Mk3 Cortina :eek:...........whatever they are.............I cant tell you what he did cause Im shocked..........suffice to he picked them off one at a time.............there was 4 of its not a new thing eh.

Cya Stu

® Andy

ClioSport Club Member
  Illiad V6 255

Nothing worse than vandalism ... had someone do my roof once ... so I just hope that justice prevails in this case!! Gutted for you mate.
  Audi A3 TDI 170 B.E.

Quote: Originally posted by carbon copy on 10 June 2005
Thanks everyone!positive comments certainly help ease some of the pain.He WILL get what is coming to him...i have 4 witnesses, 3 of which are independent. I know his name, and i now know his address.All of which has been given to the police.again, many thanks.--chris

Still what ever he get will not make things how they should be.
If we all had our way........... will ou all know what we would do:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

A least he never took it out on yourself or passenger could get nasty.

Hope you get it sorted!


ClioSport Club Member

i might get my "unique-crime-referance-number" that the police give me carved into a bat.

That would be one way of labeling him a criminal eh?


Going by the updated avitar I see you still have your sense of man.............its all you can do just now eh ;)

Cya Stu
  tiTTy & SV650

attempted car jacking with knives and baseball bats you say?

Surely the police cant ignore that... ;)

little f_ckers!

Try some professional bodyshops, might be able to work magic without the cost hassle of replacing the panel.

[Edited by rory182 on 10 June 2005 at 5:43pm]


ClioSport Club Member

Quote: Originally posted by stusV6 on 10 June 2005

Going by the updated avitar I see you still have your sense of man.............its all you can do just now eh ;)

Cya Stu
youve got to stu!.....

id go mad if i didnt have a sense of humour about it.

All problems can be sorted, i worked hard to afford to buy and run a 172...having this happen still doesnt make me regret it ONE BIT.:D

  Golf R/Leon FR

gutted for ya carbon, i would go mad if someone did that to my mk1 172.

but at least your ok and the car isnt worse than it is.


ClioSport Club Member

Quote: Originally posted by phoenixy on 10 June 2005

gutted for ya carbon, i would go mad if someone did that to my mk1 172.

but at least your ok and the car isnt worse than it is.
cheers dude.:D



ClioSport Club Member

thanks dave!

problem is, the money that was set aside for H&R Coilovers is now going on repairing a once perfect car.:mad:

oooh, just looked in my pocket....anyone selling coilovers for a 172 forrrrrr, err .......



Thats an absolute sh*tter mate, but sadly reflects the fact that society has no respect for people or property nowadays it seems... :mad: :cry:

If you know where he lives though, and the police arent forthcoming with a conviction (or he doesnt cough up the damages that he should be charged in court) then a little visit from the debt collectors could be in order... :devilish:


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

Thats a f**king outrage, Id have marched straight round there and let loose the "Talbot Temper!" heh, only comes out at very extreme situations..

Gutted for the car, I really liked what you had done with it - must admit I even pondered getting one and doing a bit of a carbon copy (eh eh eh eh you geddit eh eh eh? ooooooooooooo 1-0! :oops:


ClioSport Club Member

Quote: Originally posted by Daz0rz on 10 June 2005

Thats a f**king outrage, Id have marched straight round there and let loose the "Talbot Temper!" heh, only comes out at very extreme situations..

Gutted for the car, I really liked what you had done with it - must admit I even pondered getting one and doing a bit of a carbon copy (eh eh eh eh you geddit eh eh eh? ooooooooooooo 1-0! :oops:

thats made my day!:D

thanks for the comments everyone, i just keep thinking about what the car will be like this time next year....H&R Coilovers, cage and buckets. Thinking about throttle bodies too if funds allow.:devilish:

thanks again!



ClioSport Club Member

Quote: Originally posted by Lunner on 10 June 2005

Sorry to hear that mate, i really am, but to be fair its not exactly wrecked is it?
fair point. but it is pretty bad considering it wasnt my fault.and im still gutted.

like i said before though...all things can be fixed.


  172 cup TT

mailto:b@stards">b@stards!!!!! - keep us updated with what happens and what the police and you do if thats ok...
  Vee dub

Thats mailto:cr@p">cr@p news

Jealous scum really whoever did that to the car

Had a lad jump on the bonnet of my mates car and dent it. Why do they do it?

Hope they catch the to$$er and make him pay for it

Chin up anyway mate, can get it sorted thats the main thing. It was looking mighty good at the FCS.

