Well, I dropped the car off yesterday morning, and today at about midday I got a phonecall saying my car was ready.... great, so went down to get it...... £636 all in - but I was expecting it........and they even gave me a free gift!
I drive away and the engine whines..... talked to the guy who did the work, and he says that the cambelt willbe a bit tight but it should be ok within a week, if its not go back and hell sort it, so, fine I think, then I drive on a bit and theres a strong smell...... I pondered what this was for a min then I got it..... it was my free gift....... a fuel leak!
So, I opened the bonnet and there it was, just underneath the front plastic cover.... fuel pissing out..... as quick as fook I drove back got a mech to come out and see where it was leaking, and sure enough fuel pissing all over the place, in the service bay it went and a few minutes later - job done.......
Im just now keeping my fingers crossed that the whining isnt the sign of impending doom and that it will be ok in a week or less, otherwise its back to Renault once more..... <sigh>