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Windo Tinting ?

  Mreg 1.8 16v naples red
just wandered what people thought. ive got a mk1 and i have jsut stripped rear of the car. and im going to be putting in a thin wood floor and a sub and sum speakers ( not a boot build ) but i was thinking about tinting the rear windows completley and the front 2 a bit. are they DIY kits easy/any good.. and would it look crap ?


i agree with tinting the window m8. i always wanted to do that to my car but never got round to it. it will hide ur subs from on lookers n theifs which is a gd thing. but the diy kits etc, i havent got a scooby doo lol
  RB 182 Cup
they do pre cut ones on ebay which im going to be buying and fitting them with my mate whos a vynl fitter. but a credit card and a spray bottle with water and washing up liquid in it and take your time is all you need
^^^mate dont waste your money unless you pal is very good, the precut never fit well, tried and tested fella, if you insist on diy get a roll and cut to fit, ie more than you need then trim, or if you have the dosh, get professional.

jus my opinion dude of course :)
  Clio DCi 65
yeh i agree with combine,

guy sed he'd do all 5 for 110£ today,

then my car broke down this mornin and i couldnt get it done!
  Mreg 1.8 16v naples red
ive been looking around at pro window tinting shops that come out to your house to do it. but htey say £300 for a 5 door. i cnt afford £300 for sum shiney plastic film. haha. i think i mite give the DIY a go then if it goes tits up think about getting it done. as i cn get the DIY kit for about £50 all round...cheers for the advice guys :)
