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WWDC 2014

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Happening on the 2nd June 2014.

Be interesting to see what is announced.

[FONT=open_sansregular]Apple will be streaming this year’s Worldwide Developers Conference keynote on June 2 at 10 AM PT (1 PM ET), the company announced today. Apple only sometimes streams live video of its special events, and never announces its intent to do so this far in advance, so this is an interesting development.[/FONT]
[FONT=open_sansregular]The company doesn’t say what’s going to be on the docket at the show, but it does say that it’ll be making “exciting announcements.” We’ll also be in attendance, to bring you the latest on what’s likely to iOS 8, OS X 10.9.3, and probably some hardware news as well. Rumors suggest we could see news from Apple regarding health tracking and home automation platforms, but regardless it’s bound to be an interesting show with plenty of news to dig into.[/FONT]
[FONT=open_sansregular]Apple also doesn’t make specific mention of this as a developer focused event or keynote in this new page and announcement (only the acronym for WWDC is used, in fact) so it’s probably fair to expect a decent amount of consumer-oriented news on that day as well. Note that streaming requires Safari 4 or later on OS X, iOS 4.2 or later, or QuickTime 7 on Windows.[/FONT]


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Thoughts Luke? I miss the exciting days of a iPhone unveiling. I'm not sure i'll have a 6 or not. I may move to Android, something I never ever ever thought i'd say.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
An iPhone isn't expected. No one really knows tbh.

I'm hoping for a more useful Apple TV box, but don't know if that would ever come. A smart watch would be a good announcement too.

Also reports that they are looking at unveiling some smart home tech.

Not a clue!
iOS 8 with a focus on health apps, design overhaul of OS X for the mac and Siri being able recognise songs, like Shazam..... just based on rumour sites.
I'd like a descent Apple TV. That's all, with own apps so I can install Plex.

Would consider a new Mac Mini.

I do not get as excited as I used to.
  320d M Sport
New watch? New phone? New Apple tv with downloadable games? Hasn't one apple exec gone on record saying it's the best announcement for 25 years as far as hardware goes..? Big statement!


  BMW 440i
I'm just looking forward to the next iPhone release as I wouldn't mind a new toy/upgrade from my 5.

Will this be anything to do with the Beats takeover? Probably too soon on second thoughts for them to release something related to that.

I'd bet on a new product all together IMO.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Rumours of a new iPhone in August which would put an announcement in July going by normal times, that's not going to happen here!
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Yea that's my thinking too, is the a 6 rumours thread like there was with the 5? Been a fair dew similar dummy phones etc being shown.
  320d M Sport
That's all I'm interested in really is the new phone, feels like ages since I've been excited about one of these announcements


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
The only thing aiming me towards a 6 is the fact the S5 will have been out for months by the time the 6 is out. Lets just hope the screen will be adequate size, even S4 size.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Probably not, usually more software related ain't it? But it is a week long conference lol... got to be something exciting in there right?
If theres any massive hardware changes involved they may make a nod to it, but I'd be surprised if a new phone is shown.

I guess there'll be a lot on iOS 8 & OSX 10.10 - and you'd have thought Beats/Dr Dre might get a mention.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
There will be no phone but I like chatting about it. :eek:
  Inferno 182 CUP
WWDC isnt a hardware event, its World Wide DEVELOPER CONFERENCE .. its for Devs to learn .. the keynote just highlights to them what the changes are and what they can utilise within them
Times, they are a changin'. A couple of years back this thread would have about a million posts by now.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Calling Dr Dre lol, cool. Anyone get the live stream to work? I downloaded Quiktime but it's still not working, wording makes it sounds like you might have to be viewing from a Mac...
Calling Dr Dre lol, cool. Anyone get the live stream to work? I downloaded Quiktime but it's still not working, wording makes it sounds like you might have to be viewing from a Mac...

Mine's working fine, I am on an iMac though.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Meh nevermind, liveblog from Verge is good enough. I just don't like the reporter, typical fanboy who's creamed his pants ten times already!
