nothing wrong with Cat d.... just means beyond the cost of economic repair...
ie: book price wasy £6k, but repair cost most than £2.5k...
If you think a repair should would charge
£600 front bumper
£100 headlights
£190 Bonnett
Then Labour
Respray your easily looking at £2000+ region....
If the car went to a garage who over valued there work or under valued the car you can see why some cars are easy to write off and for f*Ck all reason's.
Cars that are cat D have to be no structal damage ie: Shell no bent, chassis no bent etc etc... there for only requiring a MOT to go back on the road...
Cat C's on the otherhand are cars that have some minor Structal damage and would require alot of work to get back on the road.... often these never do go back on the road as the cost of the repairs are high. But the big thing about Cat C's are they have to be checked by a VOSA garage to make sure they are fit to be on the road, they literally go over everything, suspension, brakes, welding of damaged area, tracking etc etc... if the car is not 100% deemed safe for the road it will not get a clean ticket from them.
Either way i would not let a cat C or D put me off... i would prefer a cat C as we all know people that can get mot's done on the side... where as its harder to find a bent Vosa inspector.