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Your opinions on FCS 2010


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
I thought it was pants this year. I dont know if its because I dont have a clio or french car anymore but I found myself bored by eleven.

The stunt bike dudes were pretty rubbish and my highlight of the day was that stunt driver dude who I thought was pretty good.

The CS 'stand' was set out better and certainly an improvement on last year.

Ive been to FCS 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 but doubt i'll be going in 2011.

My fave car was the chocolate brown euro sax on the meguiars stand - MINT!
  Yozz'd up 182
Thats good to hear mark and im sure for those that knew him it didnt distract from the reasoning behind the lap.
  MK2 172 FF
Thats good to hear mark and im sure for those that knew him it didnt distract from the reasoning behind the lap.

it didnt but unfortunately as i was on the track myself i didnt see what went on but the hundreds of people in the stands did :mad:

Again, the behaviour of these few members does not portray the correct image of the rest of the members on the site.

I did have a stroll over to the clios and saw ALOT that i liked ALOT! I have the bug again now so have already been looking at some new bits for the car. This is going to be costly!
  Flame red 172
FCS - 7/10 for me.

First time I've been to FCS. Not the best show i've been to but certainly not the worst!

Arrived at 10 and left at 3. did the cliosport track session at 12 which was one of the highlights for me :)
Think because I arrived late I didnt really get to speak to many people.

2 1/2 drive from Bristol and had a friend come up from Cornwall to attend (a none clio owner).
Felt a little guilty as im not sure it was a good as I bigged it up to be :/

Well done admins, not sure who I talked to at the entrance but she was really helpful pointing me in the right direction for parking and track! :)
  PH2 172
I enjoyed it my 3rd year now could do with maybe more going on beter stunt teams soem competions etc, and maybe finding a betetr palce for it, that gravel carpark gets the cars filthy with dust and crap. but i still enjoyed it.
  GTD, Lupo
First FCS for me and think it will be my last. I guess i have been spoilt in the past with VW shows. The arena shows were pretty poor in, lots of donuts and burn outs kinda reminded me of a time i went to Mcdonalds late one night.

Other than that i enjoyed the track, was nice to see some cars putting down some good times. There was a little red 106 and a yellow 205 both turbo`d and they were silly quick. Also had a good drive down and nice to chat to some people.



  BMW 440i
There was a lunar grey (Or very similar) 106/306 which did track which was my fave car. F*cking mint! I really want some pics of it
  Mondeo TXS Bardge.
To be quite frank it was pish. The food was massively over priced and way poorer than your usual industrial estate burger van. The annoying bint on the tannoy needs shot. The trade section was pretty poor areminded me of a car boot sale. Stunts were ok the first time then they did try to up it slightly when they repeated them. But failed. The highlight of the day was the whole c4owners playing hide and seek with the marshalls who wanted us to rearrange our stand so fit in groups forced out of other sections by bigger groups. I dunno why but on the cs stand it did look like cs and the reserves up the side.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
yeah they stopped and got a massive gap ahead and done a drag race! btw did anybody see that 510bhp 205 gti. f**king hellll it was fast

Was this it by any chance???

  Mazda Mx5 + Clio 172
Well I have to say for my first FCS i DID enjoy it.....
Food was ridiculous..... massively overpriced for what it was. And as Rockingham has a restaurant would have been nice to have that as an option

That STUPID bint on the tannoy.....OMG! How many times did she have to call it a Crispy Cream Donut, or use the term Flux Babies???? Seriously she was so 1 dimensional and repeatative... and LOVED herself... SHOOT HER PLEASE

Arena shows were good..... bikes were ok..... fair enough to people who have seen terry before but he was new to me and I thought he was really really good (and yes he was on ALL day but he did TRY and vary it! The tyre change on a donuting car at the end of the day was ACE!)

Trade stands were adequate.... more "show" discounts would have been nice, although did get 2 nice Microfibre cloths for a fiver so no complaints there.

Really regret not doing a track session tbh, it looked like fun although from some of the comments the time slots were nowhere near long enough?

On the whole I had a good day..... it did drag a little as there wasnt THAT much to do once you had watched the shows once, but was good to meet people and get some photos etc.

Convoy down was really good fun (nice one mike!)

Been looking at Trax site and that looks ace so think i may have to do that one ;)

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Did anyone else think the tracktime briefing was completely pointless? The guy basically acted like he knew people would drive like idiots so kept it as short and vague as he could.


  BMW 440i
Did anyone else think the tracktime briefing was completely pointless? The guy basically acted like he knew people would drive like idiots so kept it as short and vague as he could.

Yes, and when people did break rules, they wern't dealt with as promised.
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Being honest, I dont think its a great show I think its only the club element that keeps me going.

The trade area was pants, it was much much better in '07 when the traders were in the pit garages and that area, and it seemed there were more traders there then aswell.

The club stands were ok, but as far as I could tell the only display of french cars actually put on by French Car Show was the Megs top 25, the rest of the metal on show was from owners clubs. This is great for the clubs, but if you are looking about the cars are parked and locked up they aren't really displayed at all.

The main arena isn't a bad idea, but the lady on the tannoy was really annoying and the actual displays weren't great to watch, the 2 bikes doing the occasional wheelie was no more spectacular than watching the n*bs around here on motorbikes tbh. Maybe a lunch time 'show' or event infront of the grandstands on the actual track would be a lot better next year if its possible. The prices of food there are the same whenever you go to an event at rockingham, the place is seriously expensive haha.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
We had 104 cars for Dans parade lap, we too signed a disclaimer etc but our speed limit was 30mph, a much more respectable speed IMO.
I didn't see the sax-p one but would be interesting to see it ifanyones got it on vid.
  More poke than viagr
It was an okay show i guess, but not as good as i thought it would be. I have to agree with the parking on our stand as it seemed that we were just sent up into the corner where no one goes, met quite a few people who i introduced myself to and they replied "o hi, didnt know you were here where are you parked?" lol. And people who arrived hours later got to park in the main area??

I enjoyed the freestyle moto x, especially as that team are based in the next village to me, 2 mins away lol! :D

Food prices didnt seem to bad, £10 for two pork batches and a plate of chips (which i then dropped all over my car). but £2.50 for an ice cream!?! WTF was that all about, i nearly refused it when she told me, if it wasnt for the wife then i would have.

But the thing that really got me the most was the convoy over in the morning. Arrived at meeting point on ones there. Start phoning and texting people with no replies, so ended up waiting on the hard shoulder of the M6 at 7 in the morning in the rain for half an hour and still no one turned up!

I think the show could have been improved, and the weather could have helped us out a bit more, but ill be back next year....and ill arrive later so i dont have to park round the corner away from everyone lol
  ITB BG 182
I enjoyed some of it but by mid day i was thinking of going home, like many others i too was expecting some thing 'special' for thier 10th anniversary.
I think the models or Flux babies (ffs) were abit miserable, wouldnt let people pose with them when they are the ASW's of the show.

The Red-Dot rolling road was shocking, the poor guy in a 106gti that caught fire and they had no fire extinguisher, all they did was push him off the ramps an left him plus the stewards to it as Red-Dot rushed to clean the oil off their rollers.
Also the stewards went and picked up a water fire extinguisher and not a foam one for a fire that involves oil. They didnt have a powder one or sand nearby.

The car in the middle of the Megs top section banging its 'choons' out was annoying considering it went on for pretty much the whole show.

Needs more traders, the woman selling the shots needs to be done with because telling people they'll be ok to drive was wrong.

The woman in the arena, some one shoot her, her voice just did my freaking head in, calling the models 'babies' then her sort of singing or well screeching 'dont stop till it pops wooooooo' and 'go rob, go rob, go rob'.

Terry Grant was good first time round but just kept repeating his stunts and each time advertising that he will do some thing 'special' in his next show not seen before.

The motorbikers on the ramps were good, i liked that. Also the Motorbikes in the arena were good. did well with the parking i would say, i was placed oppsite Tysen though i think Oh Hai x. Was strange to walk in the CS tent and known by your lot from 3 years ago in the time of BBQ's, sorry buddy i cant remember you name.

CS definatly do the same sort of thing next year but in a larger space if poss.

FCS you need to do some thing more for next year or i not be bothering again, it has never been as good as the first year with rocket pack man or the monster trucks, loads more traders and models for the camera pervs. I think putting the traders in that center section would be good where people have to use the under ground tunnel but also meaning that people can get pictures of the track action and other things.
  Formally Clio 182
Anyone else see the fake stickers on one of the trade stands selling stickers?


ClioSport Moderator
Glad there's a thread like this, or I was going to start one...

My first FCS, and also my first show with Cliosport.

I found myself un-able to decide if I was actually enjoying myself or not tbh, like when I decided to leave, I couldn't decide if I was happy sitting on the grass chilling, or if I was bored.

I think the biggest change to the CS side of things would be to create a better "communal area" I know we have the tent, but for a 180+ members, its not that large. It'd be nice to have a CS BBQ, but as previously said I doubt it'll be allowed. Just somewhere to sit/stand and actually chat to other members etc.

I felt like I could see a load of cars that I recognised, but couldn't speak to any of the owners, because I didn't know where they were etc. Sort of like I went with the club, but really only went with Mike and Tunst.

Camping was the utter highlight, and if I go next year I'll be trying to set it up for loads of CS'ers as it was totally brilliant.

It's a really great chance to actually meet everyone and get to know members who you talk to on here, but then don't see recognise at the show. (which was my biggest issue)

A massive thanks to KustomClio's for letting us camp with them, and generally showing us an awesome time.

Next year I'll definately be making sure my car is in better mechanical condition so I'll be out on track.

If I did talk to you, nice to meet you, if I didn't, I'm sure you were part of the 98% of CS with invisibility cloaks on, like Hutchie, who only took his off 3 minutes before he left.
  More poke than viagr
I was dissapointed in the Megs top 25 aswell. I saw plenty of cars around that were better and deserved to be on there more than some that were, i mean that white R5 was disgusting! I'd say half of them didnt deserve it at all.

Was also suprised at the amount of non french cars lol, thought the whole point of it was a french car show?? lol
  Black Clio GT
went for the first time in a few years and agree that maybe could do somthing to help with a bit of social chat/banter with the rest of cliosport that we dont get to see on a regualr basis, didnt help that the north best lot that i know were in france so hopfully with our 10th anni next year the talk of a meal/piss up the night before will happen and maybe break the ice before getting there would make the show a better experience.
was nice to chat with the tuners(jms/rs tuning ect) and put names to faces but agree there could have been some more oportunity to buy stuff at the show rather than just a flyer to say 10% off our prices/next visit ect. car cleaning stuff was the same price as it is on the net so didnt feel the need to purchase anything...
terry grant was crap, i used to go to max power 8 years ago and he did the same stuff then as he does now.......yawn. daft bint on the microphone needs shooting too!!!

i will be doing some track time next year to break the day up too.

i think my tastes have changed now too, as i was sick of looking at 106/saxos after 5 mins so hope trax will be a little bit more diverse in terms of the metal on show. (i do understand it was a french car show) but hardly saw any renault 19s and no 21 turbos that now interest me a little more than a vtr with an air filter...

on a possitive note well done to admin for how the cars were set out but a shame our alocated space was L shaped.
  SG9 Forester STi
I too thought they'd have done something a bit special due to it being the 10th anniversar but it was exactly the same! There needed to be a lot more in the way of trade and stuff to do (once you've seen terry grant once you've seen him a million times). The girl on the mic annoyed me, especially seeing as all the speakers were in your face, used to see her on the garage and she was annoying then too.

I liked the cs layout but that's probably because I got a better spot than last year. Watching the track was good though.

They definitely need to jazz it up abit though.
  ITB'd 182...
Wont be attending next year.

Nothing new this year made it feel very stale. Was there for 2 hours then left :(
My first time going to FCS this year. Thought it was ok, but there was only so much to do before I got a bit bored of it.
I did love the drive there and back though, great fun!

One really bad thing was that, after seeing other flamers, I want to do more things to mine! Not good when im on a budget lol!
  TTRS & V50
Ha ha all about jet pack man. I can't compare cause i can't really remember but a few years ago was when it was best. Chandler just released his euro saxo and then the aids took over. Does seem like its gone down hill since then.
We should get an admin to send this thread to the fcs organisers . Might help give them some pointers for next year.
  Ph 1 172
It was my first fcs this year and i thought it was good, although the woman on the tannoy was so annoying lol.
Trade section was no where near as big as i thought it was going to be.

seemed strange having the moto x stunt guys over the other end of the show when everything was situated with the trade. Also if there is a rolling road how about getting it so that anyone going to have a look can see what other cars are making power wise as well, seemed to be purely for the owner of the car, which it obviously is but at other shows i have been to its been made into a bit of an attraction as you can see what they have done to it and what its making bhp and torque wise.

other than that i really enjoyed myself just like a giant national meet to be honest.


ClioSport Admin
  LY 220 Trophy
We should get an admin to send this thread to the fcs organisers . Might help give them some pointers for next year.

Don't worry, Mark is very active on here and will be reading the feedback (it's in his and Gordon's best interests afterall)
  RB 182
i thought it was alright this year but i did get a little bit bored after about 10oClock. Would like to see a bigger trade section. Also get rid of that bloody woman who was obsessed with everyone losing some kind of virginity. The day for me is just the drive down there and meeting up with some old faces.
  SG9 Forester STi
i thought it was alright this year but i did get a little bit bored after about 10oClock. Would like to see a bigger trade section. Also get rid of that bloody woman who was obsessed with everyone losing some kind of virginity. The day for me is just the drive down there and meeting up with some old faces.

Ah it wasn't just me then, it seemed like she tried her hardest to relate everything she said to sex in some way.

I thought the same about the rolling road, it's usually an attraction but there was nothing to say what they were making.
  More poke than viagr
But maybe showing the results of the dyno may put some people off going on it, and so them losing money?

Was good to meet a few admin aswell! Brian, i did come back for a white sticker in the end, and got another flump! :D
  Ph 1 172
But maybe showing the results of the dyno may put some people off going on it, and so them losing money?

Was good to meet a few admin aswell! Brian, i did come back for a white sticker in the end, and got another flump! :D

might put some off but the ones i saw going on the rolling road were not standard by any means or where so chavvy they thought there cars would be producing 100bhp+ with a piperX induction kit lol
  172 cup
I didnt even know there was a RR, I kept saying there was one last year but we walked around and couldnt see one this year.

I also didnt know there were flumps on offer in the CS tent
Must admit if it wasnt for a load of people I know going up there and watching/going on track then I wouldnt bother. I remember the first year I went in 2006 and it was blooming brilliant, lots of things to do and see but this year and the year before last were pretty poor.

I can only repeat what people have said about the lack of trade stands and the stupid jumble sale/parts clearout stands that do not cut the mustard. The parts stands did make me chuckle, I mean unless they paid decent money to be there why have them? Just made it the place look like a scrap yard.

They need to think of other things to do, as watching the same things 3 times is boring as well as hearing motorbikes bounce of the limiter for 10 minutes after a while does get rather annoying. Oh and you NEED to sack that commentator or tell her to calm the f**k down, theres being enthusiastic and being silly.

Dont want to keep on but when you used to go through the gates you would receive a goodie bag, got nothing this year and I know some of it was pap but I guess it some of the little things that made the show better.
  172, Tiguan
There was over a box of flumps left - and Haribo. They'll be making a reappearance at Trax.
  172 cup
Must admit if it wasnt for a load of people I know going up there and watching/going on track then I wouldnt bother. I remember the first year I went in 2006 and it was blooming brilliant, lots of things to do and see but this year and the year before last were pretty poor.

I can only repeat what people have said about the lack of trade stands and the stupid jumble sale/parts clearout stands that do not cut the mustard. The parts stands did make me chuckle, I mean unless they paid decent money to be there why have them? Just made it the place look like a scrap yard.

They need to think of other things to do, as watching the same things 3 times is boring as well as hearing motorbikes bounce of the limiter for 10 minutes after a while does get rather annoying. Oh and you NEED to sack that commentator or tell her to calm the f**k down, theres being enthusiastic and being silly.

Dont want to keep on but when you used to go through the gates you would receive a goodie bag, got nothing this year and I know some of it was pap but I guess it some of the little things that made the show better.

I got the FP magazine on the way in, thought that was quite a nice touch actually

There was over a box of flumps left - and Haribo. They'll be making a reappearance at Trax.

Ouh, with my name on ;)
