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ClioSport Club Member
A couple of quiet months with the car but with the pre season test day at Snetterton on the 18th March now booked things are starting to happen again.
To start off on the right foot the workshop received a bit of a makeover in January with a fresh coat of paint on the floor and some more storage.


Then attention was turned to the car, firstly replacing the coil pack and leads and tightening the alternator back up. And after a quick charge of the battery the car started on the button and the misfire "appears" to be cured. Difficult to know for sure until it's tested under load, so it will either go back on the dyno or I'll take it over to Brands for a quick test.

So, other than that and some new brake pads the car doesn't need a lot. But after a wash the other day I decided the front bumper is starting to look a bit tatty so I've pulled out my 2 spare bumpers to prepare them for wrapping.



I've ordered a roll of Wasabi Green matt which is a near exact match to what I have at the moment except it has a slight pearlescent tint to it, so we'll see how that comes out.


And finally I thought I'd break out the fibreglass kit and fix up my set of genuine Clio Cup brake ducts, one of which got pretty smashed up a few years ago after an excursion into the tyres at Cadwell Park.

The foglight holes need a bit of trimming but after our overheating brakes at Donington last November this should certainly help.



More to come in the next few days hopefully.


ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
Not wanting to bang on about it but I was going to mention the tree too. You must brick it in high winds


ClioSport Club Member
The tree in the workshop came about after a dispute with the local council.
It was originally right on the boundary of our property and years ago before we moved in the council would lop it periodically. The problems came about 10 years ago when it got so big that it started moving the foundations of our garage and got in the way of us being able to put a secure gate or fence up, as we had young children. The council then washed their hands of it so we arranged to have it taken down. However, when the tree surgeon called the council to check there wasn’t a preservation order on it they started jumping up and down and making a fuss.
Subsequently we just moved our boundary the other side of the tree and spent a few years ignoring the councils moaning until they eventually stopped.
It’s a lovely oak tree but it will eventually have to come down if I ever get round to building a proper garage and workshop.
In the meantime it’s a talking point!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


ClioSport Club Member
Been a week of fibreglassing. Fixing the broken brake duct and finishing prepping the bumper for wrapping. (My evenings have been consumed with YouTube, car wrapping tutorials! I'm feeling confident I think)
The brake duct was a victim of a fairly heavy excursion into the tyres during a wet race at Cadwell back in 2015 and they've been sitting on a shelf in the workshop ever since, in the "to do" pile.

Trying to build some integrity into the structure has been challenging and not being a fibreglass expert its been a week of learning too.
With one part of the duct completely missing I was trying to create shapes out of thin air initially which worked to some extent but I finally nailed it after masking up the bumper and working on the duct in position which allowed me to get it just right. After that it was just a case of building up layers which is where I've got to.
Tomorrow will be a day of trimming, filling and sanding until it's ready for paint.




It's looking rough at the moment but should look a whole lot better tomorrow.

I also re-fixed my tow straps in a much stronger position, bolted to the chassis legs and cut out the slots on the new bumper.


And finally I took the opportunity to fibreglass the headlight washer holes and fill them too. No photos of that yet but I'll be taking more tomorrow.

In other news I've managed to book onto the dyno for next Tuesday to check all is well. Before that I have an oil change to do and I'll probably throw the new pads in too.


ClioSport Club Member
More work to complete the brake ducts today

I keep having to remind myself that this is a race car! I could have taken a lot more time with this but I got it to a stage that I think it looks decent enough, will serve it's purpose and should be strong too.



So after a few more rounds of filling, sanding and painting I'm calling these done so moved on to the oil change.


I will wrap the bumper in the next few days. I'm waiting on some Isopropyl Alcohol to arrive to wipe the bumper down with along with some knifeless tape and an extra pair of hands to lay the vinyl on. I'm hoping to do it in one piece.

Finally Bumper trial fitted one last time. You can see the filled headlamp washer holes here.



ClioSport Club Member
I wanted to get the brakes sorted before the dyno tomorrow so....

After this at Donington at the end of last year


Pads came out looking like this


And the calipers were, shall we say - crispy!

A quick refresh and all ready to go.




Fingers crossed all goes well tomorrow...

In other news I have a new project...


This is a new venture with a mate, with a view to doing a bit of Posche racing. This is a cheap as chips early Boxster which we intend, initially to turn into a dedicated track car. Run a few corporate days with it and the old Nissan 350Z and see where we go from there.
The car has been well looked after for most of its life and has a full dealer history up until 2014. After that it looks like it fell into the hands of a drug dealer.
Cut down springs, big stereo, very poorly refurbished calipers and a decidedly average wrap in white. (It's actually a black car)

Mechanically it seems pretty good. Being an early 2.5 it avoided the legendary IMS bearing issue. We took it to Rockingham for a day back in the Autumn while we were deciding whether it was going to be worth doing and it actually did ok. It's rather slow and the ride is terrible but other than that it still showed potential.
It has a Toyosport exhaust on it which sounds great on track, although rather drony on a long drive.
Yesterday I ordered a set of coilovers and a wheel stud kit and today a set of discs and pads from George at RTR. We're debating whether to change the wheels but for now I'm getting prices for a set of AD08Rs and then it will just be a strip out to lose some weight.

We've got a corporate day booked at Silverstone for early April so I need to crack on!



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 M135i
Woahhh how on earth did they stay red hot for that long after coming into the pits! :eek: Jeez


ClioSport Club Member
Woahhh how on earth did they stay red hot for that long after coming into the pits! :eek: Jeez
Ha! Well, firstly it was a night race so the darkness helped show it up and secondly this photo was taken in the pit lane during our driver change so the car was only stopped for about a minute. We clocked it at just over 400 degrees C.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 M135i
Ah ok that makes sense, still pretty crazy though, and cool haha. Trying to read this whole thread but its taking a while 😅


ClioSport Club Member
Bumper is now finished barring some stickers that need to go on.

Wrapping it was an interesting exercise and took a lot longer than expected. I'm happy with the finish though, with a new lip fitted plus the refreshed brake ducts. Not perfect but good enough for a race car.




I've got enough left over to do the rear bumper but not sure about the skirts, so may need to order another couple of metres.


ClioSport Club Member
Thought I'd updated this after the test day in March! Can barely remember it now and obviously all racing came to a standstill literally the day after the test.

So, the test day..
It almost all went to plan!
The morning was spent dividing the driving between Jon and me, Slowly getting quicker, making small adjustments etc etc. Just what we wanted.



Then, just before lunch Jon came into the pits with smoke filling the cabin. Under the bonnet it was clear the engine had sprung an oil leak somewhere in the top end at the back.
Engine was still running with no nasty noises and no apparent loss of power so we weren't too worried.
Just as lunch break came the rain started so we moved the car into a garage and prepared to knuckle down to some repairs ready for the afternoon.
However, once the coil and plug leads were removed, (hoping it was the breather that was leaking) we noticed an ominous looking hole in the cam cover.
Game over for the day and a lot of head scratching commenced.



And that was how I left it, tucked up in the garage as lockdown took over the country and more pressing matters needed my attention, like keeping the business running!

Then finally towards the end of June as things started to calm down I found the time and motivation to delve deeper into the engine to see what had happened.
The general consensus was that it would be a failed roller rocker and low and behold that's exactly what it was.
On initial inspection it was nowhere to be seen either!


Although there were plenty of witness marks from where it had been briefly.

After some fishing around we eventually found most of it tucked at the top of the oil galleries at the back of the block. We managed to retrieve all of it except the roller bearings which we assumed would be down in the sump.


A quick run over to Thurston engineering to check over the cams and fix the cover and it seems that I've had a lucky escape. These parts could easily have caused far more damage.

Then, last night a mate and I finally got down to reassembling the top end and attempting to retrieve the roller bearings from the sump.

none came out with the oil but when you look at the inside design of a sump it's not surprising. There is a significant raised area around the sump plug, presumably to allow enough materials for the thread but this would stop anything too heavy to be suspended in the oil to drop out.

We had planned to remove the sump and I had a new sump seal all ready for this but one of the small star drive bolts decided to seize and then round off it's head. This rarely happens on this car because everything comes apart so often!

Anyway - enter a neighbour's super strong magnet! With this applied to the sump you could clearly hear the pins moving around and after about 20 minutes of fishing we had caught 14!


We then dismantled another roller rocker to find out how many there should be. 15 it turns out....

After further searching we are fairly confident that the missing one isn't in the sump which probably means it is stuck somewhere in one of the rear oil galleries.
I think it is unlikely to get anywhere that could cause damage, (maybe famous last words) so I'll search again at the next oil change.


So, engine back together and running nicely now.
The first race meeting is next weekend but I'm skipping it as the entry was full before I knew whether I was going to have a good engine. I'm not too bothered as it's Thruxton which although I came 3rd in last year - its a pretty unforgiving circuit for these small cars. So I'll be at the next meeting which is back to Snetterton second week in August.
Just time to give it a clean!


ClioSport Club Member
A little behind with this thread although to be honest 2020 has not been quite as fast moving as normal for obvious reasons!

Let's start with Snetterton back in August.


All set up early doors on Saturday morning at a damp but not too cold Snetterton.
Engine had been running nicely after reassembly so we were quietly hopeful for a good day. Assisted for the day by Rob Quantrell I was due to return the favour at Silverstone the following day where he would be racing his Clio.



There were 7 Clios entered into the race but I was hopeful of a decent result with a lot of newcomers in relatively standard cars. My hope was shortlived though a lap or so into qualifying when the misfire that had plagued us at Donington raised it's ugly head again.
Extremely frustrating and very peculiar given that the car ran faultlessly back in March on the test day.
So a poor qualifying put me firmly in the middle of the pack and with a few hours before the race we set to replacing the alternator as the misfire was also accompanied by a dimming dash and seemingly no charge at the battery.
Once reassembled the car seemed to be cured but it was impossible to tell until I'd get back on track.


BUT - Out for the formation lap for the start of the race the misfire was back and this time worse than ever. I rolled into the pits as everyone else started the race and we called it a day.
I was convinced the damp weather had something to do with it as that was the only common denominator with Donington and was not present back in March.
Either way it pointed to a bad connection somewhere.

The next day we were at Silverstone for Rob and John.


Rob and John are only into their second season and still have a lot of developing to do on the car, not to mention seat time still to come. However, their car worked so they were one up on me already!
Qualifying went well for them, posting a time which put them in amongst the action where they should get some good racing.


About an hour before the race however the heavens opened. Everyone was watching the forecast. It was difficult to tell whether it would clear before the race. It was warm and there was a breeze meaning that if the rain did stop the track would probably dry quickly.
It didn't stop. All around us we would hear the sound of rattle guns as other teams made the decision to change to wets. We did the same.

Thankfully it was the right choice and after a delayed start due to the rain becoming torrential and the race before theirs being abandoned they finally got to race.
They both drove a steady race making up a couple of places before some overzealous battling on the last lap put Rob out of shape and sliding into the gravel.

Game over but they still had fun!


We returned home for some head scratching and gravel clearing.

Since then I've spent a good few hours testing circuits, watching YouTube, testing more circuits (in different ways) trying to get to the bottom of the problem. Then, last week I think I found it.


This is the main connection onto the bus bar inside the car from the alternator. The connection felt a little loose under the heat shrink but I found it after doing a voltage drop test across the cable. By the looks of it the damp conditions have definitely been a factor but it's odd to see this on a connection under heat shrink and inside the car.

Anyway, some new cable, crimp terminals and a new hydraulic crimp tool later and its as good as new. The car appears to be fixed!


Again though, I can't really test it under load without taking it to the track or rolling road, so we'll know for sure this coming weekend when we're back to Donington. Fingers (and toes) crossed!


ClioSport Club Member
Right, nearly 6 months since my last update. 2 more races to report on (sort of).

Donington was a bit of a gamble as we put a late entry in because of the misfire issue and consequently arrived there as 4th reserve. This meant that the grid was full at 40 cars max but we would qualify with everyone but only get a race if 4 people retired from the race after quali or didn't turn up at all.
Donington is always a popular race so everyone turned up! But we were hopeful as its not unusual for retirements. (I've done it a few times myself) But the good news is that if you end up not getting a race you get your entry refunded less £20. So, other than the time and cost to get there it was worth a shot. plus we needed to test the car to see if it was fixed.

It wasn't!

We went in to qualifying feeling positive but after 2 laps we were back to square one. So frustrating! The car would fly most of the time but then cough and splutter out of the corners. We did a painful 17 laps and qualified 11th in the end. No where near where we should have been but we still didn't know if we would get a race and we had a few hours to try again to find the issue.

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By race time we still had no confirmation whether we had a race or not so we were instructed to gear up and head for the assembly area.
We still had no idea if the car was fixed - such is the nature of an intermittent misfire. But we lined up at the back of everyone else and as they headed for the grid we were directed to the pitlane where we would start behind everyone else "If" 4 cars dropped out.
At this point it seemed ridiculous that no one knew if the grid was full but apparently that's the way they do it. Literally counting the cars on to the grid!
We were held in the pitlane as the race started, eagerly waiting to see if we would be released.
1 lap went by and we were still being held, by which point I was fuming. i didn't want to start the race 1 lap down- we had enough of a challenge with a sick car. But I didn't want to just pull into the paddock only to be told I had forfeited the race entry fee.

Anyway, to cut a long story a little less long, we didn't get to race and I did get my money back. So I had another month to search some more into the wiring.

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So through the remainder of September and most of October I went through more wiring, replacing the main lead to the starter and alternator and recrimping and heat shrinking more connections.
It was at this point that things got worse!

cartek fail 1.jpg

After connecting everything up one Saturday morning I turned the isolator on to check all was ok. It wasn't. The Cartek isolator made a strange hissing noise and then promptly burst into flames! It burnt like a roman candle and wouldn't stop even after switching the power off again. Clearly the internals had melted and a permanent short circuit was about to burn my car to the ground.
The only way I could stop it was by grabbing a 10mm socket on an extension so I could get through the flames onto the ground terminal and disconnect it. (the yellow wire in the photo)
Once the adrenaline had ebbed a little I promptly emailed Cartek with a WTF type message. It was always my impression that these isolators should cut out at the slightest whiff of a short.
So on Monday morning I was put at ease to some degree when Cartek emailed back with an apologetic email stating that it should not have happened and a new one would be sent out over night.
True to their word I received it the next day.



With this now done and the car apparently working again we booked onto the race at Castle Combe on the 24th October. We also booked the test day on the Friday before so we could A - check the car and B - refresh my memory of the track and for Jonathan, drive it for the first time.

It is a great circuit but the weekend promised to be wet unfortunately. (and cold)

You might be able to predict how things went by now.

The car still wasn't fixed!

We continued to try more things. I had bought a whole new set of injectors which we swapped out. No joy.

Then, the new isolator packed up again! At that point I knew something had to be wrong with the cable I had changed to the starter and alternator. It had only happened since I had changed that and no matter what Cartek said - something was causing this that was not down to the isolator.

I found it at the starter motor.


The new terminal for the starter was rubbing on the body of the starter and that is what caused the short.
Fortunately Merlin Motorsport are based at Combe and £300 later I had another new isolator.

To add to our woes the short had also fried the starter, so we spent the rest of the day push starting the car while organising for a spare starter to be sent down to us for the morning.

With the isolator fixed we continued to struggle throughout the day with a combination of getting out to do a few laps followed by some more time diagnosing.
I spent a good hour or so on the phone to my mapper Steve Greenald who tried to hook me up with a guy he knew who was supporting one of the Caterham teams testing that day. He was too busy to physically help us but he did give me some good pointers to help eliminate certain things and try and identify which cylinder was misfiring by looking at exhaust manifold temps.
Of course with an intermittent fault this is difficult but Steve had his money on an injector.

Just to round the test day off, Jonathan went to take the car out for one last session before the circuit closed. Unfortunately he didn't qute make it and was stopped at the pits by the marshalls as the track had just closed. He went to pull away and BANG, a drive shaft snapped.
So more phone calls and a fellow racer promised to bring one to the circuit in the morning.

So, an early start on the Saturday. I arrived from the hotel to the circuit in the dark. We had a drive shaft and a starter to fit before qualifying. I had an extra pair of hands coming down too so we cracked on and had it all done with an hour or so to spare.
At this point we had the car warming up with the bonnet open when Jonathan did something we had already done a hundred times. He wiggled the wires to the injectors... And the car spluttered!

2 minutes with a careful blade revealed the culprit that has caused us a season of woes.


A broken soldered joint (this is why you don't solder joints on race cars) that had been tightly held in heat shrink for several years had finally broken down. In hindsight it seems incredible that it took so long to find this and it had crossed my mind on a couple of occasions to strip these back and inspect them. But that part of the harness had been quite intricately put together and the aforementioned "wiggling" hadn't born any fruit up until now.

Amazingly, this solder joint was carried out by a garage that did some maintenance on the car after the last time I raced at Combe and we had exactly the same problem. - a broken injector wire. that was in 2014!

We went onto qualifying with all guns blazing and a car that was working. (for a bit)

It was wet of course but our laps the previous day helped and after I finished my stint in quali we were sitting in 3rd. Jon went out and held our position until a few laps later he didn't come round again.
Our fear was that he had gone off. Quarry is a notorious corner and in wet conditions anything could happen.

"Thankfully" it wasn't an off that caused his retirement but a gearbox failure.

After everything we had been through I didn't really care though. This was to be the last race of the season for us and I knew I could go into the winter break looking toward some upgrades and a fresh gearbox rather than more tedious electrical work.

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ClioSport Club Member
What a rollercoaster of emotions and broken parts!

I find it better to use solder sleeves on everything! Not had one fail me yet and it saves soldering a wire together and then realising you haven't put the heatshrink on first!! 😂

I got these ones


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172, RS4 B7
What a rollercoaster of emotions and broken parts!

I find it better to use solder sleeves on everything! Not had one fail me yet and it saves soldering a wire together and then realising you haven't put the heatshrink on first!! 😂

I got these ones
love those solder sleeves! not had a single one failed! actually made a test hang 10kg from a 22gause wire that was soldered. no issue!


ClioSport Club Member
So back in the workshop with the winter ahead of me I set about ordering everything I need for the upgrades.
I finally made the decision to go Fibreglass! I have had the bonnet for a couple of years but the doors have always bothered me because of the way they are joined around the window aperture, making the glass area smaller. I would have preferred the ones CM Composites used to make which were a perfect copy of the steel doors. However, in my mind function has finally overcome form and I took the plunge and ordered 2 doors and the tailgate from Ally at CCF.

Although my existing tailgate already has a P4P Lexan window in it and a CM composites cup spoiler I have also reordered these items as it just doesn't seem worth trying to remove them and potentially damage them in the process. So that is going to @Rob Quantrell. I also ordered new Lexan windows for the new doors. ACW make side windows specifically to fit the CCF doors so again it didn't seem worth removing and cutting down the existing ones. So I'll also have 2 stripped out steel doors with Lexan windows in to sell on.

IMG_3728 a.jpg

As I'm now committed to this weight loss program I am also planning a Carbon Fibre roof! This is still at the planning stage but to do this the windscreen needs to come out. So, I've also ordered a new heated screen and the old screen is booked to come out as soon as the gearbox is back in the car and I can move it.
I'm hoping the reduction in weight on the roof will help lower the centre of gravity a fair bit and I recon could easily shave another 10kg out of the car.

Before all this work began I decided to weigh the car as it stands. Rather than have to take the car over to Mark fish where it usually gets corner weighed I have invested in my own set of Intercomp scales and for later a BG string line kit. I had some Demon Tweeks vouchers to use!


The car has almost a full tank of fuel in it after Combe, having done just 7 laps and weighed in at 916.5kg. Fairly happy with the crossweight too at 51.5%. this will need re-doing of course once the panels are fitted.


While on the shopping spree I had also emailed Nick at Pure Motorsport to order a set of his new AP brakes and 2 piece discs only to find out from someone else that they don't fit behind the OZ or the TD wheels. Fortunately the discs were on back order so the order hadn't gone through but this was very disappointing. I think I'm going to plump for the Brembo set up with the 2 piece discs for now. This will help save a bit more weight again and more importantly, unsprung weight.

So, next the gearbox came out to go back to Mark Fish. I was hopeful that it wasn't going to be anything serious because we had just lost all gears and the gearlever had just gone slack. The gearbox has not done much running since the last rebuild for obvious reasons so I don't think it's going to need much.



2 hours to remove single handed was my record so far!

As I dropped this over to Mark Fish I have also dropped him my track car which has been sitting for a while with a blown engine.

This Seat Leon Cupra R I have owned from new and eventually became a track car before I started racing. It's pretty handy on track with KW Clubsport suspension and top mounts. partly poly bushed with a rear ARB and the obligatory Milltek system and a custom map by Jabba. It is only lacking a diff really and I've been in 2 minds whether to strip it and turn it into another race car, or restore it and keep it for high days and holidays. As a 1 owner car and only 75k on the clock it seems a shame to butcher it. Anyway, at the moment it has a suspected blown head gasket and potentially some melted valves after being run for 2 laps of Thruxton by a "mate" with no coolant in it!


Back to the Clio -
While planning these panel changes I started looking into buying some of the yellow vinyl to wrap them in to match the rest of the car only to find that Hexis have discontinued it!
I have now got about 10 different sample yellows from various companies, none of which match.
The guy who wrapped the car originally was about to emigrate to Florida but I managed to catch him a week before he left and bought the leftover roll from my car which he had saved. This is enough to do 1 door but he put me in touch with another company who have actually got a match. So, I now have enough to do it all.
After Christmas the fitting began.


ClioSport Club Member
With the gearbox out I could only do one door and the tailgate to start.
I'm happy to report it was all very straight forward. The hinges on the passenger door are the bolted type so they swapped straight over.
All of the holes etc are clearly visible on the fibreglass moulding so it was easy to drill them out for the door latch and wing mirror. The door handle received the same treatment with just a but more dremelling.

The fitment isn't bad and there's just about enough adjustment in the hinges to get the alignment right.
the only tricky bit is fixing the mirror as the normal fixing relies on another skin of metal inside the door to pull it tight. This isn't present on these doors so some spacers are required to allow the bolts to pull tight to the outer skin. I may reinforce this as I think one tap from another car on the track and there's a good chance they will damage the door.

You can see on the photo below a line I've drawn around the window. I'm going to trim this back to try and gain as much glass area as possible.


The tailgate was easy too. The only issue was removing the hinges from the old tailgate as to access them normally you need to take the spoiler off. So, I had to drill a couple of large holes on the inside edge of the frame for access.
Other than this it must have taken no more than 40 minutes to fit.


So now its just a waiting game for the gearbox to come back. I received a photo from Mark today showing the problem.


A broken selector. He's going to check over the rest of the box but hopefully this will be back to me in the next few days and I can crack on.


ClioSport Club Member
I know exactly what you mean with regards to the doors and the aperture, i felt exactly the same. I decided to trim mine back but you do have to be careful as this is where the skins are bonded - i would advise you put some more bond between them if possible.

i was unaware that ACW did polycarbs to fit these though, that would of been handy.


ClioSport Club Member
I know exactly what you mean with regards to the doors and the aperture, i felt exactly the same. I decided to trim mine back but you do have to be careful as this is where the skins are bonded - i would advise you put some more bond between them if possible.

i was unaware that ACW did polycarbs to fit these though, that would of been handy.
Not sure how long they've been doing them to be honest. May not have been available when you did yours. Certainly going to save a heap of time though.


ClioSport Club Member
Not sure how long they've been doing them to be honest. May not have been available when you did yours. Certainly going to save a heap of time though.

My windows were the very first set they made for the clio... what is strange also is I have moved all around the country and now live about 10min walk from them


ClioSport Club Member
Right, I think I'm committed to doing the roof now.
Ordered all the materials which arrived today and started stripping the vinyl from the roof ready for polishing.
Material is a 2X2 3K carbon fibre mat, 210gsm weight. This will be layered in 3 sheets each layered at 90 degrees to each other but I'll document the process here for anyone who's interested.



Just need the weather to warm up! The gearbox should be ready for collection Saturday. (another 4 figure bill!) but then I can get it in and move the car.


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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Great read! But i’m so glad I didn’t let my mates talk me into racing mine though 😂 I’ll stick to going along to the meets and doing trackdays.
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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
You can't underestimate the buzz of racing Jon. Once you've tried it you won't look back! Your bank balance (or your wife) might not thank you though.
Yeah that's just the problem, racing is addictive and expensive. The company i work for have a rally team and compete in the BTRDA with a few WRC cars, so i've been involved in that from a marketing stand point for the last 20 years. I've also sponsored a lot of grass roots motorsports like karting and seen some of those guys move up into circuit racing. I also travel with CMRacing in the trackday trophy so i totally understand why you're doing it and appreciate the buzz you get out of it.

In 2019 i lost 4 stone, ran a marathon and got myself into really good shape. The plan was to enter the TDT (my Clio trackcar has been built for that series) and did some testing at Cadwell and Croft. I'm a few seconds a lap off the front runners, which in a 45 minute race is a lot of time. I guess i'd be racing, but at the back haha.

So i'll stick with my trackdays where i can at least hold my own and not get in the way of others, and let you guys have all the fun and take all the risk. I'm also the wrong side of 50 :)


ClioSport Club Member
Hey Rob, do you mind sharing the blank version of your livery?

Been looking around for something like this for ages!


ClioSport Club Member
Another step in the right direction today with the gearbox now back from Mark Fish and Hubs newly powder coated and new bearings pressed in.
The weather is supposed to start warming up tomorrow, so once I'm done with all the Valentines stuff I should be able to start getting the car back together.
I was hoping to have the brake upgrade sorted by the time this went back together but I'm still weighing up between Brembos and Wilwoods. I shall make a decision soon.

