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Colesy 182 turbo revival


ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
Been meaning to start a thread for the 182 for a while.
While in the previous lockdown my dad had the bright idea that he should buy a 182 and a turbo’d one at that. He found this car on eBay, bought it unsighted and had it delivered to his house.
The plan for him buying it was that we could do some track days together, him in the 182 me in my 172 and he’d actually have some hope of keeping up with me 😂

Fast forward 3 months his life’s changed, he’s relocating to the coast and so the Clio would’ve been surplus to requirements so was going to be sold. Until one day he was enjoying it on the road and the gearbox decided to go bang.
That’s when he offered me it at a really good price knowing he won’t get any hassle off the sale and I can get it sorted.

So that leads to where we are now. Picked up a gearbox with a gripper diff fitted last week so that side is ready to go.
It was when I got the car into my garage and started to look over it I realised it’s a a bit of a death trap!
list of things wrong so far;
No decent heat shielding, just cheap tape that’s peeling off.
Massive fuel leak from a joiner in the fuel return line as it’s running a ph1 setup.
Boost hose kit looks like it’s been cobbled together and doesn’t fit properly in the slightest, and fouls on everything.
Battery has been relocated with the thickest cable ive ever seen, and where it’s gone though the bulkhead it’s nearly rubbed through. Would’ve been fun if that shorted out with a fuel leak!!
And so far that’s it.
I will be removing the engine and gearbox to clean up the bay, replace the gearbox, fit epas, do the cambelt, fit ARP rod bolts, replace all the bushes on the subframe and rear beam.
I will also swap the GAZ coilovers onto the track car and fit the b14s on the 172 onto this.
It’s not going to be a quick project but I can’t wait until it’s done!






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ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
Jesus, how can you put effort into pretty intensive mods but not even shove a grommet around a cable lol. 🙀
I know right, baffled me too! The hole isn’t even nicely cut, looks like it’s been done with a punch!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Shame about the gearbox and bodges on it. Looks like a great base though. Looking forward to seeing your updates.

What clutch are you going to fit? Cool project.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
Shame about the gearbox and bodges on it. Looks like a great base though. Looking forward to seeing your updates.

What clutch are you going to fit? Cool project.
Cheers! Pretty sure it’s got a paddle clutch in it at the moment as it’s very on/off but I will decide when I’ve got it all apart. Ideally I’d like something that’s easy to use day to day


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
I have looked into clutches for the turbo set up. I have got used to my paddle clutch and it is amazing at putting the power down. For everyday use I would definitely look at the RST clutch sold by KAM Racing. I have driven a turbo clio with this clutch and very similar feel to a standard clutch. The paddle clutch can be a bit like an on/off switch.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
That sounds like an interesting option. I’m not opposed to having a paddle in it, I just don’t want it to become tiring to drive, especially if I take it to work and get caught in traffic so that RST clutch would be a good compromise


ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
Made a start today, removing the boost hoses and getting the inlet off. Happy to find an EFI boost module plumbed in, not so happy to find a rusty spark plug hole and a cam cover hoofing oil out as black sealant was used. Not too much of an issue as I’ll reseal it when I do the cambelt.

Also found the brake servo pipe melted and collapsed as the attempt of any heat shielding was poor so it’s just purely melted. That was it today though, came inside because I was cold and wanted to watch the Silverstone 500.

This pic shows the melted brake servo hose but also the coolant feed for the turbo, is their any other prettier ways to plumb this in? As I really don’t like how it looks


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Dare I ask what your dad paid for this car 🙈 looks like it has been well bodged together! At least once you have done it then will be awsome little car and has all the right bits. They feel so quick tol and there is not a lot that can get away from them!!

Mine does not run the water cooling as my understanding is it is not that necessary. This was the previous owner that built it like this and confirmed before doing so with ED.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
Too much lol! A smidge over 4K I think it was. Interesting regarding the coolant feed, I’m reluctant to remove it as that’s how the cars been running so it’s proven in a sense, would just like it to be a nicer install.

It was sold saying it had the ED kit on it but I’m not so sure, I think whoever built it has looked at the parts list for the ED kit then tried to buy the parts separately.
Gives me a lot of motivation to revive it though as it’ll be nice to give it a new lease of life.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
Some more progress today, got the turbocharger off. Looks largely okay but it has got some wear on the cold side vanes. Is it possible to get a Chinese turbo rebuilt? Think it would be a beneficial for reliability.
Also if you’re reading this and about to turbo your 172/182 please make sure your heat management is up to scratch! This car had gold reflective tape that’s nearly set on fire and everything behind it has melted, luckily the wiring is okay.
That’s it for now, thanks for reading


ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
Some more progress today, engine and gearbox removed not much else to report except the gearbox spider mount bolts were finger tight! Next point will be to get the engine stripped and checked and replace anything needed. I’ve got the time so feel it’ll be worth it.
anyway that’s it for now cheers



ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
Where’s your heat shield on the rack mate?

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Person who built the car thought it wasn’t needed lol so many bodges and corners cut on this car, I can barely believe it ran or hasn’t caught fire!


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah, there are a lot out there and it’s those that give turbo clios a bad name! I read on the FB group the other day that ALL turbo 1*2 are un reliable [emoji849][emoji849][emoji849][emoji849][emoji849][emoji849] That rack will get hot as hell!

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ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
100%. They’re only as reliable as the people that build them! I want to do this one properly and make it reliable but also use it as intended.


ClioSport Club Member
Literally gets on my tits when I read ‘every turbo clio is unreliable, they aren’t any faster on the track, they kill gearboxes.... [emoji99][emoji99][emoji99][emoji99][emoji99]

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ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
To be fair this one has killed a gearbox😂 but judging by the way it’s been built I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s been driven in a similar manner of flat out everywhere! Got a gripper’d box ready to go in though eventually.
I need to find out what the turbo is, it’s got Garrett embossed on the hot side housing and not sure the ED one would? It needs a rebuild while it’s off anyway


ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
Had a thought this morning, could this car have been built by the fabled and failed clioturbo? Reading some of the reviews of their work would suggest it could have....


ClioSport Club Member
To be fair this one has killed a gearbox[emoji23] but judging by the way it’s been built I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s been driven in a similar manner of flat out everywhere! Got a gripper’d box ready to go in though eventually.
I need to find out what the turbo is, it’s got Garrett embossed on the hot side housing and not sure the ED one would? It needs a rebuild while it’s off anyway

No, ED one isn’t a Garrett. Got a pic of it?

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ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
So by a stroke of luck I found the owner who boosted this car on Instagram, he informs me it’s a GT2860RS turbo on it. Does this sound right? I’m assuming it’s a copy and not a genuine Garrett

ClioSport Trader
So by a stroke of luck I found the owner who boosted this car on Instagram, he informs me it’s a GT2860RS turbo on it. Does this sound right? I’m assuming it’s a copy and not a genuine Garrett

Wouldn't have thought it to say Garrett if not a genuine one. Have you got any pics?

Hope you told them that they did a mare of a job on the turbo build!

Looking forward to seeing progress on the build!


ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
It really is, I don’t get it at all! As I know it works I’m tempted to get it back on run it for abit then start modifying from there.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
So at the weekend I got the engine out and got the cylinder head off. After seeing the rest of the car I really wanted to strip and check the internals and it all appears to be good. While I’m massively tempted to get some rods/pistons lower the CR and up the boost for now I’m just going to stay low boost and focus on reliability rather than numbers. Plus it would be stupid to go for a big build when I haven’t even driven the car in 240hp guise.
I have read though that I can use a Megane headgasket which would lower the CR a tad, does anyone know which one? I feel this would be worth while, while it is apart. I will be getting the map checked by Chris at EFI when it backs together anyway.
cheers for reading as always

FYI number 2 and 3 pistons weren’t clean like that when I got the head off I just cleaned them before the pic



ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
Can anybody advise which Megane headgasket I need to order? Is it a 225 oem? I’ve tried reading lots of threads but I seem to have conflicting info from over the years!
Can anybody advise which Megane headgasket I need to order? Is it a 225 oem? I’ve tried reading lots of threads but I seem to have conflicting info from over the years!

I used this with no problems so far, done about 1000 miles since was done


ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
Can anyone please help me? I need the standard journal sizes for a 182 crank. I’ve measured the journals and want to see how they stack up. Cheers


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ClioSport Club Member
  172 182 197 E61 530D
Not much of an update really. Got the engine stripped down checked measured and ready to go back together once I get some bits. It’s largely pretty good, will just get treated to some new big end bearings and leave the rest alone as it’s within spec.
Subframe is now off, all the bushes need replacing as I knew anyway. It just seems everything I seem to take off is either broken or worn out, I think it’s going to take longer than I planned! Just trying to keep motivation and not sell the lot to be honest.


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