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The Power PC Thread [f*ck off consoles]


ClioSport Club Member
  Macan S
Picked up Hitman 3 on PC for £29. I loved all the previous games and the reviews seem fantastic.

I'll be smashing some of that later.
Been playing it for a month or so and bloody love it.
Still only on the penultimate mission as some of them are so replayable and it’s addictive trying to get all the challenges done.


ClioSport Club Member
The whole mining thing is f-ing crazy. RTX 3060Ti are routinely going for over a grand on eBay. A grand! You can see the impact mining is having because the 3070 is going for basically the same money and they achieve pretty much the same mining hash rate. Pretty much all the cards on eBay are going for the sort of money where you get payback on the cost of the card in just under a year through mining at current bitcoin prices.

I'm really tempted to buy a bunch of pre-builts and mine with the 3060Ti cards out of them but don't fancy having thousands tied up in something where the bubble could so easily burst.


ClioSport Club Member
Got Hitman set up and running, ultra everything at 5120x1440. It looks incredible



ClioSport Club Member
F*ck me it's good, would fully recommend if you've liked the previous games. Definitely one of the prettiest current games too


ClioSport Club Member
  Macan S
I’m just grateful Epic games doesn’t track time played (that I know of) as I’ve wasted a lot of hours on it.
I always liked the Tom Clancy splinter cell games and hitman has definite splinter cell vibes.
Played the last story mission today, sad that they’ve said it’s the last one, might play through them all again…


ClioSport Club Member
I’m just grateful Epic games doesn’t track time played (that I know of) as I’ve wasted a lot of hours on it.
I always liked the Tom Clancy splinter cell games and hitman has definite splinter cell vibes.
Played the last story mission today, sad that they’ve said it’s the last one, might play through them all again…
Yeah, it really does. I've already downloaded Hitman 1 and 2 on PC as well, might as well play them all though again since they were cheap


ClioSport Club Member
  Macan S
Yeah, it really does. I've already downloaded Hitman 1 and 2 on PC as well, might as well play them all though again since they were cheap
Yeah given their age the first two are still pretty good, think I need to play them again as some of the story in the third was lost on me a bit since I couldn’t remember some of the ins and outs of providence.
I think Dartmoor is probably my favourite mission of the game, there’s so much more to the missions than just a simple assassination target or two.


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah given their age the first two are still pretty good, think I need to play them again as some of the story in the third was lost on me a bit since I couldn’t remember some of the ins and outs of providence.
I think Dartmoor is probably my favourite mission of the game, there’s so much more to the missions than just a simple assassination target or two.

Dartmoor's fantastic, yeah. I think Chongqing is my favourite so far... proper Cyberpunk feel to it!

  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30


ClioSport Club Member
Is it proper immersive mate? I've been weighing this monitor up vs the LG 38 inch one -

I play quite a lot of competative games though like Dota and Valorant so don't think he'll help much with those haha. I wonder what Dota looks like on it though? :D

Unreal mate, I can't recommend one enough. I went big on the 49" Odyssey CRG9 (didn't like the 100R curve on the G9)

5120x1440 makes all you old favourite games worth replaying. New titles like Cyberpunk and FS2020 look incredible too.


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
As above though, UW is good for immersion in SP games. However, frames wins games (as the saying goes) in multiplayer titles.

I'd love one of those G9 badboys. Need some more horsepower to achieve max FPS on one of those though. A 2080Ti ain't enough.


ClioSport Club Member
Stuck a power meter on my PC, when mining it’s pulling about 270W total, something like £1.20 a day in electricity, so that’s good.

I really ducked up earlier today though.... was building up a pc out of some spare bits. Somehow, and I still don‘t know how or why, I put the CPU in the wrong orientation and then closed the clamp on it. Fucked the CPU and the motherboard into the bargain. Gutted. What a moron 😂


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Is it proper immersive mate? I've been weighing this monitor up vs the LG 38 inch one -

I play quite a lot of competative games though like Dota and Valorant so don't think he'll help much with those haha. I wonder what Dota looks like on it though? :D

Most competitive games run black bars on Ultrawides at least in ranked mode, although this hasn’t caused me any issues. I play Val on my LG 34GN850, it’s an insanely good experience even with the black bars but obviously much better for games that support the full width.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Stuck a power meter on my PC, when mining it’s pulling about 270W total, something like £1.20 a day in electricity, so that’s good.

I really ducked up earlier today though.... was building up a pc out of some spare bits. Somehow, and I still don‘t know how or why, I put the CPU in the wrong orientation and then closed the clamp on it. Fucked the CPU and the motherboard into the bargain. Gutted. What a moron 😂
Been VERY close myself to the CPU squishing - but thankfully (touch wood) - I've not killed one yet!


ClioSport Club Member
Rumours suggesting there might be a 3090 Ti after all... I might just wait and NOT be able to get one of those instead. Still on the waiting list for my 3090. FFS.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
3080 Ti will be decent, shame it will probably cost 1.5k at my best guess, GPU market is so retarded, my 3090’s gone up £500 since I bought it, what a time to be alive.


ClioSport Club Member
Gave my mouse, keyboard and my phone a clean with ISO this morning

The only way to describe the feeling can be depicted in the gif below


Had to break about 5mm of postcrete out of my charging port too, phone charger keeps falling out in the middle of the night. Now I get that satisfying *click*


Mr Squashie

CSF Harvester
ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Took keys off to clean out dust and grime from around the switches to try and solve some issues with key strokes not registering/registering multiple times.


ClioSport Club Member
  Punto HGT Abarth
So then, I caved and bought a whole PC to farm parts from. Currently running on my old motherboard:

Ryzen 3700x
MSI Ventus 3x 3070
32 GB @ 3200mhz
650 Watt PSU

On Warzone last night we all compared FPS and @Moonshot with the same CPU and a 1080ti (what RAM kit do you have?) was matching/destroying my FPS at the same resolution (I had everything on low). 😱

@Daz... has suggested a fresh Windows install to get the best out of everything but surely it wouldn't be holding things back this much?

Any other ideas? Using an old motherboard shouldn't make a difference should it? 🤔


ClioSport Club Member
  Punto HGT Abarth
Superposition bench at 1080 extreme seems about right compared to others.

Potentially screwed it over by endlessly tweaking Warzone config files for my 1070ti over the past 12 months so I'll have a go at resetting them/re-install.


  • bench.png
    104.6 KB · Views: 85


ClioSport Club Member
So then, I caved and bought a whole PC to farm parts from. Currently running on my old motherboard:

Ryzen 3700x
MSI Ventus 3x 3070
32 GB @ 3200mhz
650 Watt PSU

On Warzone last night we all compared FPS and @Moonshot with the same CPU and a 1080ti (what RAM kit do you have?) was matching/destroying my FPS at the same resolution (I had everything on low). 😱

@Daz... has suggested a fresh Windows install to get the best out of everything but surely it wouldn't be holding things back this much?

Any other ideas? Using an old motherboard shouldn't make a difference should it? 🤔
Do you have any other programs open whilst on wz?

For some reason mine runs like a bag of spanners when I have too many chrome tabs open


ClioSport Club Member
  Punto HGT Abarth
Do you have any other programs open whilst on wz?

For some reason mine runs like a bag of spanners when I have too many chrome tabs open

I close everything not needed. OBS and RTX broadcast were running last night.

These are my motherboard choices at the mo (running the TUF at the min).

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ClioSport Club Member
I close everything not needed. OBS and RTX broadcast were running last night.

These are my motherboard choices at the mo (running the TUF at the min).

Done any outstanding BIOS updates too? When did they release the updates so 30 series would work on a 4XX board?

I noticed a massive jump going from an AsRock B350m to a Asus TUF B550m.
