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  1. David

    New Pc Build Problem :(

    you might have downloaded the 32bit version? there are two. I had similar issues when i installed my sli motherboard and that solved it. Otherwise defo bios update, goto gigabyte forums and find out if any1 else has had the same issues, perhaps there is more info on there. TBH it was my first...
  2. David

    New Pc Build Problem :(

    Defo do a bios update and that patch and you should be sorted
  3. David

    New Pc Build Problem :(

    you need that patch i rekon. vista 64 will only run stably on 2gig ram without it. this is the one..
  4. David

    Vista 64 Bit Internet Issues..

    disable automatic prxy detection maybe? reset IE to defaults?
  5. David

    any difference between 720p and 1080i?

    depends if it's upscaling from 720p res or actually is downscaling to 1080i or if your tele scales it up or down. McBunny will know most i imagine
  6. David

    which desktop.

    either get a MAc or get like a precision desktop from dell i rekon.
  7. David

    help with pictures

    resize the pic then do it... either with this.. or use an online one to do it...
  8. David

    re-end RCA cables

  9. David

    Today I Saw the Future of TV's!!!!

    hahah nice. pwned on all fronts.
  10. David

    Today I Saw the Future of TV's!!!!

    why do people quote like that? i just don't understand it.
  11. David

    New Laptop spec

    sounds good! xps ftw though
  12. David

    Today I Saw the Future of TV's!!!!

    lol @ the rolly, what a crock of sh1t! OLED sounds wicked though must say. My mate works for sony told me about those headphones, hopefully getting some soon :)
  13. David

    just ordered myself new pc

    could be quicker :P
  14. David

    encrypted DVDs

    hated anydvd when i had it. i use fabdvd platnium - will decode all the encryptions including sony's (they're the hardest). job done
  15. David

    So ive just installed vista......

    UAC is a total waste of's designed for the novice user in mind. That laptop should run it fine, i have a dell d620 which is a lot lower spec than that and it runs lovely.
  16. David

    So ive just installed vista......

    same as everyone else, mine is rapid and haven't h. make sure you turn off UAC aswell, makes quite a bit of difference to the whole experience imo.
  17. David

    Another... Vista is crap thread

    isn't sp1 a beta?
  18. David

    New phone, high SAR rating. Take it back?

    what?! thats informative and you mentioned everyother phone out there... and people looking at this thread would find it good to know, not to mention, if you are choosing another phone....then it helps too so :rasp:
  19. David

    New phone, high SAR rating. Take it back?

    iphone 0.974
  20. David

    CD/DVD Buring Software

    nero 7 or higher works on 64 as thats what i'm using.
  21. David

    Repairing damaged archives using quickpar

    lol i'm such a noob. i checked that and your right think it resetted after reinstalled with final from beta, thank you mate
  22. David

    Repairing damaged archives using quickpar

    No worries at all mate, figured as much! Thanks for that, i've followed your guide from head to toe and tbh i think mine is downloading them files that i know this, i'm thinking there must be an option to pause them automatically which would reduce download times, know of...
  23. David

    Repairing damaged archives using quickpar

    hi guys, read through the guide and tried to read up on it but I still can't get this to work. Got my first damaged file using newzbins, ran quick par over it and it said it was still missing blocks, what do I do now? Pressumably I don't have to redownload the whole file again, I tried...
  24. David

    Probs with Windows media player

    nah you should be able to get it working without installing another player. do you have a monitoring program or a G15 keyboard? cause i've had that issue before.
  25. David

    Newsgroups wont download 'old news'

    I'm using giganews+newzbin not had any issues with old stuff. 200 days retention though..
  26. David


    download in runspybot would be the first thing I would do
  27. David

    does any1 know how to play .evo files.... ?

    yep but i did that already, obviously....and i still can't play them. it's a hd-dvd format so i'm after either a generic codec or a program which can do it..
  28. David

    does any1 know how to play .evo files.... ?

    as above really...can't seem to find an easy way of doing appreciated.
  29. David

    Too good to be true?

    I rekon you will get it but I just think that over two years you could get a better laptop interest free credit