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  1. Da

    Exhaust fitting in the North West???

    Ideally tomorrow or Sunday, is there anyone that comes recommended? I fitted my last one myself on ramps but don't have access to them this weekend! :dapprove: Any ideas?
  2. Da

    FF missuse.

    Or PH-PHAT?
  3. Da

    very sluggish 182 :(

    Indeed, heatsoak will sap your power.
  4. Da

    Albi blue 197 M66 Bury area

    I was going over to Huddersfield to collect my lad mate so it was M65, M66, M60, M62...M62, M60, M66, M65 then the same again today to take him back home! ;)
  5. Da

    Albi blue 197 M66 Bury area

    Burnley mate, was doing a M65, M66, M60, M62 dash! ;)
  6. Da

    new headlights

    No, pre 2004 were black, post 2004 were grey to bring them inline with the 182's release.
  7. Da

    Black Gold 182, A50 Stoke today

  8. Da

    Albi blue 197 M66 Bury area

    Was heading in the oposite direction to me so no reg etc but I guess it would have been around 11.30am Saturday morning?? Has been K-Tec'd front grill wise and looked to have limo tints all round too! :dapprove:
  9. Da

    FF missuse.

    Hi Ben ;)
  10. Da

    I Am An Idiot....

    Bad luck Michelle! I had similar issues last weekend! ;) but yeah £60 is all you'll pay and it wont affect your NCB at all. :) A new screen to buy privately, with the UV coating and gel pack would set you back around £300 to £400.
  11. Da

    172 wheels or 182 wheels!?

    Not quite a Dynamique but you get the idea... ;)
  12. Da

    2002 clio 172 headlights on permanent

    Yes there's a sensor, it's behind the rear view mirror. Also check a relay isn't stuck in the 'on' position.
  13. Da

    Livid, absolutely fuming!

    Lol @ some of the replies, CS massive aiiii! :rasp: Anni, thanks hun, as I've said earlier I wont be lowering myself to his levels. I certainly wont be doing anything that can put me in the firing line for a criminal record! Thanks for all the comments though guys and gals! :D
  14. Da

    Black Gold 182, A50 Stoke today

    You had a CS sticker in the rear window and reg was N12 TAW I believe? Looked nice and clean and it lowered at all? You wont have seen me as I was in the van! ;)
  15. Da

    Another novice Q:D

    Seats yes, door cards no.
  16. Da

    Livid, absolutely fuming!

    I'm with Gemma on this one I feel, he is only doing it for his own pittiful showing no reaction then he will achieve nothing. I for one know that if I laid one finger on him he would have me up on an assault charge in a flash. I simply will not lower myself to his levels.
  17. Da

    is there a fuel filter on a 182???

    How about post useful info rather than abuse at another member? Oh and "Renaults official guidelines" ... On top of this servicing are other things that need to be done regardless of mileage Cam belt and aux belt shouldn’t be any older than 5yrs. Brake fluid should be changed ever 4...
  18. Da

    Dash boards inserts finally fitted

    Top notch as always Rich! :approve:
  19. Da

    help needed ASAP

    Make it an emergency! ;)
  20. Da

    Livid, absolutely fuming!

    Police didn't even attend Jamie, they said there was no point without CCTV evidence :dapprove: All I got was a crime number!
  21. Da

    Livid, absolutely fuming!

    Lol, on a lighter note, she's now all repaired, washed and a new nose to cheer me up! :approve:
  22. Da

    Livid, absolutely fuming!

    Lol @ some of the replies! :approve: Well AutoGlass have worked their magic and the screen is now all sorted! :) As for the rabbit he had picked the hutch up and thrown it into the corner of the garden, the rabbit was still inside. It was upside down when we found it which is what first...
  23. Da

    Livid, absolutely fuming!

    Alarm didn't go off no otherwise I wouldn't be sat here now ;) Yes I know who's done it, well I'm 99% sure, it's my girlfriends ex named Kev. Bearing in mind they broke up over 2 years ago now... He'd also been in her back yard and fucked up her rabbit and hutch! :eek: Revenge is a...
  24. Da

    Livid, absolutely fuming!

    Nice surprise at 7.30am on a Sunday mornming hey... and the culprit, well his name's Kev and he is now, I hope, currently in hiding... :mad: :evil: On the plus side, there doesn't seem to be any bodywork damage so barring the £60 excess I've being quite lucky in the grand...
  25. Da

    is there a fuel filter on a 182???

    Yes but as far as I know it's part of the sender unit in the tank. Good for plenty of miles I've heard.
  26. Da

    auto headlights

    Fog lights will not work when they are in auto mode, you need to switch them to manual for the fogs to work.
  27. Da

    Mk2 Ph2 Rear lights

    There's a guide on how to wire the other fog ya know ;)
  28. Da

    2002 172 windscreen motor problem

    Please post in the correct section, it will aid people in assisting you.
  29. Da

    black gold v6 - 04 plate - 25k - under 14k

    Car number 099 and HPI clear it seems! :)
  30. Da

    Nother Noob!

    Nelson as in near Burnley mate? Welcome to the club! :)