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  1. jinjur

    o2 sensor.....halp please :( its doing this
  2. jinjur

    o2 sensor.....halp please :(

    Actually, here was a reading from before I changed the O2 sensor.......this is the one that was supposed to be faulty
  3. jinjur

    o2 sensor.....halp please :(

    Just nipped down to shop and EML came on more or less instantly :( Can anyone confirm if the O2 (front) value should be a pulse in RSTuner? A
  4. jinjur

    o2 sensor.....halp please :(

    Will give that a go tonight fella..........sweating blood at the thought of pulling both sensors now :(
  5. jinjur

    o2 sensor.....halp please :(

    Hi all, Well, recently the Clio had been throwing a P01030 intermittently which I read as being "O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 1)" and I understood that this was the front O2 sensor (Ph2 172) So I grabbed one from ECP (A HAAS one might I add, not Bosch) and dropped it in. Pig of a job, but...
  6. jinjur


    lol.....yeah.....that would be cool me.....feel like a Fussing like this over a car that's worth 28p. Still going to pick up with the guy on the on hols for a week next wed so would be a prudent opportunity to leave it up with him to sort without...
  7. jinjur

    Timing...... are shat at this :P So Tappy and rattly but constant 1k rpm.........the occasional wee bump but....pretty normal. Now it is kinda......bruuump, bruuump, bruuump, bruump......with notable vibration through the cabin...
  8. jinjur


    I know bud....doesn't come across in the video but the engine is can't even think of a word to describe it :|
  9. jinjur


    oh...i have one!
  10. jinjur


    I hear you guys......I guess I am just a bit of a wuss :P I will contact the fella and see what he says. He was very dead on but yeah, it was grown up money (that I really don't have) so would like it perfect. If I am being perfectly honest.....I had a spare set of end caps and just wanted a wee...
  11. jinjur


    Ach balls.....that's gutting.....thanks for confirming Mike. Hey Crib....I have had the car for nearly 5/6 years now......definately lumpy.....but this is different lumpy......kinda. Could this 1/2 degrees cause that? You know when someone inspires confidence and you are super happy that they...
  12. jinjur


    Right-o, So I bit the bullet and got the whole she-bang done at a reputable place here. This included: Cambelt + tensioners Aux belt + tensioners Water pump + Renault coolant Dephaser New cam pulley seals New crank bolt So I think it was the full package. Anyway....terrible engine clatter and...
  13. jinjur

    banging/clunking from inner tie rod?

    Or, you can grab a correctly sized crows foot spanner with 1/2" attachment for a good few quid less. Still a wanker as they are generally fused with kryptonite. :D
  14. jinjur

    Type D coolant.....

    Ignore....just found this ( Thanks anyhoo J
  15. jinjur

    Type D coolant.....

    Can I just check...........Renault Type D, well.......right? There aren't any sub-types or anything are there? I have seen part # 7711428130 listed. Is this the right stuff for a ph2 172? J
  16. jinjur

    Fans blowing on full.....anything else apart from resistor?

    Hi gang, Fans randomly starting blowing full pelt today out of the blue. Only asking if there is anything else to check apart from the resistor as I soldered it around a year ago and this fixed the issue before. I see they are only around 15 quid on ebay but thought i would see if there is...
  17. jinjur

    Intermittent P0130

    That is interesting bud. So you think that the fact that my post cat is showing solid voltage would indicate my cat is ok and this is either a leak pre-cat or a bust sensor? I actually think that my post cat sensor is fairly new.....i replaced one maybe 2 years ago but cant remember if it was...
  18. jinjur

    Intermittent P0130

    came on again last night......will try the 3k check I also think that I might have a leak in the exhaust which I only heard last night.......if it was that mani/cat joint, could that be doing this? J
  19. jinjur

    Intermittent P0130

    Hey Spanky....cheers for the update. Well...its been throwing the MIL quite a bit more lately so I threw on the RSTuner with a view to looking at the O2 readings. Was surprised to see both front and rear O2 sensors showing as a historic fault.....bit worried that there could be more to it than...
  20. jinjur

    Intermittent P0130

    Hi all, In the past couple of months, I have had the EML and P0130 error thrown in my car, usually at start-up accompanied with a bit of an off smell from the exhaust. I suspect that this is as others have noted, the upstream lambda failing but is the intermittent nature of it normal too? I...
  21. jinjur

    Turbo Issues - BMW Content

    Its a pretty horrid stripping match buddy and if it is the Mitsubishi turbo, there is no hope for a rebuild. BMW wanted 2000 for the part alone. Would be a better story if yours has the Garrett turbo. I was lucky in that ours happened in the -15 degree winter we had a few years ago......there...
  22. jinjur

    Turbo Issues - BMW Content

    I had similar noises with our E91 320d and I will tell you it was an expensive lesson 😧 I hope that is not the case with you bud. We were on around 97k miles......and I did what I think was the 3rd service since we owned it. Oil, filters etc. When started, it was making a similar noise...
  23. jinjur

    STadT Technik remap?

    Spot on. Didn't know that. The MOT guys in NI told me differently and actually failed my old car on that basis. I was just too lazy to dig deeper and it was easier to pull the Xenons. Cheers for the info. p.s. car is a beaut.
  24. jinjur

    STadT Technik remap?

    I thought Xenons without washers was an MOT fail? Wrong? J
  25. jinjur

    Possible battery issue? Crazy dashboard lights, headlights flicking on and off when turning key

    Dude.........35-40 would have had a new one from ECP with like a 3 year warranty. regardless....glad you are back online J
  26. jinjur

    Possible battery issue? Crazy dashboard lights, headlights flicking on and off when turning key

    Just watched the vid again and I had exactly that...........exactly............when the cold weather started. A bit of cold just pushes the battery over the edge IMO. New battery with a hefty CCA rating and all sorted again. Fairly cheap tbh (in Renault terms anyway) J
  27. jinjur

    Possible battery issue? Crazy dashboard lights, headlights flicking on and off when turning key

    Battery. Had the same thing recently. Keep the multimeter on the battery when you try and start it and you will see it drop a-lot. Mine was dropping to 10v You aren't seeing the real issue which is the Amps (I didn't measure mine, sorry) but its what the CCA (cold cranking amps) rating of a...
  28. jinjur

    Engine / bulkhead noise......standard stuff :/

    Hi gang, Standard Clio stuff again, so I have noticed the old buzzing noise against the bulkhead getting worse of late when tramping on. I already have the dogbone mount powerflexed so I doubt it is that. however, the top engine mount was about 3 years old so I swapped that out yesterday for a...
  29. jinjur

    Engine ECU calibration/map question?

  30. jinjur

    Engine ECU calibration/map question?

    Because people like "bang" and will pay bucks for it. It really isn't good for the engine bud, cat or no-cat. There is a brutal NSFL thread floating about here showing an engine that expired with a bang/pop map Just to warn's a sad thread. Bring tissues.