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  1. B

    182 tyre pressure, quick answer

    I think Roy has been playing around with tyre pressures and he found 34 front 30 rear was a big improvement on his 182 cup
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    182 Cup Owners

    Hi ive got a blue cup no stripe and no probs only thing i miss are some decent seats but i an live with that!
  3. B

    Is your clio the car that makes u smile..

    Ive had a few mad cars Rennie 5 cosworth!, Evo 7, 400bhp 3dr cossie, M3, Scooby. and honestly i can say that i have as much fun in my clio than any of the above. the only thing that im tempted to change it for is a new M3 but not yet.
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    182 getting quicker

    Ive now done 5000 miles in my 182 and im surprised at how much livelier it has become over the last few hundred miles. I have given it the beans since i got it and have to admit have found it pretty slow at times but there is now a bigger surge in every gear. I hope it will get even better...
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    182/Cup very sensitive to tyre pressures

    Ill give it a try!!!!
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    Pics of ITG Maxogen

    Has this got a cold air feed? it looks as it stops near the end of the battery.
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    chipping a clio

    What was the dealer called in Norwich Clarkie?
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    Recaro seat info all here

    Id b interested in a group buy.
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    Group Buy@Hayward&Scott(Custom Exhaust)

    Is there one going spare now? how much are they all in and fitted? might be interested.
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    EVO 8 or 255 V6 !

    Neither! get a E46 M3 instead nothing else comes close! Spokes, tell him to go see Simon Norris then see who has a quick car!
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    Norwich cup lady driver

    No wasnt me, there seems to be a few of us around though!
  12. B

    Norwich cup lady driver

    Im in Yarmouth and a mate of mine has a mk 1 V6
  13. B

    FAO: All Clio Owners....

    Nov 2004 182 cup 0 probs
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    200bhp Clio coming on great!

    Its good to see the modifying game going from strength to strength and people still using a bit of imagination. reading about it again will nearly bring me out of retirement!!!!!!
  15. B

    Breaking in a new 182

    Aslong as you let the oil get to temp break her in hard thats what i did and have loved it ever since
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    N/A or Turbo

    Used to have an Evo 7 with about 330bhp, rapid yes but a bit to easy to drive fast and it made you drive like a tit all the while!!!!!
  17. B

    Vote. which colour 182

    Im a silver man myself!!!! so why did i end up with a racing blue cup???????????????????????????
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    Can i see your helmet

    Defo Arai
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    Cheers r-jay
  20. B

    rolling road result

    Bloomin hell ive only done 1800 miles so a few more to go, ill only do about 5 or 6k a year
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    Nice one Roy glad your happy. Mine didnt come with the badges either!
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    rolling road result

    yoz at what mileage would you say a 182 engine would be run in at? I have given mine death from day one and i now has 1800 miles on it, how much longer before it is nice and loose?
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    michelin pilot exaltos

    Has anyone tried any different tyres on a 182? im not overly impressed with them as they seem understeer very easily!
  24. B

    182 Recaro, and new colours

    Do you know if you can get them fitted after you have purchased your car and if so how much?
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    CHEAP 182 CUP!

    At 182blue Since when do you ever say anything constructive??????????????
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    CHEAP 182 CUP!

    Here we go again!!!! i got my car cheaper than you crap again, play a different tune please!!!!
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    finally arrived

    Nice one Damian enjoy and have fun!!!!
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    finally arrived

    Roy You still havent got it mate!!!!! I only had to wait a week and a half! Dont worr though it is well worth it trust me.
  29. B

    best location 4 cliosport sticker

    mines same but on the other side
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    Tow bar for 182

    sell the trailer and buy a van thats what i do with my bikes