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1.6 does 60 in 7.2seconds?

  megane coupe 2.016v
172 Dave said:

I think that to refer to prople as 'stupid chavs' in their own environment is a brutal mistake....

Enjoy your car and if you dont want a Clio thats fine btw

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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Washington, Tyne & Wear
Posts: 11,092
Car: Renault Megane Coupé Monaco


Originally Posted by DeanoC
lol dont these numptys realise it does 0-60 in 8 seconds flat as standard

Where've ya been reading that? lol

EVEN your own kind laugh at u :rasp: :rasp: :rasp: :rasp: :rasp:
sorry but I have never called anyone a stupid chav and the only laughs will be at your lie's. I have no problem with clios I think they are a great car!
Im getting a bit agressive now lol.

Some of them are such stupid chavs!!

my apologies it was Deano himself and not yourself.
Garf172 said:
no way he would keep up with a 172 they must be heavier than a 172 for a start and would never get 134bhp from a service and remap!

134 is about what the 2.0 megane made wasn't it?

  Polo + Micra
CoupeDean said:
Im after trophy rims :)

Ok ok i give up trying to argue my case, my car come with about 116 - 117 like i said so 15bhp is very very easy to get from the work i have done (i cant see why people dont understand this, reember 4-5.C = 1bhp go and look at my air temp improvement taken on the same day),

I expected more than 15bhp tbh, the FVR/ICV/ECU modification did not do as good as i worked out. This maybe an error on my part though.

The car is due in any day now for a full top end rebuild, every consumable part on the car replaced, the head and inlet manifold ported and polished, cams reprofiled (very slightly), new exhaust system.

BTW i hate it when people do this but just so ya know im not a stupid college boy, i work in the defence industry and write the alogorithms for Radars, ICBM's, satalite systems etc.

This makes ECU and eeprom programing on cars feel like im asleep.

I trained as an electrical engineer and as such am quite clued up with simple car electronics.

I can make amplifiers etc myself no problems:




lol i know the website you bought the top one from
i have been reliably informed by a membe of the coupe forum that deans a numpty. something bout big mod, big gains, ends up he was going to relocate his idle control valve
  Remapped derv Golf
CoupeDean said:
ooooo you drive a saxo.....

Yea the 1.6e 8vs are well slow.

Actually the VTS/GTi engine is one of the best 1.6 16v's around. Motorsport cars are 200bhp afaik.
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  1.6 16v clio priv
I have a 1.6 16 valve clio. One of the guys at work has the 130bhp megan.
We both got the cars around the same time so had to have a play. My clio thrashed his megane.
If hes keeping up with a 172 worlds heaviest man must be driving.
  Megane Coupe 2002
FFS, again, who mentioned keeping up with a 172.

although im sure he'd rip out any 1.6 clio in a fairer test....
whats with the sudden influx of megane owners? i'll quite happily take him on in my 'well slow' 1.6e 8v and woop ya ass down boy
  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
Lol i give up, none of you actually read what i say just what each other say.

I never said i remapped from digimoto lol, you have to see whats happening to see what to change on the tables...

Ive never said i can beat a 172 or keep up with a 172....

Where did i read about standard 1.6's doing 8 sec 0-60's, i didnt ive seen it.

Thanks to those of you have listened or tryed to reason with some of the little imature girly's on here.

I never realised it was such a big deal, i wouldnt lie about it becuase i dont care enough about my 0-60 time tbh.

Its cliosport vs me and as can be clearly seen i will never win no matter how much proof and facts i use so thats me done.

Enjoy your clios
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dean the problem is you have not prooved anything! i gave you a lot of time, and asked a lot of questions, but your answers do no explain your gains! ok so your car may have had 119bhp as standard, but a backbox, induction kit and remap will not give 15bhp, it just wouldnt happen on a NA engine. yes i know you service your car a ridiculous amount but that wont give you a power increase, but just maintain the standard performance! sorry, but you have offered no proof of anything, when you have proof i'll back down.
  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
Yea fair enough:

IMO 15bhp is easy from:

Full strip and rebuild off every consumbale part, custom tuned length intake tract and imported filter for exact right flow rate, modified FVR system as mentioned before (sorry if you dont know what this even is), multiple live remaps involving static and rolling RR tuning as well as pages and pages of ECU procedure evaluating, new 0w 40 every 2k, injection and fuel system cleaner every other fill up, ALWAYS run on SUL.

I disagree with ya about the servicing side of things. You do gain IMO.

I cant offer you a RR print out so thats me down as a lier. o well thats the way it is and i understand that. I feel i have put to bed some of the silly comments though which is all i can do.

We are planning a RR day with nick soon so maybe il come back.
i look forward to seeing your rolling road print out after you've been to see nick. untill then we agree to disagree. if your ever going to be near stourbridge/dudley let me know.
  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
So you lot on here respect nick and what he says?

Also even if i was up your way, we still couldnt prove anything as i dont drive like an arse on the roads.
  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
yep nick from hill power, thats good to know. Cheers.

Caramel if you can go faster than 7.2 - 7.4 0-60's then you will beat me.

I dont think id want your car ;)
  Merc Coupe V6 AMG
CoupeDean said:
Caramel if you can go faster than 7.2 - 7.4 0-60's then you will beat me.


o my god your a mug. still claiming those times in a fat old lady of a car. mate you just gave yourself ownage
  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
Good on ya still a saxo though aint it...

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and all that but we have seen your a bit stupid already in this thread SOHROB lol
  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
Caramel said:
CoupeDean said:
Caramel if you can go faster than 7.2 - 7.4 0-60's then you will beat me.


o my god your a mug. still claiming those times in a fat old lady of a car. mate you just gave yourself ownage

Yep cos its true.......

Fat old lady? 1060kg's... If 20kg's over a K4M clio makes me fat then ok then....

Dont forget the coupe has the sporty ratioed JB3 unlike the K4M clio as thats designed for shopping and the school run.
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  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
And "those times" are only down 0.6 - 0.8 seconds from standard. Not exactly a major unimaginable improvement...

I reckon your all coupe-ist lol
the only person i would class as stupid is somebody who thinks servicing releases extra power.It will only make the car run to its optimum it wont increase power.Also 0.6 - 0.8 is a massive time in terms of a 0-60 run.Stupid is now defined by a coupe driver called deane
i just tried to join the coupe forum but i dont meet there requirements !!! do i have to be full of s**t to login
  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
Your probably to stupid to figure it out even though you would have had to do the same thing to join up on here.
Dean, please go away....i note from the Coupe forum a whole host of your entries have been deleted too, is that because you talk such tripe there too. Come back with the proof and we will begin to believe you, ffs consider yourself owned and go away..............back 2 sleep.........
  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
Its him being the numpty if you read through ive just replied to his silly remarks. Drives a girly saxo on a clio forum and cant even afford to become a member lol.
  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
172 Dave said:
Dean, please go away....i note from the Coupe forum a whole host of your entries have been deleted too, is that because you talk such tripe there too. Come back with the proof and we will begin to believe you, ffs consider yourself owned and go away..............back 2 sleep.........

Im not owned at all lol, just becuase some silly clio girlys are stupid.

Ive had a well respected member on here who knows more than the majority pm me agreeing with me so im happy and its closed.

Also my stuff aint deleted on my forum.....
  A well built VW
FFS guys lets all calm down - Dean just put this thread to bed and forget about it just like all you others should do, Go to FCS Dean and show em if its true - your claims are not unrealistic from a well looked after car we all know a certain 1.2 that can beat a cup ;-P Welcome to cliosport and we are not all as aggresive as it may seem , this forum is actually one of the best ones i use

P.S. Ive just bought a megane after my clio so i can safely say im impartial
  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
Yea i appologise about the clio slagging off to all those in this thread who have listened and not gone off on one like a little school boy.

Im sure lots of you are well allright, we dont get hardly any of this over at the coupe-club so its a bit of a new one.

If you dont believe me, you dont believe me, i wont loose any sleep over it and im sure you wont either.
CoupeDean said:
Its him being the numpty if you read through ive just replied to his silly remarks. Drives a girly saxo on a clio forum and cant even afford to become a member lol.

dean i know what your saying, but you have been unable to releave our doubts. i'd be interested to know which member has agreed with you ref your gains as a member that claims to know you that has basically said your full of s**t. nb that i am currently sitting on the fence untill i see proof either way.
you have hurt my feelings,yes i drive a girly car but at least its not as slow as your "modded" coupe.I was a paid up member when i had my williams but didnt re-new because of the way the site was going at the time.If you come on the net spouting off what gains you have got then expect to be challenged.If u cant accept that go back to your selective coupe forum
  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
theduckeatspork said:
dean i know what your saying, but you have been unable to releave our doubts. i'd be interested to know which member has agreed with you ref your gains as a member that claims to know you that has basically said your full of sh*t. nb that i am currently sitting on the fence untill i see proof either way.

I assure you knowbody who actually knows me would say that, a fair few of the numptys on my forum yes they would but they dont know me.

He / She asked me not to say and said they would deny all knowledge of the pm if i said so i will not.

It does not bother me that i cant quote him / her becuase i have no desire to prove myself right or yourself's wrong. I just come on here to defend myself, i tried and failed. But this certain somebody who tbh knows a damm site more than me and you lot i bet has spoken to me and said how he cant see how it cant be true and that my way of thinking regarding maintainance is bang on the money and more people should listen.

An admin can check my pm's and confirm im not making this up if they haven't already.

I appoligise to you SOHROB, they were some cheap digs.

I didnt come on here to b**ch fight with people.....

Here are some pics of my MPG etc from my drive into work this morning, as you can see just over 10 miles, this includes 2 town centres, 30's, 40's 50's 60's and about 3-4 mile of duel carriage ways with loadsa bloody rounderbouts.

Braintree town centre to chelmsford town centre....

I cant prove it but this was just normal driving, overtaking a few lorrys on the single carriage ways, a few red traffic lights etc, basically not driving like a granny the whole time just normal. If i get a good run, am easy on the gas, dont take it above sorta 3.5k then i can get about 47mpg on the same journey.

Just over 10 miles journey:


44.3 mpg:


Showing 428 miles left in the tank and the fuel gauge is between the 3rd and 4th lines:

mate the MPG readout is stupidly inaccurate at such low mileage. I tried this last night on my way home, about a 5mile trip, and averaged 49.8mpg, which I know is not my normal average, over a longer period, say 100miles, i see an average of 28mpg. Its an easy mistake to make.
  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
I find mine to be ok tbh although yea it aint perfect.

The reason being because I always actually get between 550 and 620 miles from my 60 litre tank in real life (odometer). Admittedly to get 620 I’m like a granny for the whole tank.

Then you divide that (550 and 620) by 13.2 (the amount of gallons to fill it up…. 60 / 4.54) and that works out between 42mpg and 47mpg and that’s sort of what the little French computer says most of the time :)

It defo does ok on the economy side of things, a load of us did an experiment a while back:

Just make sure the car is at full temp then find a flat 30 road, sit at a constant 30 in 5th and reset the computer. Mine always springs to 99.9mpg, most other’s got between 50-70 as far as I can remember.

It’s the not computer bust as when I first got the car I struggled to get over about 35mpg really, it was only after I went to town servicing it and using better grade bits and bobs it got a lot better.

You have to remember guys when I say serving I don’t mean like normal, I go way OTT.
CoupeDean said:
Just make sure the car is at full temp then find a flat 30 road, sit at a constant 30 in 5th and reset the computer. Mine always springs to 99.9mpg, most other’s got between 50-70 as far as I can remember.

Dude, mine does that and it hasnt been serviced in in 12 months, its nothing special.
  Megane coupe 1.6 16v
Oh ok fair enough.

I thought it was a bit special as nobody else who did it got that and I never got it before I went a bit OCD on it…

We put that one down to the mystery’s of French engineering I reckon lol
