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**100ml of Hydro2 Group Buy £10 Delivered!**


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Yes for every part of Hydro2 you add 3 equal parts of water, so fill up a quarter of the bottle you'r using with hydro2 then fill the rest up with water and shake away :)


ClioSport Club Member
So if I chuck the 100ml of hydro into a spray bottle then a further 300ml of water itl do the job.

I always mix these ratios up, costs me a fortune I bet lol


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
It just doesn't ever look right when you go to use it next, a lot of manufacturers tell you not to with these type products too

Between 10-15ml, Spraying it on in the wind can be a pita though.


ClioSport Club Member
10-15ml of hydro + the 3 parts water?

gonna have to find a decent spray head and small bottle then


ClioSport Club Member
I don't find they have a good spray though. And they spray LOTS at once.

I use more reload on a car using those spray bottles than I do using my bigger ones


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
Ok, I'll ponder it more then.

Just need to check my garage to see what I have left In there sealant wise.

I'm sure I still have some jeffs werkstatt around.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
If you enjoy detailing you should have this on your shelf, even if you don't as it makes routine washing a million times easier!
So this stuff has left streaks all over my car...

Really f**king annoyed to be honest. They come out with a bit of tough towel work but of course that's just going to lead to marring. Absolutely f**king livid.

A shame as the ease of application made it a must for me. But this means it'll be going in the bin in my eyes.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
On what colour car? Only ask as i tried c2 on black and it was a pita to remove. If your selling it i will have it?
Re: **100ml of Hydro2 Group Buy £15 Delivered!**

Any chance theres still some going?
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I'm going ape s**t here. Sorry to harp on. But what the actual f**k. Windows, wheels, paint work. The lot. All of it covered in awful streaks.

It's not washing away. RDS and CP won't touch it. Only option is a going over with tripple and fucked if I'm doing that.
  Range Rover Sport
In what way fella? Going out of my mind here. What will get rid of it? Another jet washing?

Mine has done the same, especially on the paintwork.

Going to to give it another thorough cleaning tomorrow hoping it'll remove it.

Not sure I'd purchase it again after this...
  Golf 7.5R & Clio 200
How did you apply it and remove it? After you washed the car, spray on to a wet car, leave maybe 10 - 20 seconds (Not letting it dry, pretty impossible in 20 seconds though) then high pressure jet wash off. Open hose then dab dry.

Can't see how that can go wrong really, unless you had a gammy bottle of it somehow? :s


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
In what way fella? Going out of my mind here. What will get rid of it? Another jet washing?

You rinse the car down then sheet the water off, no need for drying at all. What will get rid of the streaks? Another wash now
  Range Rover Sport
Yes, pressure washed off. However I did then use the mammoth towel to dry.

Cant see how that would cause my streaks though?


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
The whole point of the product is not to dry though...

if it it's rinsed properly it will not leave streaks as there's nothing to streak. Sheet the water off and jobs a goodun. All I can think of is majorly s**t water left in the crevices leaving marks.
