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16v/williams bottom rear engine mount

on my 16v, there is what i assume to be and engine mount at the back of the engine right underneath, (only viewable from under the car) is this the dog bone mount?

anyway, the problem is to fit this properly the front pipe needs to be off, and some bodging t**t has not bothered and left the threaded end sticking out the right hand side so it knocks on the front pipe,

will i be ok to treat it as a normal engine mount and jack the sump lightly (with a block of wood) to take the weight of the engine and then whip the nut and bolt out and put them in the right way while i have got the front pipe off?

im worried i will get it off and it will drop, becaus it not like the simple front engine mounts i have doen on other cars that dont hace the pivot on them,

also how hard os it to replace the other engine mounts, top and front? as i always worrie about them, play in the engine causes so many problems

yeah its the dog bone.

but that "bodging t**t" has put it on the RIGHT way round.

You dont have to lift the engine or remove the front pipe to remove this mount.

surley the "bodging t**t" would have been far better off having the excess thread sticking out the other side? only he didnt bother because the front pipe was in the way stopping him from slotting it in? i was tempted to cut the excess off but that bodging a bodge which is something im trying to cut down on,

and im not saying your wrong but the mount must be supporting something or it wouldnt be there, and more to the point it wouldnt fail as often as it does.

Im not having a go, it just dosent make sense to me, thanks for the reply


hehe. ok

That mount doesnt support vertcal movement of the engine only horizontal (you see ?)

And the thread should stick out manifold side i am sure.

cheers for now.
  Williams 2, STi N12

I would still put some sort of support onto the sump. Although the engine/gearbox will not move vertically it will pivot around the two side mounts and move front to back. The support should just be enough friction to stop this pivoting action and prevent damage to other components such as hoses etc..


Im 99% sure youre right about the bolt. I changed mine and the head of the bolt was on the downpipe side. I was changeing my whole exhaust at the time so the downpipe was loose and i was able to put it in properly.

If you cant get the downpipe 2 mnifold studs out (they can be ba**ard tight with corrosion), cut the bolt down before you fit it or put in a shorter bolt. You really dont need excess thread on either side.

Hope this helps...
  silver valver/hybrid

lofty, i have exactly the same prob, my exhaust knocks terribly on that bolt, im not very machanically minded and i dont wanna, not be able to get it back in again, i thought though if you could take the bolt out and add another nut on it to pull the bolt to the left slightly away from the exhaust, would anyone know if this would be ok to do?
  Williams 2, STi N12

Well if you dont want to take it out then just cut the excess thread off. It isnt doing anything once it has gone through the nut on the other side. Just leave a few threads showing for safety and cut the flaming thing shorter!

Might have been wrong about that bolt.
The back one has head on manifold side, so dont see why the front one wouldnt be the same. It would make sense. I must of had a bodging t**t to. Just added two additional washers to mine exact same size as the one on it originally.
