I took my boss to collect his 307 HDI D Turbo from Motorpoint on Friday. Its a handsome looking car, and very well built. Equipment levels are also pretty high.
Hes had the car almost a week now, and has just put his second tank of diesel in. He managed 520 miles on the first tank, but stil had almost 10 litres left in the when he filled up!!
Ive not driven the D Turbo, but have the standard 307 diesel. I was massively let down compared to the old 306 in terms of handling, but then that was a hard act to follow. Plus I did have a GTi-6, but obviously Im comparing it to the standard 306. I found the controls a little on the light side for my tastes, clutch especially, but it was extremely comfortable and dare I say it, very Germanic inside. The old 306 was almost as rattly as my 172!! But the 307 has an air of quality about it.
Nice car to be getting. Im sure youll be very happy with it, I know my boss is as he cant stop going on about his