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5-a-Side Football - Surrey Area

Pull your finger out and get involved ;)

Shin pads? Pffttt - Defenders don't get close enough to me ;)

I'd really love to. You'd win for sure that way ;) - Damn band stuff being on a tuesday :( it will change again soon mind so i'll defo be up for a few sessions.

We should organise a summer drink session.

Shotgun Budgies bed...
  330i. E30 Touring.
I'd really love to. You'd win for sure that way ;) - Damn band stuff being on a tuesday :( it will change again soon mind so i'll defo be up for a few sessions.

We should organise a summer drink session.

Shotgun Budgies bed...


Join the queue.

  Petrol Blue 182.
did you get my PM? i think it sent to everyone lol, do they do medals etc for the league winners?:eek:
  330i. E30 Touring.
I shouldn't have thought we'd have to worry about that in all honesty, but I'll ask the guy when he calls me. :cool:

No PM turned up..
  Petrol Blue 182.
ahh gay ok, dont think i can play tomorrow as im in chessington all day and not sure what time im back, but ill let vish know in the afternoon to inform you all! gutting i may miss our first outing as a "proper team"
  330i. E30 Touring.
Just had this email from the guy:

Sorry for the delay in sending this email, but please see below the link to our website and where you can find your league.

I have updated the website with your team name, and you have taken over from a team for the remainder of this season, so unfortunately you also take over their points but at least they are not bottom!

We will see you tomorrow for your 9pm kick off, if you see my colleague Gareth before the game and he collects match fee’s etc.

Kind regards,

Steve Guscott

So, until the end of July, we look shitter than we are (or quite possibly better, lol).

Anyone fancy kicking a ball about somewhere before the actual game? :cool:
  330i. E30 Touring.
Anywhere, tbh.

I've also just heard we're playing the team who's bottom of the league, and haven't scored a goal in 7/8 games.
Sweet, so hopefully shouldn't be too embarrassing! Lol Mike didnt you say there was a place to have a kickabout near where were playing this evening?

Just seen the league were in, 6 games to practice aint too bad, thought we only had 1 or 2 games left.
  330i. E30 Touring.
Yeah, there's a park literally 30 seconds down Guildford Road, towards Chertsey Station!

Should be pretty good.
  Saab 93 Aero Wagon
Hows this for dedication. Im actually going out in my lunch break to pick up the new shin pads and shorts i've just reserved at Brooklands Argos....
  Saab 93 Aero Wagon
I've got some positional ideas we can play with. Jon in goal obviously. Or should we call him Super Hands
  330i. E30 Touring.
Someone will definitely need to sweep up the bodies that Bigman leaves in his wake, lol.
  Focus ST170
Well done everyone tonight we all played very well considering the opposition, just need some training and practice and it will all come together..

Plus some excellent after match banter down the pub too, Scooter chavs FTW!

Bring on next week!! :cool:
Wasn't too bad but there's a bit of work to do to get up to scratch! The team we played were in regular 11 a side teams so had the fitness on the big pitch we played on. A bit of actual football practise passing on a larger field and finding space and we'll be league leaders in no time ;)
  330i. E30 Touring.
Yeah, pretty much, it could have been much worse! There were certainly a few touch and go moments..

Pretty much, the team we played had both fitness, and tactics. They had a solid back three at all times, who would put the ball out wide and run into space.

We had a bunch of panting, headless chickens. Fitness definitely required, lol.

(I blame crawling under Saxos for my tiredness!) ;)
  330i. E30 Touring.
nik and olli wolves in sheeps clothing!! gd game, im shatterd!!

Good game boys! I'm f**ked lol, look forward to the next one, will have to self learn from youtube to "up my game" ;)

Thanks lads, shattered my memories of being an ok-ish player tonight!

Good game guys.

Lol, was a good laugh! Amazing how unfit I was, but hopefully get that sorted soon enough! Will definately be continuing this and I hope everyone does!

Awesome!! Absolutely f*cked now though - currently sat down drinking beer to make up for the 'exercise' ;)

I reckon if we play every week, we might even be able to manage 10 minutes without a break ...

good laugh everyone, my legs are smashed to bits today but was worth it!

Bring it on boyo! Hehe

Cracking laugh that was. I don't ache today....which means i won't be able to move tomo.

I think James in his "ghetto" football gear was the highlight of the evening TBH.

Well, this was the day after we played the first game at Staines, lol.

A few weeks and we'll be fitter! :cool:
