So yeah bought a fan controller.
Decided I wanted the above due to it being within eye shot and its small enough to not get in the way.
Have 4 fans running, Temp 1/Fan 1 is on the PCB just next to CPU fan located at the back of case,
Temp2/Fan2 is GPU fan for that on the side panel,
Temp3/Fan3 is harddrive case temp fan at front of case,
Temp4/Fan4 is PSU Temp fan located at bottom of case.
Temp 5 is just the leftover temp sensor randomly placed on the middle of the PCB.
Fans 1-3 are coolermaster Sickleflows max of 2000rpm and fan 4 is just the standard Xigmatek one which runs at 1200rpm max. Been doing some stress testing on it standard and temps sit at 44 degrees for the CPU. My next step is to overclock and monitor temps that way.
I think I have enough blue lights...
Front Fan
Side Fan
Back Fan and RAM leds