So decided to make a start in tidying things up. First off putting the SSD into a 3.5" adaptor and moving it down under the HDD so to free up the space it was using for future "water plans"
First off a check on the dust situation after a month and a half...
Little bit on the fan blades and on top of the Antec but nothing major. The capton tape you see is just holding the temp monitor probes in place and is temporary.
So SSD mounted into bracket and put into position..
Onto the sleeving process...
Tools for the job
Marked the old cable where I needed to move the connector too (marked with capton tape)
Ran a knife down the heatshrink and then heat blasted. Little trick there it makes it easier to remove and as this is glued heatshrink.
All the old sleeving is off..
Made a note of the pinout just incase
First connector on and heatshrinked etc
Got bored taking photos of it so finished it off quick
Put in place to show colour difference
Then moved onto the next bit which was sorting out as best I could the IO and USB front panel wires.
This was it before...
Bit neater but not perfect but it'l do
Finsihed (ish) for now. Want to route the SATA power slightly so it goes behind the rom drive instead of coming back down but need to wait till the other bits below turn up.
Lighting is s**t as I cant lay the PC down to get the light on it so relying on flash. Looks a lot better then shown in the pics.
Cant do the other black cable up there as its the annoying USB 3.0 cable that cannot be split at all so will stay as it is. Thats as far as thing are so far. Have a package waiting at the PO with all the individually sleeved BITFENIX cables I bought. So next job is to fit those and start sleeving all the other mess of cables for all the fan control bits, when I put those in I just chucked them in and made them as neat as possible and it was far from "neat" just wanted to get things working. Probably not worth doing all this for some people but it keeps me busy whilst the weather is crap and I can't go running or play footy.
Doesn't make it go faster but its fun to whazz around with. The sleeving is also UV reactive.