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Anyone good with photoshop or Illustrator?

I have spent this evening failing to do something on Photoshop as I don't have the right idea. I have used the patten brush tool but it hasn't worked.

Below is an image of what I want to achieve, I would like the pixels to be replaced with our logo over lapping each other ( although without the words) then the overall logo 'cut out' of the back ground like in the DJ picture.

As I essentially want to copy and past loads of our logos at various points and different angles, copying and pasting each logo is literally impossible.
Anyone have any thoughts?

Cheers for the heads up.

You could always setup a brush using your logo as the actual brush shape, then using the brush presets on Photoshop set up Scatter, Spread and Rotation. Draw a random crazy path out using the pen tool and right click... Stroke Path... Choose Brush (with your current preset selected) and it will brush your logo in all different angles places spaces you name it.

Very versatile tool mate.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
So you essentially want the above pattern, with a different word in the middle? If so, I'll do it for you on lunch mate :)
Ha. thanks Rob, in anjoyed the slogan
The idea was the background would be made up of loads our logo's but tiny. f you replaced the ( the background for our logo that would be certainly on it's way. I imagined the logo's would be over lapping a small amount and at different angels.

Chapster5 has a great description of what I'm trying to achieve.
Also Chapster, im not following your first method from the first post?

Cheers to all.

  E46 325ci, ZX10r E9f
open your logo in PS

select around your logo with a lasso tool

click edit then define brush, a new window will pop up and click ok

then select brush tool and scroll through the brushes at the top and your new brush will be at the bottom of the list
  E46 325ci, ZX10r E9f
I've had a quick go, think I know what you want.

looks very messy


tried it with the lettering


then tried with the squares


Hey guys.
Cheers for your imput. I will have a good bosh at this now I have an idea what's the best method.
B1lly, that first one you did, how did you stamp the logo's so many times? Infact, how did you do the square's also?


  E46 325ci, ZX10r E9f
B1lly, that first one you did, how did you stamp the logo's so many times?

That's what i explained in post 12, your logo is the brush. Explained here

Infact, how did you do the square's also?

Same way make a square shape with marquee tool, fill it with whatever colour you want then select it, edit, define brush, ok and that is the shape of the brush

for the writing, select text, write what you want to write and then select the writing and change it to the background colour
