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Anyone used these for break lights?


ClioSport Club Member
I tried LED bulbs for indicators and brakes/tails. Didnt work very well for 2 reasons - angle of light dispersion on LEDs is limited, so they are bright when you look sqaure on, but at an angle they dont seem too bright.
On the stop/tails I bought their didnt seem much difference between the 2, so when the tails were on, it wasnt that obvious when I was braking.
  Blk/Gold 182 FF
hmmm better stick to the OEM then :p that's probably the reason why cars like the newer BMW's have what looks like a million LED's for break and tail lights!


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTI
Bit late to the party, but I tried the bulbs years ago. They were crap, for the reasons already stated. Went back to the original bulbs.
