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Are expensive waxes a waste of money?


ClioSport Club Member
  Renault Clio 1.6 Rsi
Went into Autobrite today to treat myself to some new wax that I had been debating on purchasing. I always assumed wax was wax really, how much variance can there be between a £30 big tub of autosmart topaz that lasts years and what I have purchased today which is a vaseline tub sized pot of Autobrite Autograph for £15 that realistically will do the car 4 times at a push.

It smells like marshmallow, not that that massively matters but there you have it.
It's recommended to apply it in little swirls and a panel at a time with 5-10 minutes of curing time. It does go on miles easier on a warm panel, but doesn't seem to cure in the heat so best to do it in the garage.
I used a soft microfibre and used the same technique as you would to polish boots, put two fingers in the cloth, pull it tight and apply the wax in little swirls. Finger and wrist ache ensues.

Fresh microfibre to wipe the panel clean and another fresh towel to buff the panel. All in all rather painstaking in my opinion as if you've used autosmart topaz (what I would normally use) it's just lap it on and wipe off, no fussing and most importantly no wrist and finger ache!

However....i feel like that's a more glossy, wet shine than usual once all buffed up, really does look well.

Start to finish it took me around two hours to wax the car. It's definitely more glossy than usual, but if for a full tub of this wax it's £95 which if used weekly I feel will probably only last a few months as its not one of those waxes where a little goes a long way. Maybe more of a wax for special occasions if such a thing exists, or maybe I'm just tight!


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I've bought loads of waxes over the years. Tbh I would never spend lots on one unless that was my thing, waxes.

More expensive ones £100 etc will feel like they are better but Imo the price will determine how well it looks.
  Civic type r fk8
I use one of these does the hole car in ten mins, uses less, easy to get off as does not loads of product. Just wet it, squeeze it out and good to go.


ClioSport Club Member
  Renault Clio 1.6 Rsi
I use one of these does the hole car in ten mins, uses less, easy to get off as does not loads of product
Thought about picking one of them up in all honesty but the chap in the shop said to just use a microfibre. However I did think it would be less of a process with an applicator

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Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
A decent wax wouldn't be used weekly, as it should be offering a fair few months worth of protection if washed properly?


ClioSport Club Member
Not used a conventional wax in years. Since moving over to ceramic based sealants, I don’t think waxes can really compete.

Not saying they don’t look lovely because some really do. But I’m more than happy with the finish and protection offered by a sealant and it takes a fraction of the time to apply.
Time I just prefer to spend on other things these days.


ClioSport Club Member
@Jack1998 I admit I have not used the Autobrite Autograph but estimating using a 200ml pot in a couple of months and seeing how much is applied to the panel and how difficult it was to use I'd say you've overapplied. Maybe contact Autobrite, or as you say dint bother with the full size pot because for £95 there's a lot of waxes that are a dream to use that are very much worth the money in looks, beading and or durability!

@frayz compete in which way though? That's assuming everyone wants the same thing out of a wax!

If looking for durability, water sheeting etc, I agree, coatings are the way forward altough there's a lot of durable waxes out there, easy to use for the weekend warrior.

But I've still to come across a detailer who loves the smell of coating x or who really likes how it should cure in a dry garage for 24 hours after application. ;)

I personally love to wax my own cars, can really look forward to choosing one and using it. But am oh so happy with the coating and ease of cleaning of the wifes car!


ClioSport Club Member
@MLB apologies sir.

I should have clarified, compete in durability & hydrophobic properties. The most durable wax I’ve used was back when I was using waxes and that was Coli 915. It always looked superb but even that couldn’t get close to something as basic as Sonax BSD for beading/durability. P21S was always my favourite looking wax but that was known for poor durability. I find I still get as good results from Carpro Reload / C2V3 etc.

Also I should add that I have Gtechniq coating on my car which cannot be waxed over and that pushed me away from waxes in the first place.

As said, you can get some stunning results from waxes, but once kids come along and time is of a premium, a spray sealant for me delivers everything i want from a wax and more in a fraction of the time. Subsequently I’ve a box of lovely waxes doing nothing. 😅
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ClioSport Club Member
Haha no need to apologise, I know exactly what you mean and you are right.

The best thing is that coating are getting more user friendly with shorter curing times as well so I wouldn't be surprised if you could get top performance coatings done in a morning on your driveway without any issues soon.

The kid thing is all new to me, but I can already see how you'd rather go to the park with the kids or drive them around to all their activities than to spend half a day washing and waxing a car that you could be driving instead!


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
I find most of them really gimmicky and are pushed with a load of branding/marketing spiel.

For me, the best wax I've used is still boring old collinite. I've got loads of little tubs of other 'jazzy' waxes but they're just not as good as the collinite.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Here’s my take on expensive waxes;

If you like cleaning your car regularly (I used to clean mine every week without fail) then an expensive wax is a waste of time. You don’t need durability if you’re cleaning your car every 7 days.

If you’re not into cleaning your cars and you clean it maybe once a year, then put laying £100 for a tub of wax is a waste of money.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
For years my go to wax was finishkare high temp paste wax, which always gave a food and durable finish, but I've been looking for something that's a bit quicker/easier to apply. I tried detail freaks ceramic, but that was terrible, it just mashed into nothing and wasn't any quicker to use. I had an old tin of simoniz original, which was really hard work to apply and buff (I found out that letting it dry on a sunny day was a mistake), but lasted for a really long time.
I've just ordered some bilt hamber speed wax, hoping the emphasis is on speed. Any other good and quick to apply waxes I should try? Anyone tried Armor all shield?


ClioSport Club Member
Very very gimmicky. I’m not a wax expert but Dodojuice to me was the master of it. The thing looked desirable.

I’m sure There are differences tho. My collinite 845 ? Dulled the look and absolutely nothing stuck to it. But I can tell very little between AG HD wax, glasur, auto finesse desire and illusion.

C2v3 blows them all out for gloss and ease of application.

I agree. I think waxes have had their time.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
@MLB apologies sir.

I should have clarified, compete in durability & hydrophobic properties. The most durable wax I’ve used was back when I was using waxes and that was Coli 915. It always looked superb but even that couldn’t get close to something as basic as Sonax BSD for beading/durability. P21S was always my favourite looking wax but that was known for poor durability. I find I still get as good results from Carpro Reload / C2V3 etc.

Also I should add that I have Gtechniq coating on my car which cannot be waxed over and that pushed me away from waxes in the first place.

As said, you can get some stunning results from waxes, but once kids come along and time is of a premium, a spray sealant for me delivers everything i want from a wax and more in a fraction of the time. Subsequently I’ve a box of lovely waxes doing nothing. 😅

I'm the same I don't think I'll ever wax a car again, spray on wash off sealants are just so easy, quick to use and look just as good imo.


ClioSport Club Member
I have used the Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection sealant for a few years now and found that pretty good. The other month I needed to put in an order with AMDetails for some detailer and some rain repellant and also needed to replace some of my Autoglym stuff so I thought I would try what AMDetails had to offer. My brother rates the stuff and his car is always clean and looks good (how he keeps it that clean with two kids I have no idea, he must make them run behind when he does the school run). I went for their Ceramic Hybrid Wax and then they recommended the Sealant too. The wax was a little pricey, about double the amount for the normal wax, but I thought as a one off test then why not, my brother also wanted me to try it so he could see if he wanted to use it on his.

I am not indending on reapplying the wax on my 5 Series for another year, maybe more as the car is kept under cover in a garage and rarely used. Applied it to my daily and if I can see out until spring next year then I will be happy. Just top up with the sealant once a month or so? I like to have my cars clean - I can't stand having them dirty once they are clean, terrible OCD!


I was very happy with the results on both cars. They are cleaner than previously after the rain and driving in the wet. It is now really easy if they need a light clean to go over with the Quick Detailer and cloth to remove any light marks on it, saves getting the bucket out and a full wash. Shame I don't have enough wax left to do the Clio I have just bought, but I am not going to rush out to buy more as it isn't being used so can get away with being a bit dirty.


ClioSport Club Member
I think waxing a daily used car is just no match now for things like C2v3 and Sonax BSD. I get they are more mentally pleasing and perhaps bring a bit more shine (debatable imo often comes down to prep anyway). For garage toys, show cars I get it but for daily used cars I wouldn't bother these days unless one really stood out against some of these spray on wipe off options about at a similar price.

Personally I've been mixing C2v3 with Sonax BSD perhaps a weird combination but I can't see how a wax will compete with as little effort.




ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Same here wash car auto finnesse aqua coat job done.
Easy quick and great results maybe wax once a year after decon, clay polish etc IF I ever get time🤣


ClioSport Club Member
  Renault Clio 1.6 Rsi
In all honesty this was my first dabble into the more expensive end of the wax market. I'm usually on the side of a spray on sealant for quickness and because I think the results are negatable. 100% more satisfaction from putting the time and effort in to wax the whole car though.
However il probably stick with my weekly Autosmart Topaz 'hybrid wax sealant' as they call it. Simple wipe on wipe off, no dust no streaks no nothing it's the simplest thing to use and it seems a lot of folks in trade use it as well. It's £30 for a 5litre jug and it lasts a small lifetime.

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ClioSport Club Member
Not bought any expensive waxes, but my go to collinite 476 lasts forever. You dont need to apply it very often, once or twice a year, just topped up with sonax bsd every now and then.

Ive also been using gtechniq c2v3 which is good. Overall id say the collinite lasts as long as the c2v3.


ClioSport Club Member
  ST3 8.5
The Sonax net shield lasts 3-6 months & combined with the spray & seal is just so easy to use.

In fact the spray & seal is probably the easiest product to use, not cheap but so quick.


ClioSport Club Member
  172, VRS, Clio 5
I’ve owned Swissvax Best Of Show and Zymol Concours. Nothing else smelt better or was nicer to use then or since.

I’ve also used Zymol Vintage which retailed at around £6k at the time.

None of them lasted as long as a sealant or ceramic but much nicer to work with. Durability is measured in weeks and maybe a few months for a garage queen.

You can wax over a ceramic but you need to pick your wax carefully and find one that’s comparable (Angelwax Enigma for example) otherwise it can actually affect the way the ceramic works.

Personally I enjoy working with a nice wax.


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
If you think C2V3 is good then try kamikaze overcoat...It’s next level in terms of gloss and it’s self cleaning properties are incredible.


ClioSport Club Member
It better be amazing at that price though!

Still would love to try the kamikaze infinity wax.

For an insanely slick spray on, wipe off product with brilliant beading and good longevity I'd say Polishangel Rapidwaxx is a good option as well.

Or if a delicious smelling product is your thing Swissvax Lotos Speed.
  monaco 172
I've started using turtle Wax seal n shine and recently their new ceramic spray sealent.

I don't think I'll ever go back to a wax, this looks just as good and the durability is amazing, still beads after months.


ClioSport Club Member
  Renault Clio 1.6 Rsi
It better be amazing at that price though!

Still would love to try the kamikaze infinity wax.

For an insanely slick spray on, wipe off product with brilliant beading and good longevity I'd say Polishangel Rapidwaxx is a good option as well.

Or if a delicious smelling product is your thing Swissvax Lotos Speed.
Thought about purchasing polish angel products a while back, it all just seemed a bit too good to be true so I never bothered! The product demos they show on the website look brilliant

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ClioSport Club Member
To be honest, I've only got the Rapidwaxx, tiny bottle but it will last ages as you really do only need one or two sprays per panel.

Pics and video of quick hand application of Mitchell and King Pure followed by Polishangel Rapidwaxx. Not bad I would say!


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ClioSport Club Member
Ah not sure why the video didn't work, try again.

Edit, still doesn't seem to work? Ow well pics only then I guess ;)



ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
It better be amazing at that price though!

Still would love to try the kamikaze infinity wax.

For an insanely slick spray on, wipe off product with brilliant beading and good longevity I'd say Polishangel Rapidwaxx is a good option as well.

Or if a delicious smelling product is your thing Swissvax Lotos Speed.

Yep, but then when you consider that auto finesse desire is £120 and illusion is £75 (which I've used only a handful of times) £48 for KO isn't bad.

Polishangel cosmic spritz looks great too but it's not advertised as a topper to 9H.


ClioSport Club Member
  4 wheels
I'm due to be getting a brand new car soon and I'm tempted to try that chemical guys ceramic spray


ClioSport Club Member
  Renault Clio 1.6 Rsi
As it rained today I was able to get some lovely beading pictures. Still just as clean as last weekend, blew all the loose dirt off with the jetwash and and used an airline to dry it after I took the photo. Changed my tune on the Autobrite autograph, quite impressed if I'm being honest.
