The Orthos program just estimates how you got the clock speed so the 450Mhz x 8 above is wrong. You're going to have to take my word that my motherboard is set to 400Mhz x 9. I haven't over volted anything either.
I guess I'm just lucky I got a chip which will overclock well. I have had it to 3.8 but it wasn't mega stable and I didn't run a long stress test.
I can't understand why you think I'm yanking chains on this thread. I haven't posted it saying mine is better than yours etc as no one else has mentioned theirs. I simply posted to show what can be achieved with the right cooling and a little luck.
I bought the chip in December and it's never been at less than 3.4 Ghz since then. I often leave it on overnight doing stuff, I play COD4 at full settings for hours, I do lots of video encoding and I've never had BSOD or any random problems. I guess you get what you pay for as the motherboard is top notch and the ram has surprised me a lot too.
I'm not going to argue and argue about this but don't like being made to look like I'm lying when there is no reason for me to be.
Try googling "q6600 3.6 air cooling" you will see mixed results. Some people can do it, some cannot get anywhere near.
If my chip hasn't been burnt out by now, then I'd say after 6 months of pretty demanding stuff, then it'll be fine. Look at Matty114's setup, nigh on same as mine. Not sure what case he's using but mine has got lots of fans in. It is pretty noisey but I can live with it.