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B-shaw’s PH1 Exclusive

The rod ends had also gone pretty stiff for some reason, so off they camr to be replaced
Straight away another simple job wasnt so simple 😂


Luckily I had a cutting disc at home (keep them at the unit normally)


Got those on, and the passenger coilover and clap... thunder



Had to halt and get everything inside.

Onto Sunday morning

Quick camparison of the BC's to the B14s


Managed to get everything fitted, now just to get the ride height correct



Started sorting the fronts and once again, stopped by a storm


Fronts dropped, felt like the rears could do with coming down a bit more


It's been one of those times where nothing has gone as planned, but I think we're finally getting somehwre.
Castor seems even now both sides, so thats the odd castor issue fixed,I think

Steering on test drives seems far lighter, despite the tracking being out and toeing in making it heavy.
So once tracked I should have beautifull steering again.

Will be taking it to have it properly alingned and corner weighted. Debating swaping the gearbox before this though as that may cause a change in it with taking bits back off.

Heres a pic I like


These wheels are properly growing on me, even the white I'm realliy digging atm.

Talking of wheels, spotted these on a facebook group and quite simply couldnt help myself for the price.


15x7 OZ Superlaggera
No idea if they will clear the brakes, will find out when I get round to test fitting I guess


ClioSport Club Member
  S/C Clio 172 Cup
What size spacer are you running on the front with the team dynamics to clear the brembos?


ClioSport Club Member
  ph2 172
Love the colour of the wheels against the green.
Will be watching for the 20vt swap over winter!
Take it they're not ET35 then?

Pretty sure they are 35
Reason I got 1.2s was because theyre known for aving loads of space for brakes.

Love the colour of the wheels against the green.
Will be watching for the 20vt swap over winter!

Which wheels? haha

Thinking of holding back on the 20vt swap until the following winter now (or until the belt goes 😂 )
Feel like I've done loads to it and im going to get a month or two of use before its all ripped apart again, just seems a waste.
So thinking to run as is for next year too and concntrate on the Porsche for a year as its not been touched due to messing with this.
Gives me a more relaxed time frame for buying stuff too, i feel like I'm constantly spending on this and never actually using it. So spreading the cost of the engine build, LSD and other bits over a year rather than 3 months would be nice.

Ordered PS3's for the superleggera's


£235 delivered off Camskill, mega price for these I thought.

And I'm hoping I'll be getting them done in as close a match to either of these colours...



But will see, struggling to find somewhere that will actually reply to a message, and the ones that do just tell me to go to them to look at colour charts, I dont fancy doing a tour of the country trying to find a match thanks, this is why we have the internet :rolleyes:
Been a while, loads to update, 10 pics at a time I guess :ROFLMAO:

I'll start with something random, anyone had this happen with the OE scissor jack?


Completely bent the handle, so did a cheeky mod


Can use the scissor jack with the gun now, which is decent lol.

Got the Supers back from machining, fit perfectly.


Made a start on bumper prep, at new unit doing exhaust cutout


Next up is the begining of the gearbox fiasco, But I'm going to skip that for a moment and give it a post of its own lol

Supers back from powdercoating


Matt bronze, thoughts?

PS3's on and centrecaps fitted


Decided to buy PMS carbon exhaust trim thingy, cutout has to be bloody massive



Looks nice though.

Finally got round to booking the dash in for flocking. Took a gamble and went navy blue as thats what ph1 interior is right? I've seen bllack ones and thought they looked odd being the only black in the car.



Looks good right?
Just wait to see it in daylight :ROFLMAO: coming to an update soon
Right then, onto the gearbox.

Read all the guides and threads on doing this, most said its a fairly easy job, done in 90 mins... Jokers :ROFLMAO:
Drop subframe a couple of inches and it slides out? Jokers :ROFLMAO:

Anyway, here goes nothing


Grateful of access to a ramp now, makes a s**t job slightly less s**t.

After a lot of struggling and pretty much dropping the entire subframe off, got the fucker out. Bit more than 2" that



All going back in, nice and easy, just as you think its all going to plan, find out this thread is well, no longer in the box


Decide to go helicoil over drilling and tapping to M10

All back together and its making a funny noise when it starts. I'm not even going to try insert a video here, just imagine a treading on a cats tail every time you start the car.

Turns out, this was missing from the new box, starter motor locator dowel


Quickly sorted that out and went for a testdrive.

Now, I asked the chap if there was anything up with this box, said I'd rather no so i can rebuild it before fitting so I dont have to do this twice over.
Was adement it was mint. he may have been telling the truth, seemed trustworthy enough.
Diff or diff bearing is seriously noisy
After a fairly nightmarish job, I've gotta do it all over again aswell as spending even more getting my original box rebuilt. Best pleased, I am not.

Box went to Agency Transmissions
I handed oversome money


Nice and clean atleast


Annoyingly theres a car stuck on the ramp at unit and I really need this box swap doing as the cars booked in for cornerweight setup the following weekend.
So, I do it outside the house on the road, should be easier now I know what I'm doing.

For once I was right :ROFLMAO:




Finally, all is sorted right?
lol, yeah, more on that later :D
Oh and all the guides that say the starter motor bolts are 13's, theyre most certainly not, theyre 16's
Maybe different on a ph1, who knows.

Now lets rewind, after the 1st box swap I had an afternoon at Curborough
The event photographer obviously doesnt like my car as both times he took no photos of mine, the 1st time I'll forgive as I managed like 1 lap before it broke.
This time though, it actually managed several, despite being broke still..

Dropping the subframe had obviously messed with the UJ on the steering rack, unbeknown to me. Was having issues with the steering all day, kept getting stuck when turned right, not ideal :ROFLMAO:

Sorted this the next day,itd just pulled off the column and not gone back on all the way thus locking out.


My one and only pic

Gave it a wash afterwards


So glad I have this other thing now


Remember that dashboard....


The less said about this the better, shouldve gone black, will be going black at some point.
It's even more blue in sunlight, like blue blue, nope, not for me.

Also remember that ally bonnet I bought 2 years ago... lol




Bumper too



Night before cornerweight setup, had to loose that 5kg, every little helps lol.

Next up, the CV boot fiasco :poop:
Put the Supers on, drove it to Spires and... yeah


CV boot split


Carried on anyway, found the rear right wheel bearing had play in too... maybe one day the car will be issue free lool.

Say hi to 4x4 stance, aparently been on its arse doesnt make it handle well, who knew :unsure:
Also before I took it here, I noticed the lower joints were locking out on the machined nuts so it had to be raised anyway.


I don't have the final specs from the setup yet as Matt forgot to email em over, will add this when I get it. But for now, heres the weight with half a tank of fuel.


Below a ton baby :cool:

Had a blast to caffeine as Spires is fairly close, cv grease is over rated anyway.

Day I was leaving for cadwell park I changed driveshaft for another J&R item as theyre close and could pick up that day.


Loaded the car up with tools and semis


Get on track at cadwell, all is good apart from that rear wheel bearing I shouldve replaced. absolutely howling it is.
Or, so I thought...
Session stops for lunch and I notice the wheels full of CV grease again. Less than 24 hours after fitting the new shaft, bloody boot has split AGAIN
Fixed it though, gorilla tape and cable ties are any trackday must


It's contained atleast


Morning was a bit wet, so kept the PS3's on. theyre really impressive on track in the wet.
Dried out towards midday so banged the AR1's on
Damn these are impressive tyres, damn corner weight setup makes such adifference aswell, Damn the bearing is causing me to go deaf.



I'll get some videos upped to youtube of curborough and cadwell laps at some point. I've not even unpacked the gopro yet.

Got more to go but its almost 1am so, another time.
Sod it, I'm wide awake.

Going back to the gearbox, discovered something at cadwell. The b*****d thing has started to crunch into 4th now. freshly rebuilt box and I get this. Seriously think this car hates me.
When will it end? It's not coming out again untill I have an LSD to go in, going to live with it. 4th is better than 3rd atleast, gets less use on track.

Stripped tyres off the 1.2s and dropped them off for powdercoating.
See if I've made the right colour choice in 2 weeks :coffee:


Love this s**t


Did the rear bearings/discs
Lesson learnt here, dont buy godspeed cause the bearings arent up to it compared to OE

Studs out


Studs in


1st time in history, this job through up no issues :ROFLMAO:

Decided to do bumper this weekend too


Went a bit out of shape so made something work



Tasty, new number plate light too

But why PMS do you make it so big?


Looks lost in there.

More from Cadwell


Great to see you've still got this! Looks amazing with the bronze wheels 😍

6 years this coming Jan I'll have had it lol, mad aint it. Still running the side strips you gave me aha, exhaust is long gone though.
What you in nowadays?

Great read.
Kinda looks better with white wheels...
Btw, weight comparation, 1.2 vs superleg?

Not weighed either of them stupidly. forgot to do the OZ's before I put the tyres on, theyre around 5kg though.
If I remember I'll weigh the1.2s when I get them back from powdercoating.

White has grown on me but not enough for me to keep them white unfortunately. It's not subtle enough for my liking, all a bit shouty.

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
Supers 4.9kg 1.2's 6.2kg

Good progress and the carbon trim is for a 182 really so made to fit standard 182 cut outs ;-)

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
Suspect b****cks and same mould as for the 182 ones, why go to the effort. Or maybe it's even bigger for wacecar exhausts 🧐


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
If they do fit I’ll probably order you Coops I don’t understand why it wouldn’t work, but I won’t order some just to ‘try’ could be an expensive mistake 🤣
The clio strikes again :ROFLMAO:

But 1st up, I think (hope) driveshaft is sorted after spending days like this again


This was the split in the brand spanking new boot


New shaft with a stretchy universal type boot, see how long this lasts, hopefully more than 150 miles


Test drove it to the pub, and this happened...


That's me, on the AA app sorting recovery :poop:


The culprit?


Rubber damper decided it no longer wanted to be part of the pulley

In a mad rush on Sunday I managed to sort out getting it in with @MicKPM and hire of a transporter to get it there.
Weather I still have a job in the morning thoughis questionable :ROFLMAO:

Tried a few people offering recovery/transport, got ignored by them all, ud think nobody wanted my money.
So I just picked a transporter up and took it there myself.


I'm not saying you should all look to replace your pulleys, or that you should go to Mick to get it done, but you should defo should get Mick to replace your pulleys
I got lucky, I don't think its caused any catastrophic damage, but it couldve been a different story entirely.
If you have issues again getting recovered anywhere mate drop me a message im only in birmingham and have my own truck, always happy to help

Cheers mate, will bare that in mind next time it breaks :ROFLMAO:

Reading this gives me some solace!

I feel like everytime I fix something another thing f**king breaks!!😡😂

Most people wouldve sold it by now, the amount of issues It's had this year


Kept as a souvenir

All fixed now though thanks to Mick
OE pulley and bits
Also he found a pinhole fuel leak in the line going to the rail so sorted that too, thankfully.
Leaking right above the alternator, couldve been fun :rolleyes:


Went back to Spires yesterday to sort the toe out as it went out when I swapped the driveshaft


Collected wheels from powdercoaters too


Saw these mentioned on the tracktime group, supposedly easy to make work on other cars. Couldnt say no for a fiver each


997 GT3 brake cooling ducts, clip onto the wishbone.
Anything to say I've got Porsche bits on the clio :LOL:
Ok soo, I've hesitated updating this as I'm still a bit emotional....

I crashed it at the ring :cry:





Was wet, lift off oversteer spun me 180 into the barrier.
800 euro bill for barrier "damage"

On the upside, it actually made it there AND BACK without missing a beat
Was still drivable after thank god.

I've still not looked over it properly yet, not wanted to even think about it tbh.
Issues I know of...

Drivers front camber is a mile off, steering wheel is pointing towards about 2oclock when straight, but weirdly drives amazingly straight (could take my hand off the wheel at motorway speeds and it kept perfectly straight lol)

Rear beam, not sure whats happened but toe/camber is out on drivers and its pushed the entire thing across, im tucking by about 40mm drivers and only about 5mm passenger.

Bodywork isnt too bad, I expected far worse when I got out the car. Rear quarter has damage, my mirror cover is somehwre on the ring still and ive scuffed front and rear bumpers.


I did one TF lap the day before to show my mate around the track.
Overly glad I got this one fun dry lap in, and got some pics for the gram :ROFLMAO:




Overall was a great trip, just the crash obv put me on a mega downer. To happen so early on into the trackday too, I only did one proper lap, it happened on my 2nd.
Madly enough, I was having tuition in the car when it happened too, driving far far quicker than I would be comfortable with on my own in the wet.
Never mind though ay, I shouldve put more trust in them and not lifted off when my balls ran out :LOL:

This happened though which cheered me up at the end of the day.


You simply do not know what a "fast" lap around the ring is until youve done one in this car.
I deliberatly arranged this to be the last lap I'd do, so as not to make everything else feel walking pace, was unreal.

Might look at the car this weekend, try figure out whats actually broke/bent

More to come once I know what I'm dealing with.


ClioSport Club Member
Such a pisser to see this, I really feel for you mate.
I’ve had my days of driving the ring in the rain, never again, it’s greasier than Ice out there.
Best of luck getting her straight again, at least you’re safe and well.
Pride can be swallowed and panels can be straightened. Best wishes.
So, Last weekend I inspected the damage a bit closer
It looks to have just bent the beam mounts and pushed the bush sleeve out, just kinda shunted everything across.
handbrake feels like its kinda stiff/sticking on a bit, maybe just paranoid though.

Front, I cant see any damage, nothing looks bent despite the wheel pointing to 2 oclock whengoing straight.





Body isnt too bad, I think after a bit of hammering and cleaning/polishing it wont be too noticable.


Picked up a beam the other day from a lad local for the bargain price of £20
Does look like I got it from the bottom of the ocean but I'm sure thatll soon be sorted.


Got the PMS ARB off today, in the rain, commitment that.



For sale if anyone wants it..

Was already wet and miserable so carried on with stripping the replacement beam



Plan with the beam

Strenghening it, making a copy, kinda, of the PMS kit
Spherical bearings instead of bushes, I think
Need to replace a bearing in drivers brand new disc :(
May change the spacers, increase camber, will speak to Matt at Spires to see what he advises.

Other bits I want to do over winter
EPAS and quick rack
ABS removal with a manual bias valve for rears, cup master

Belts are long overdue now so these will be being sorted in the new year.
I'm tempted to get 197 cams, matched inlets and a map when this is done too. will see. supposedly gives good gains.
It was really greasy out there, i drove like a grandma. 😂

I'm staying in bed next time It's wet on a trackday there :ROFLMAO:
Really need to get more experience in the wet, was literally the 1st time I've driven it in those conditions on track.

Good to meet you though man, you heading back next year? I'm already excited to get back, despite what happened haha.
I'm staying in bed next time It's wet on a trackday there :ROFLMAO:
Really need to get more experience in the wet, was literally the 1st time I've driven it in those conditions on track.

I drove Assen in July when it was pouring wet, not drizzling like at the Ring trackday. I had a couple of moment there, but it was nowhere near as slippery as it was on the Ring. Didn't expect this as well.

Good to meet you though man, you heading back next year? I'm already excited to get back, despite what happened haha.

I will definately be going back, just most likely not next year, as my wife is expecting, but I'll try to go the year after that again. Hoping for better conditions. 😁
