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Best Phone out the blackberry range on orange

  1.2 16v Dynamique
If i had to choose it would be the 8900.

Cracking phone, and flawless in the way it works IMO.

I have one and I love it, don't even miss the lack of 3G as the wireless internet is awesome, has quite a good camera too and is a little smaller than most Blackberry's so it is a bit easier to carry about
  BMW F31
the bold is too big imo, colleague has the 8900 and its really easy to use, UI is great too.

8900 would be my preference.


ClioSport Club Member
The Bold is a bit chunky, however it's got 3G, so that would be the one I would chose over the 8900 despite the 8900 having a better camera and being a bit smaller.

You do get used to the bolds size, and I reckon that is what I will be going for some time in the coming months.
  BMW F31
tbh 3G aint all that, its not much faster than standard gprs.

although i'm comparing my blackberry curve 8310 gprs to my iphone 3G speed wise.

imho the 8900 is the smaller sleeker sexier looking phone, the bold looks dated now, 3G wouldnt entice me to get it tbh.
  Revels Mum & Sister
I use a Bold on Orange. The size IMO is not really an issue. Keyboard is great, handy to have Wifi as well. Pretty stable now as well. Although I must admit I do like the new curve, I had a curve before my Bold and was sad when I lost it!

Not sure where the not much faster came from? Granted its not lightening quick like broadband but is a damn site faster than a GPRS connection
I have an 8900, have had it about a month or two now and no quibbles to be honest apart from battery life and how easily the chrome scratches, other than that it is all good, prefer it to the BOLD with the leather back :p
My brother has the 8900, top bit of kit.

Lighter than my E71, and the trackball is great.

But not as durable as my E71 imo.
  Mk2 Golf GTI
Do you lot not find that the trackball sucks on the net? Was tempted by a curve but used my mates the other day and wasnt impressed tbh, seemed very slow and clunky and the cursor wouldn't move very smoothly.

Gonna look into the Samsung i8910 or the nokia n97 before i buy.
  Mk2 Golf GTI
A few guys in the shops said they preferred the E71 but i didn't try it out because i didn't really like the way it looked.

The curve is a sleek piece of kit and i've got no complaints with it, i love it!

I'd advise trying both if you can. Although there are rumours of the blackberry onyx coming to Orange in November if you can hold out!

TBH though i'd check out the curve, it's a great piece of kit.
  Bus w**ker
Onyx will pwn all on the Blackberry range. FACT. I'm in two minds about getting one to replace my Bold, but the price will probably put a stop on that lol.
