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BG 182

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
I went over it with an orange pad yesterday and some medium cut menzerna compound and it didn't seem to do anything. Maybe put more marks into it if anything.... think it's not fully hardened?

I'll wait a week then try again. Don't want to cause damage that can't be machined out

Technically it should be fully cured already, i'm guessing it was baked in the spray booth?

I say a week just to let any solvents and gases to air out.

Use the microfibre cutting pad and a compound to give it a quick cut and then refine it.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
As self tappers were not going to be the way forward into securing the spoiler and it was too late to bond any nuts on the backside of the spoiler (No access) I bought some Rubnuts. These are essentially rivnuts that just push in and secure when tightened by flexing and trapping the fibreglass between it.

I bought m4 rubnuts and carefully drilled out the holes in the spoiler to 7.5mm. The OD was 8mm on the nuts so they took a little twisting/pushing to fit in but I wanted them to be relatively tight to stop them spinning when tightening the bolts within.

20180619_194938 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180619_195016 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Bought some 25mm m4 washers to spread the load.

20180620_181237 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I drilled out the bootlid holes to 7mm to allow me some more lee-way for adjustment as it is a fibreglass replica and I wanted the fit to be as good as possible! Always had problems with the cup spoiler clipping the roof on shutting the boot.

Before fitting the brake light I noticed it was quite scratched, so I sanded it back with 1000-2000 paper and then machine polished it with some menzerna compounds.

20180620_181212 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180620_181231 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

The scrapyard where the light came from had marked the base with some tip-ex or similar and IPA would not get it off. A quick coat of Satin black soon sorted that out! Wasn't really necessary but I know it was there and didn't want any reflections back from below as it would irritate me. It's a spoiler off job to remove the light too.

Fit went relatively smoothly, however I could have probably done with drilling out the Boot lid more to allow for even finer adjustments as the spoiler slightly touches the roof when shutting the boot like my cup one used to do. I will also need smaller struts but it can go quite far up before touching!

And some pics

20180620_204239 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180620_204154 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180620_204228 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180620_204224 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180620_204202 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180620_204213 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180620_204219 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Very happy with the overall fit for a replica spoiler and how well the brake light sits in place. Needs a final machine polish now but should be easier on the car.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Looks good that! Nice and oem looking, interesting touch with the brake light too spraying the surround black, suits it!
That's factory mate, I sprayed it underneath where it can't be seen.

Thank you though, this is identical to genuine just cheaper and lighter!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
It actually feels really secure and the original self tappers aren't any bigger than m4. I had thought about putting a touch of tigerseal on the rubnuts before tightening the bolts
I did some reading and the rubnuts seemed to he recommended by a few sites.


Thing is I want to avoid bonding the spoiler down completely as it's just a pain to remove it again. What can I use as well as? Was thinking heavy duty Velcro pads before.
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  dan's cast offs.
they will eventually fail as the rubber deteriorates and wears away, mostly caused wind over the spoiler, i'd say downforce but that sounds too technical for this time of the morning!!

bit of silicone as well or some good quality trim adhesive.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
they will eventually fail as the rubber deteriorates and wears away, mostly caused wind over the spoiler, i'd say downforce but that sounds too technical for this time of the morning!!

bit of silicone as well or some good quality trim adhesive.
Ideally I've make a metal plate to fit behind with 2 nuts welded on to spread the load but don't want to start cutting it up to get access.

I'll remove it this weekend and put a small amount of sealant around near the rubnuts. Last thing I want is it flying off but I wanted to be able to adjust it so it's fitting perfectly
  dan's cast offs.
i'd be tempted to get rid of them and use some ally rivnuts, as long as they aren't pulled right down when fitting they should be fine. if you want i can sort them out for you and get a decent sized penny washer inside the spoiler as well.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
i'd be tempted to get rid of them and use some ally rivnuts, as long as they aren't pulled right down when fitting they should be fine. if you want i can sort them out for you and get a decent sized penny washer inside the spoiler as well.
I had thought about using rivnuts but didn't want to risk cracking any of the fibreglass when it came to the final squeeze. I'll whip it off this weekend and see what access I have, IIRC It's none without cutting.

Could have a look when I'm next over Carl if you didn't mind!
  dan's cast offs.
No worries. You would probably be able to drill a decent sized hole and slip some washers througg and line them up with the hole, bit fiddly but done similar before.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Nothing too exciting, just washed the car.

I removed the spoiler and refitted it with some Tigerseal under the edges as well as using the Rubnuts. Didn't want to risk it before getting chance to see Carl as I'll be doing a fair few motorway miles in the meantime.

20180623_153600 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180623_153613 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180623_153654 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180623_153730 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Colour match is spot on. I gave it a wetsand and polish myself, but still needs another pass over with the DA.

20180623_153634 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180623_153643 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Still can't get over how well it fits considering it's only a fibreglass replica of a trophy spoiler. CCF Fibreglass if anyone wants to buy one themselves!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
For reference it's -

Anthracite = ANTRACITE 649 F 35204559 COL.SEBINO (Sebino is the name of the paint supplier)



I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
As the spoiler is a genuine rep it requires shorter struts to avoid it hitting the roof. I picked up some BMW 1 series bonnet struts as I'd read these are the perfect size and they were only £15 posted for the pair.


As they were used they had some slight rust on the bottom edge and some flaking paint so I masked them up and then sprayed them in satin black so they're a little fresher.



You can see the size difference in the pictures above. Really easy to fit and the spoiler clears the roof with plenty of space.



Still need to fit my aerial gasket as you can really see the gap there!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Finally got round to fitting my aerial gasket.
Removed the side trim and disconnected the 3 cables from the GPS


Undid the 22mm nut

Cleaned up all the cabling with brake cleaner, cable tied the cables together and rerouted them into their proper clips. Gasket pushed on and the nut retightened


Loads better without the huge gap! As I was already there I removed the drivers side rear doorcard and inspected the rear quarters which I'm happy with. Some very small surface rust but I'll pump the sills with some waxoil and rust preventative before winter.


Finished off with some sound deadening on the rear quarter too before refitting the doorcard. All done in time for the football!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Took a trip to the Lake District and used it as an opportunity to take some photos as the scenery was ace. Also had a play at editing them more on photoshop, still getting the hang of it and what order to do things in! Hope to eventually get a proper DSLR as these were just taken on my phone. (I have a bridge camera, but always forget to use it)

by Louis Walker, on Flickr

by Louis Walker, on Flickr

by Louis Walker, on Flickr

by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Annoyingly on the journey back a massive rock flew off a lorry and bounced off the bonnet, denting and scraping it, then hit my brand new wiper breaking off the clip before smashing hard into my windscreen.

Think the Wiper must have saved the screen tbh! Proper s**t me up at the time. Just annoying as I only just replaced the bonnet...

Guess a dent guy can get it out, but it still needs repainting.

