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BG 182

Great updates there mate, the headlights do look smart but was hard to see past those boootiful new wheels lol! Great stuff!

Re. the steering wheels, I know i'm biased BUT the Sparco with centre horn push looks soooo much better. IMO!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Restarted work on my modified shifter.

Cut it in 2, turned a piece of steel back to 1.5" and tig welded it back together. I'll be running a thicker bead with my mig when I get chance for extra strength.




I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Lovely and neat that mate, makes me feel warm inside haha! Turn up the tig and get some proper penetration on it though!
It's only a pulse tig welder, this was on quite a high power! I won't be using these as the main form of weld


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Put those on mine last year and they are dead now. Wasn't impressed with them at all tbh. That back one looks better?
This is my third set in nearly 2 years. Not great but I didn't treat them well in the winter with iced up windows and thick snow!
I think de-icer kills them too



I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
As there was a 10% off ebay code I treated myself to an underseat subwoofer. Been after one for ages!
Managed to get the CD changer removed and the subwoofer fitted under the passenger seat. Slides in like a dream and I've drilled the floor then put some self tappers in to secure it in place.

I also removed the antivibration washers to lower the passenger seat slightly. Put some washers there to keep the runners free when sliding the chair. Was quite satisfying cleaning under the CD changer as it's probably 14 year old dirt under there ?



I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
What does the underseat sub sound like ? Might get one for my dci
No idea yet! It's not wired up haha. I didn't realise I had to buy a male to male RCA, so got one from amazon coming tomorrow. Shame maplins has just shut down...


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Also intrested in how the sub sounds. How much are they?
It'll be great for passengers ? Should sound pretty good for me too tbh. I have the satnav system under the drivers side so didn't want to remove that to put it there.
Cost me £134. Never had a subwoofer before, but didn't want one in the boot taking up space.


ClioSport Club Member
It'll be great for passengers ? Should sound pretty good for me too tbh. I have the satnav system under the drivers side so didn't want to remove that to put it there.
Cost me £134. Never had a subwoofer before, but didn't want one in the boot taking up space.
Your Mrs will definitely like it ;)


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Carried on with the install of the subwoofer today. Big thanks to @Gus for answering my many questions as I went along, really appreciate the help mate! It's people like him who make this forum so great.

I took my time and tried to be methodical having never actually wired up a subwoofer before, not too difficult though.

First up was the hardest part, piercing the bung under the passenger side and feeding through the battery cable. Took a lot of contorting to first stab a screwdriver through it, then used an empty bic pen to poke through and push in the cabling. To get at it from the other side it required the PAS reservoir and coolant reservoir removing as it's hidden behind the sound deadening.

Screenshot_20180610-131252_Video Player by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Cables routed round behind the top mounts, through the fuse box and up towards the pos terminal. I need to get a ring crimp to attach it to the positive terminal but that's tomorrow's job.

20180610_181640 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Fed the sub cables and power cables under the glovebox

20180610_181601 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Removed the dash top as this is a 5 minute job and I wanted to fit the amp behind the Speedo as recommended by Gus

20180610_143512 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Cables fed up behind the glovebox and down into the top of the dashboard. Single sided foam tape is great for securing all of the cables in position!

20180610_165415 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Pulled out the radio and connected up the the amp remote turn on

20180610_144225 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180610_150521 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Amazon Basics RCA Cables fitted with 90Degree connectors to allow the radio to sit all the way back

20180610_150823 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Ran my earth for the system to a standard Renault earthing point (Again making use of the foam tape to secure everything in place)

20180610_165404 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Then behind the Speedo is where I positioned the small amp. I ran foam tape all around it then cable tied it in place. It's very secure!
Foam tape was also lined over all pieces of metal where the cabling is sat to stop it buzzing against it/chafing whilst driving.

20180610_165355 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Cubby hole was drilled and the dials velcroed in position

20180610_162707 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I briefly connected it to live to check it was working and thankfully it was! I need to play around with all the settings on both the sub dials and the radio but can't wait! As I say, need to get a ring terminal crimped in place then I can get it fully connected up.

Overall it's a pretty simple install. It took me all afternoon but I was being methodical and making sure every cable was cable tied/ foam taped out the way so it was as tidy as it could be with the cable lengths that I had to play with. The hardest part was definitely the bung but you could easily just drill through if you wanted to.
When refitting all the dash trims I put foam tape on the reverse and clipped them in as they've been buzzing recently when driving and stop on touch. I also did the same on the a-pillars and on the little tweeter covers.

In my box of trim clips I found some that were ideal for the dash sides as these were missing when I bought the car. Not sure if these are what were originally used but they're perfect and it's nice to have all the fixings in as they're meant to be.

20180610_175248 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Hope all these pictures help someone who tries to do similar in the future.

Tried to get a photo of my boot lid as you can see it has this weird staining that occured a few weeks back when a fallout remover dried too quickly. I had tried machining it off with menzerna but it came back on the next wash.
Any ideas how to remove it?

20180610_182224 by Louis Walker, on Flickr


ClioSport Club Member
Try using more fallout remover, it may sound dumb as s**t but it may dilute itself down again and the fallout will get the crap out of the paint.

Unless it's really badly etched in there and then you may need wet sanding or a full repaint #RIP


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Try using more fallout remover, it may sound dumb as s**t but it may dilute itself down again and the fallout will get the crap out of the paint.

Unless it's really badly etched in there and then you may need wet sanding or a full repaint #RIP

I already tried more fallout remover, didn't help. I might just give it another pass over with the DA. Was literally left for about 30 seconds and rinsed off with lots of water. Only done it on the back end so must have been hot.

I machine it straight after and thought it had gone


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
should of taken the power for it from behind the dash, saves running through the bulkhead.
I did think of just finding an always on live inside the car but I already had enough cabling to hide away (I know I could have chopped the cabling down but wanted to keep it as is). Only added an extra 30 minutes onto the job.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Last piece to the puzzle. Added a connector so I could hide the fuse inside the fuse box.

Proper chuffed with the sound quality! From the outside it's not really loud but inside it's transformed!
Very impressed with that mate, very neat especially all around the engine bay, some of these installs you see *facepalm* ........... how on earth you know what your doing!! My speakers/all audio was professionally fitted at great expense lol!

Those 90 degree connectors are very smart, we've all been there, trying to shove a stereo in and it not clicking in due to all the cables!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Went to collect the painted trophy spoiler, got there and my painter goes 'this looks to have less silver fleck to the spoiler I painted...'.

Went over and it seems the paintshop have mixed him 676 even after he told them it was 267.

Oh well, he's sorting it for me and it'll be ready Saturday. Just frustrating as I wanted it in my hands!


ClioSport Club Member
Went to collect the painted trophy spoiler, got there and my painter goes 'this looks to have less silver fleck to the spoiler I painted...'.

Went over and it seems the paintshop have mixed him 676 even after he told them it was 267.

Oh well, he's sorting it for me and it'll be ready Saturday. Just frustrating as I wanted it in my hands!


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