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bodyshop quote

  172 M69 eater

ok then got this quote this mornin fromt he local bodyshop thro a bloke i know

he did me student discount apparently! hmmmm...

£150 inc vat for the fixing of rust on the back arch (roughly 5 inches long) basic rubbing down respraying and filling with some lead sh*t and also trimming/grinding the arches so the alloys dont scrub...

good price or not?

ta 4 any help!! patty
  172 M69 eater

yep so exactly wot u wanted, then plus the sortin of the rust... hmm think hes offerin a good deal

I guess its not bad... I didnt pay £150 tho for that.. thought he was ripping me off to just grind a bit of metal.


  Shiny red R32

Dont forget that they will have to paint the whole panel and not just the rusty area. Imagine how long it takes to rub down, repair, fill, smooth, prepare, prime and paint the area. Also usually it costs about £25 just to mix up a smallish amount of paint for spraying. If you subtract the VAT which is over £22 it doesnt sound quite as bad!

for my old clio had rust over the rear arche they had to chop it out then weld and smooth then respray and blend that panel in, got that done by a friend in a proper garage for only £100 so guess it sounds about right!
