Cheers mate. Good to hear as well!Congratulations on the job move mate. Really pleased for you. Always had good dealings with Sytner when I had my Beemer.
Cheers mate, I'm really looking forward to getting started now tbh.Congrats on the Job mate, thats great news.
I thought you were way up north, but your near Tamworth. I am heading that way in the next year or 2.
Great thread, car looks epic and very jealous of that akprovic!I'm going to work as a technician for Sytner BMW gents. They've done me a really good package, so I'm off! No more nightshifts, no more heavy lifting or beating the s**t out of stuff with a hammer. I've been unhappy in my current job for quite some time now, and it was having a negative effect on my home life, not to mention my physical and mental health.
This will be a really positive step for me in my career, so I just couldn't turn it down. If you get 5 minutes, have a look at just how big the Sytner group is...... it's a real eye opener, and it's also part of the Penske Automotive Group!
Cheers mate, I'm really looking forward to getting started now tbh.
Ah ok! Anywhere in particular you're thinking?
Cheers mate, thanks for taking the time to read through the thread too! Yeah it's definitely a leap of faith, but I'm moving into an area that I have an interest in, so fingers crossed eh! Agreed, physical and mental health is waaaaaaay more important than a job.Great thread, car looks epic and very jealous of that akprovic!
Also great to hear you've got a job thatll keep you happy and working on this thread, nights is an absolute shitter and jumping into the unknown takes balls so fair play but health is the most important bit for sure
Flol! Don't forget I was also on the receiving end of some of those woes! 😂 It was comical when they were telling me the 6 cylinder diesels were bombproof as well! I told them I knew otherwise!!Where you inspired by James' BMW tribulations that you felt you could change things from the inside? ha
Just the other side of Tamworth, near Coleshill
Cheers mate, thanks for taking the time to read through the thread too! Yeah it's definitely a leap of faith, but I'm moving into an area that I have an interest in, so fingers crossed eh! Agreed, physical and mental health is waaaaaaay more important than a job.
Definetly, Hopefully the same for myself soon!
Flol! Don't forget I was also on the receiving end of some of those woes! 😂 It was comical when they were telling me the 6 cylinder diesels were bombproof as well! I told them I knew otherwise!!
Ah ok, well that'll put you around 15-20 mins tops away from me then mate. :up:
What's bringing you up here then?
Lol yeah I suppose that's definitely one word you could use to describe it, although I'm pretty sure that word wasn't used at the time! 😂I am fully aware you shared some of the fun with James. ha... character building wasn't it? We are debating what to do with our daily currently as its one of the N47 engines...
Not too far then really, I haven't met you yet but that doesn't sound like to bad a thing.. I hear you're an alright kinb of guy.
We have the opportunity to develop a barn on my wife's parents farm - seems to good to pass up really. I got asked "how big do you want the garage?".... Hopefully the phase 1 will be sorted by then also as Mallory and Donny don't seem all that far away.
Cheers mate. It's certainly making a huge difference already, and I ain't even left yet! Lol! The people you work with are definitely the key to how happy your workplace is. It can and does make or break it, and in my case, it's broken it. I was fortunate to work with my best mate for 7-8yrs and it was always a laugh going to work. We always worked together and he knew where I was on a job, and vice versa. He then had the opportunity to move up the ladder and into the office, so I moved up into his position. From that point it pretty much stopped being as much fun, and eventually turned into a chore going to work.Good to hear things are on the up for you, jobs can make a huge difference on all aspects of your life so it's important to be happy. I hate my job because of the f***s that work there, however i will be leaving next week so its all good. Didn't realise you were up Tamworth way, i was there the other week lol.
What year is it? It was only certain years that were affected allegedly, but there's multiple reasons for why they're a bit crap.
It also means you won't end up in an area where your neighbours are scumbags either!
It was only the 07-08 plates that had the snapping issues mate, and most, if not all were sorted under a recall. The rest of them wear the plastic chain guides, but they become audible when they're worn. 20k service intervals don't help this - nor the turbos as they're common for failing. The guides can be heard as a whooshing noise when you're in the car and revving it up.09, I think its the N47C. We are thinking about doing the chain anyway as a precautionary measure.
It depends what you think of the in-laws.....ha
It was only the 07-08 plates that had the snapping issues mate, and most, if not all were sorted under a recall. The rest of them wear the plastic chain guides, but they become audible when they're worn. 20k service intervals don't help this - nor the turbos as they're common for failing. The guides can be heard as a whooshing noise when you're in the car and revving it up.
Lol! They that bad?!
Let me do some digging when I'm at sytner mate and I'll find out the full gen on them. I was looking for an Msport f series tourer, so i looked into all the timing chain s**t myself. Not so important now I'll be able to hand one back every 6 months! Lol!The car does not have an audible issue at all, our thoughts were just more a precautionary measure as the 5k cost of a new engine/rebuild etc are a bit scary.
Nah not at all, can't really complain about them at all, especially with the generosity of the barn
Let me do some digging when I'm at sytner mate and I'll find out the full gen on them. I was looking for an Msport f series tourer, so i looked into all the timing chain s**t myself. Not so important now I'll be able to hand one back every 6 months! Lol!
Ah that's not so bad then.
That would be great if you could mate. BMW MK were not exactly that helpful. Its due to top 100k any day now so we have the 102k service very soon,
Nah they are sound. really can't wait to get going on that project... as mentioned got to finish the clio first though
3rd of October mate. Having the week off before that with the family, plus it's my wedding anniversary as well.When do you start?
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Yes very much. I had an extra helping of 'awesome sauce' with my cereals this morning too. LolGood news all round then!
Cheers mate. It certainly turned a few heads today!Looks great in the pics. Proper good looking motor.
You'll find that in terms of outright pace, the cup will kill it, but the 200 will most definitely knock it for six through the bends. Very composed and easy to drive fast.Lovely mate. I have found a nice spec down the road from me that i am seriously tempted to get a flog on my Cup so that i can buy.
Always wondered how one would compare to my Itb'd cammed and headed cup. Prob a LOT more refined!!!!😂😂
Cheers mate. Being unemployed never felt so good!!!Congrats on the last day mate, good feeling and time well spent.
and good luck for the start at sytner.
...oh yeah, car looks alright too
Yeah but it ain't up on axle stands you bunglecunt. :kissingheart:Car looks s**t :tongueclosed:
😂😂😂Yeah but it ain't up on axle stands you bunglecunt. :kissingheart:
As always your not wrong 🙈🙈Yeah but it ain't up on axle stands you bunglecunt. :kissingheart:
*You're*As always your not wrong 🙈🙈
Thank you for correcting my English*You're*
😂Thank you for correcting my English
Cheers for taking the time mate! I'll be heading off out again in a couple of hours. That'll be another tank of v power devoured I imagine. Lol!Great to catch-up on your thread and see you enjoying the car mate. It does look superb. Congratulations on the new job - I hope it's going well. :smile:
Sorry - I don't know why I posted that as I did read it was October when you start the new role!!! Enjoy the 'free-time' you freeloading waster...Cheers for taking the time mate! I'll be heading off out again in a couple of hours. That'll be another tank of v power devoured I imagine. Lol!
I've not started my new job yet! Just making the most of being unemployed. :smiley: