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c**t in a 172 cutting the whole cue j4 m40 6:10pm

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  Black 200
Haha, please reply!

More details please? Was indicating right and going all the way around the roundabout, which is technically fine.


ClioSport Club Member
  Shit little Yaris...
queue ffs lol

But jacko - he got there before you... is your p1ss a boilin'?!

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8

  BMW M4; S1000 RR

A brilliant reply by mace I remember.

"I bet you're one of those people that mutters when someone drives past you in a bus lane, but you're too scared to do it yourself"
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Had been on the M40 queuing to get off j5 for half an hour. This guy just flies down the middle lane and cuts right in.

Sorry but I can't stand people who do that. And the dozy people who let them cut in hah


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
3 lanes into 1 means 210mph though :(

For the OP,

Worse happens on the road, maybe if people had kept him out he'd have been slowed down for a bit, but he'd have just gone on his way anyway. I like sitting in traffic jams because it gives me time to stretch out and enjoy the music.
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  Evo 8 MR
I personally don't have a problem with this, if someone has the balls to do it then fairplay to them, if someone is trying to cut in I always leave a gap to let them in.

I usually get a wave to say thanks. :D


ClioSport Club Member
I do this most mornings to be fair near my work.

There are 2 lanes. No one uses the right lane as although it's straight on at that set of lights, you have to be in the left lane to go straight on at the next set.

Must go past 15-20 cars every morning (the lights only let about 3-4 through at a time too!). Plus at that time in the morning it's not like you even have to set off quickly from the lights, people are too asleep to set off when they change to green so you just set off normally and pull infront. Simple.
I do something similar all the time.

If there are multiple lanes, use them.

I'm not saying drive people off the road, but if you act like a doormat, I'll treat you like one.


ClioSport Admin
i try to be fairly courteous now... i find driving in a way that can be considered doucheish is amplified by driving a sporty car lol.

although i did use the excuse 'i drive a bright yellow sport car, i can park like a c**t' when i noticed how s**t i parked at renault the other week and couldnt be arsed to move it :p
i try to be fairly courteous now... i find driving in a way that can be considered doucheish is amplified by driving a sporty car lol.

although i did use the excuse 'i drive a bright yellow sport car, i can park like a c**t' when i noticed how s**t i parked at renault the other week and couldnt be arsed to move it :p

The run up to Christmas.

M60, near the Trafford Centre.

You'll drive like a c**t once you experience that!


ClioSport Admin
lol hell no. i get mine done at the start of december before the hoards decide to do theirs lol... the metro centre in gateshead usually gets backed up for miles around christmas time... got stuck in that a couple of times. never again lol!
  LY 220 Trophy+IB PH1
lol hell no. i get mine done at the start of december before the hoards decide to do theirs lol... the metro centre in gateshead usually gets backed up for miles around christmas time... got stuck in that a couple of times. never again lol!

+1 Getting out is just as bad ! normally have to go home through Gateshead.
  Clio 182
As mentioned fair play to him, if anyone gets one up on me on the road, good for them, as long as they haven't put any one else in danger! I know I am awful when it comes to sitting in traffic, I will always try to avoid queues where ever possible.


ClioSport Club Member
The run up to Christmas.

M60, near the Trafford Centre.

You'll drive like a c**t once you experience that!

Ed knows.

It's absolute murder. There have been times where I've really wanted to just drive into the back of someone. Tend to use the hard shoulder for the last part of that junction and then just hope for the best.

Thing that's more annoying than anything is when someone see's a tiny gap and you DON'T let them in but they force their way in anyway and you have to slam on, and then the b******s thank you! Cheeky cocky son's of bitches.
Must admit. I say thankyou to annoy people who are being a pita :eek:

I've been caught out a few times wandering too near to the TC at that time of year, it's hell.
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