Canny be arsed typing so I've just copied Sy's text.
You can change it back to the old style at the top mate. But all you need to know is that MW3 Hardened is £65.99 from Tesco Entertainment with a voucher code - EXCCOD3-1
(Although it's showing as expired now)
Anyone who is going to spend £65 on a game that has a shelf life of a year is MENTAL.
Forza's ok as it's a good game and has a 2 year cycle.
Sixty five pounds?!
Is there a normal version?
Anyone who is going to spend £65 on a game that has a shelf life of a year is MENTAL.
Forza's ok as it's a good game and has a 2 year cycle.
Oh that makes it all right then... PMSL
Ak's logic defies humanity.
I think £60 is a great deal, The game will still be worth £20 in a year so it will cost you £40, You get hours (Days in my case) of fun.
#Or save yourself £20, and have much more enjoyment for the next 5 years.
Or save yourself £20, and have much more enjoyment for the next 5 years.
Can someone tell me if Battlefield has better game modes in the new version other than rush etc. Like free for all?
LOL right. If I pre order this game. Will it arrive on the day it comes out? I don't want to waste a whole day waiting.
LOL right. If I pre order this game. Will it arrive on the day it comes out? I don't want to waste a whole day waiting.
Sainsburys however suck.
If that happens to me, I will go down to London just to kick AK in the teeth. Scottish c**t.
I'm not fused.