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Call of Duty Modern Warfare


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
DPI doesn’t really have an effect on the likes of Warzone where there is very little recoil on the guns.

in games like PUBG for example a lower DPI is essential as you need to be able to control the recoil. I think I’m at 800.

I agree with @Cub. though. Watching @Yorkshire Pudding is nauseating 🤣
  Inferno 225 cup
You know that feeling where your doing so well in the first 7-8 minutes, 2-3 kills, carrying your load out drop marker.

Nice safe place, another quick browse around to double check, initiate drop from big bird, pick your finest load out then the c**t freezes mid selection.

Bang, laddo from 100+ metres back who can’t barely sees you, pings you with a 2 shot dmr hit.

f**k off.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Is that the LMG? I think I used it quite a bit as ground loot on rebirth. Really good gun, especially mounted.

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Patches usually come out on a Tuesday and the rumour was it was being nerfd 🤷🏼‍♂️ So if it’s not today looks like it’s another week of dmr abuse

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Best start leveling it up then this week. Haven't bothered thinking it'll be nerfed.
Can't beat them (I really can't) then join them.


ClioSport Club Member
Urgh I caved and bought Cold War whilst it's on offer so slightly cheaper, no idea when I'll have the time to actually play it though :/


ClioSport Club Member
Just been playing some plunder and trying the type 63 and jesus it's good, couple of shots and done. DMR must be mental if it's better.

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Decent win tonight on duos with @Ant1 we just drove around the south west of the map grabbing bounties and smashing people with the DMR/diamattis, lol. The last circle was a fairly simple win as well, video uploading.

Naughty Boy

Brembo! Brembo! Brembo!
ClioSport Club Member
The DMR is stupid

@withoutabix dropped me his on the 2nd load out in a game earlier and I was cracking peoples armour 250m away with 1 bullet ffs. The gun is f**king broken!

Odd as is may sound I like all the c**k teasing removed so you can just get on with it, either kill or be killed and it’s over nice and quick. Not a fan of drawn out battles as impatient. I get how it gets peoples backs up but it works well for me.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
With half decent aim, one day you can use the dmr like this. I like this chap, followed him for a while.


Naughty Boy

Brembo! Brembo! Brembo!
ClioSport Club Member
I thought you’d like him? He’s definitely competitive and has no mortgage I would imagine, so right up your street.

Quiet quick for you...... 😂

You boys need to let the mortgage thing go, remember the twit called me gay and couldn’t hack the comeback. You lads think I was going to just sit there and take it 😂😂

Don’t dish it if you can’t take it.


ClioSport Moderator
Quiet quick for you...... 😂

You boys need to let the mortgage thing go, remember the twit called me gay and couldn’t hack the comeback. You lads think I was going to just sit there and take it 😂😂

Don’t dish it if you can’t take it.
3 things.

1) it’s quite not quiet.
2) I have my moments, but usually the quickest thing I have is my temper.
3) I honestly couldn’t give a f**k that you’ve got no mortgage mate. I don’t even know how or why the whole mortgage thing came about either, I just joined in on the banter. Lol! You crack on giving it back, because the environment I work in dictates piss take all day long.

I play this game for fun mate. I’m not competitive either, never have been and never will be. But it’s whatever floats your boat at the end of the day.
