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Can someone explain I-phone internet useage?

  Discounted 1*2 parts
Considering getting an I-phone and the 2 contracts I'm looking at include either 500mb or 750mb of internet. How much does this equate to in time? Also both say free Wifi. But really not sure whats what :S


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
500mb/750mb is the amount of data you use, ( you won't use that unless you watch loads of p**n on 3G)

Wifi is same as your laptop uses, it's just wireless interenet, so it's free whatever.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Basicallly MB of data are how much you can download using the phones network, so when your out and about.

At home assume you have WIFI, which your phone will connect to if you have it switched on, when using this the data doesn't use any of you MB allowance.


ClioSport Club Member
Considering getting an I-phone and the 2 contracts I'm looking at include either 500mb or 750mb of internet. How much does this equate to in time? Also both say free Wifi. But really not sure whats what :S


go on 3 and they will give you 1GB

job done


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Pretty much 90% of where I go on a normal day to day basis has no 3G lol, so i've only used 608mb of data in the year i've had my iphone.
  182, Q7, Focus, XFR
If you've got wifi at home then you'll not get near your limit. You are also supposed to get a text when you get near your limit, so not going to get a big unexpected bill. Free wi-fi relates to BT Openzone (from when o2 was BT Cellnet..). Openzone is wi-fi hotspots in built up areas and you can use it for free (but I've never figured out how!), a bit like if you go to McD's and use their cloud for free.
