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car vibrating/not feeling right after beach driving

  G51 BEN
been out with the guys on the beach today playing footy etc, and when i came of the beach my car didnt feel right. at first i just thought that my brakes and wheels had a bit of sand in them but the problem persisted all the way home.

It just feels like its vibrating every time i go over about 50mph. the actual car pulls ok and the engine seems fine, but theres something 'not quite right' that i just cant put my finger on.

initial thoughts were either: the nuts on one of the wheels has come loose and the wheel isnt sitting right, or something to do with the bearings?
  350Z GT
Maybe the balancing is off a bit? Not sure if the weights on the wheels can come off or not but that would affect it.
  G51 BEN
yeah i thought that, its only ever so slightly dragging to one side. checked all the wheels and they seem fine, im going to get it to work tomorrow and give it a good power wash and see how it is then...

any other suggestions?
  120d M Sport
Tracking is out by the sounds of it. Go to a nearby tyre centre and ask for a wheel aligning service its usually around £25
  G51 BEN
gave it a really good wash underneath with a powerhose etc, loads of sand fell out and the problem has gone away! result
